Monday, July 22, 2024

Monday July 22 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 85° Partly cloudy skies this morning will become overcast during the afternoon. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible.

Shkia tonight 8:19 pm one may shave and take a haircut until shkia.  fast of 17 Tamuz begins tomorrow morning 4:08am or 4:35am

- Donald Trump says he had a “little argument” in the dogpile with Secret Service agents while they laid on top of him at the PA rally.
The president said the agents wanted to take him out on a stretcher but he refused.
The agents thought Trump had also been hit in the abdomen but Trump assured them it was just his ear.
“Well, they wanted to put me on a stretcher. They had a stretcher and they wanted to put me on a stretcher. And I said, I'm not going on a stretcher.”
“We had a little argument while I have six guys lying on top of me. I mean I had some big guys on top of me.”

- The Lakewood Zoning Board o granted Use Variance approval to legalize the operations of weddings at Lake Terrace. The use variance only pertains to weddings and fundraising events up to 815 guests.  the operators of the site have now agreed to not resume concerts which have been shut down by court order since December 2021. 

- A senior official in PM Netanyahu’s entourage that has landed in Washington says that the planned meeting between the PM and President Biden has been canceled due to the latter’s COVID quarantine.  It is not clear whether the meeting will be rescheduled for the same ostensible reason.

- For the first time since dropping out  President Biden calls into Harris campaign HQ in Delaware. “I know yesterday's news was surprising and it's hard for you to hear, but it was the right thing do… I think we made the right decision.” know it's hard because you poured your heart and soul into me to help us win this thing. Help me get this nomination, help me win the nomination, and then go on to win.""But, you know, you're an amazing team.. I think we made the right decision."

- Keren Olam Hatorah fundraising asifa event this Wednesday at Bellworks to close the gap and raise $23 million The Lakewood kehilla has already pledged more than $14.8 million when the roshei yeshiva visited last month. Thousands are expected to join and raise $23 million to save the future of Klal Yisroel. The Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita and Rav Yitzchok Kolodetzky shlita will both of whom will share divrei bracha and chizzuk to the assembled.

- Top Dems threatened to forcibly remove Biden from office unless he resigned, set him up to fail at Trump debate: Sources tell NY Post
Operatives at the very highest levels of the Democratic Party threatened Joe Biden with forcibly removing him from office unless he stepped down, sources told The Post. The well-orchestrated “palace coup” to stop the faltering president seeking re-election has been in place for weeks, but stubborn Biden fought against it every step of the way, according to the sources. Part of the “elaborate” strategy to remove Biden from the race – as he announced in a shock letter posted on X Sunday – was allowing him to debate Republican candidate Donald Trump last month on live TV in Atlanta.

- The Tuesday meeting between Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Biden has been postponed to Wednesday or possibly even Thursday, depending on Biden's health condition.

- Satmar Rebbe Rav Aaron arrives today at his vacation home in Bethlehem, New Hampshire where he will spend the rest of the summer

- A minyan for kaddish was held on Netanyahus plane to the US today to accommodate one of the hostage family members 

-Trump hasn’t yet agreed to meet Netanyahu, likely won’t before Thursday night according to Politico

- Rep. Eli Crane shares video taken from a 2nd-floor window Secret Service allegedly had access to that overlooked the roof Thomas Crooks shot from. Crane traveled to Pennsylvania to see the crime scene for himself.
"This video was taken from one of the windows the Secret Service had access to, overlooking the entire roof. Makes you wonder how on earth they allowed the shooter to access the roof, let alone crawl up it & fire several shots."

- Democrat senate and House leaders Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries will endorse Kamala Harris for President as soon as today, Cnn reports

-Biden tweets: We are the United States of America – there's nothing we can't do if we do it together. We just have to remember who we are. I’ve dedicated my presidency to proving that, and I'll continue to do so today, tomorrow, and every day that I have the honor of being your president.

- Marcy's suits sale Suits as low as $279.99!! Shoes as low as $69.99!!! Richel & Cerutelli Ties 50% Off!!! Shirts buy 2 GET 1 FREE!!! While Supplies last.... (*Sale excludes Solid Suits & alterations. Other Exclusions may apply) Sale ends July 24th...

-Nancy Pelosi endorses Kamala Harris.

- Rep. Lauren Boebert demands proof of life from Joe Biden today by 5:00pm. “He needs to get in front of some camera and discuss if he’s aware that he dropped out. Hiding is completely unacceptable.”

-"Wheresjoebiden" trending on Twitter as the president has not been heard from. Leading to several conspiracy series about the presidents health.

- Agudah chairman's take:  Hiw askanim jumped in to set up a camp for girls last week
"Sometimes, the mission does not involve Washington, fund-raising, legislation or advocacy. Sometimes, it is just about true ahavas Yisroel.
Two weeks ago, one of the most respected camp programs in the frum world, a girls camp with a rich history and well-earned good reputation, had to close due to bureaucratic hurdles. On the first day of camp, hundreds of girls who'd been dreaming about their summer away were informed that there was no camp for them, their parents suddenly forced to create new plans. ......A suitable property in the Lakewood area and the wheels of ahavas Yisroel, achrayus, efficiency and logistical precision started to turn. Within four days, a site, a staff, a program and a plan was in place. Grateful parents breathed a sigh of relief and bnos Yisroel started to happily prepare for camp once again. 

