Sunday, July 28, 2024

Israel At War Sunday July 28

Israel at war day 296

-Security cabinet authorizes Netanyahu, Gallant to decide on response to Golan attack
Reprisal expected to be strong but not prompt full-on wa

- All flights to and from Beirut International Airport have been cancelled tonight

- Agudas Yisroel statement: The Islamist army Hezbollah’s most recent attack on Israel, which killed twelve children and teens in a soccer field in a northern Druze town on Shabbos, revealed once again the ugly, violent face of Israel’s enemies. Whether facing Hezbollah in the north or the remnants of Hamas in Gaza, Israeli citizens are living under the constant threat of Iranian proxies’ animosity.
It is a time for all Jews to intensify their supplications to Heaven to deliver Israel from those who seek to destroy her.

- The hafotorah in this shabbos מצפון תפתח הרעה

-  Israel said expected to respond