- 40 girls still not accepted yet to high school for upcoming year.

- Lakewood zoning board meeting today 7pm see agenda Here. Application for cell communications tower at GCU property behind 14th street near Cedarview, Lake Terrace banquet hall hearing continued, use variance to construct 9  duplex lots at 742 Ocean ave

-Keren Olam Hatorah meeting last night in Lakewood ahead of campaign to get everyone on board by joining the tayzeit fundraiser

- President Biden partly delayed dropping his 2024 re-election campaign because he doubted whether Vice President Kamala Harris could actually take on Donald Trump, a new report says.

- Biden's decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential race on Sunday came after heavy pressure from congressional Democrats, including Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and more than 30 House lawmakers ABC

 - U.S. Secret Service director: "The assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump on July 13th is the most significant operational failure of the Secret Service in decades."

-Giyus update: Last night and today on Har Hamenuchos large crowds of bochurim gathered at the kever of Reb Yoslale Turner ztzl who was known in his lifetime for helping a lot of young men get an exemption from the army 

-Giyus Update: Yair Lapid states that while the process of recruitment is starting slowly, it will be “impossible to stop it.”“Experience shows that at first they will shout, and swear that they will not come, then they will discover that they do not have a passport, and they have no [government] funding, and then they will come,” Lapid says.Right now we do not have an elected leader running this country. The most powerful nation in the world is being run by bureaucrats and a shadow government. Very dangerous times for the next four months Jack Posobiec

- Is Phil Murphy really a possible vice presidential candidate? We might know now by Friday, when the governor is set to go on vacation. (NJ Globe)

- Article in this weeks Ami magazine: "I’m in the admittedly small and shrinking minority of people who aren’t convinced that President Biden is cognitively impaired. At least not in the way he is commonly described, as someone with dementia, incapable of serving in public office. Dementias do exist, and are in fact increasingly common, but not every cognitive deficit should lead us to that diagnosis.
Sometimes people think fine but just don’t talk their goodest. (Author also serves as Agudah spokesman) 

- New Jersey residents pay $987,117 in lifetime taxes, the analysis found highest in the nation.


  1. The "goodest" quote is using a term that Biden recently used. He was trying to say that one can be understood even if they don't speak as correctly as could be.

  2. Biden delayed dropping out of the race until he could extract a guarantee from Kamala that she would pardon the entire Biden gang from all current and future federal charges against them.

    1. how do you know that?

    2. Tucker Carlson or better yet Michael Flynn told him haha

    3. He definitely held out for a nice severance.
      I don't blame him, he's entitled.
      Besides, Dr Jill insists on it

  3. Don't talk their goodest... LOL

  4. Why are they targeting the poor youngeleit to raise money when the billionaires pledged millions for keren olam hatorah
    What is going on

    1. Well now they're thinking that since the Adirei Torah movement, the poor yungerleit are now rich, and they can get some donations out of them:)

    2. This is like asking why do target wealthy business people with new ways to make money when the poor people need them so much more?

  5. The guys made the youngerlight so much rucher I guess

  6. Funny, the AGudah didn't step in when a girls school had to close in the middle of a year. Neither did they do anything for schools closed during Covid. Nor did anyone expect them to.

    But when it came to camps, the ahavas yisroel overflows.

  7. Biden must have angered some bigwig with a policy of his, and suddenly his cognition came into question. And all the sheeple followed along, believing the narrative with pretty little evidence.
    Trump's word salads are famous, yet nobody thinks he should step down for that.

    Whatever the narrative is, people believe. And then they claim not to believe the MSM, as Limbaugh taught them to claim.

    1. Do you trust the MSM?

    2. No, I don't trust the MSM. I didn't limit MSM to 'the left'. Trump's own mouth, Fox news, the yated, and twitter, are equally fake news to me.

      But people who claim not to believe MSNBC, yet believe inordinate amounts of easily disprovable nonsense from Trump/Giuliani/Hapeles, aren't just mistaken, they are taken in by something, hoodwinked.

  8. Why you say yungeleit are poor?

  9. Oh my, how scandalous. Someone who serves on Agudah actually thinks for himself and publishes an opinion that Biden is not senile. How dare he not be mindlessly in the Trump-is-our-savior cult.

    1. Your comment does not speak well for the objective thinking skills of it's writer.

    2. You're gas lighting.

  10. What's on the menu for the bellworks event?

  11. Very befitting that the Rebbe of
    St Mary should spend his summer vacation in Bethlehem

    1. Don't advertise your ignorance.
      The translation is big city, not St Mary.
      Learn a little Romanian .

  12. Nobody in Lakewood gives a hoot about where the Monroe Satmar Rebbe goes on vacation

    1. Actually many people do.

    2. Nobody in Lakewood? When was the last time you visited Lakewood?
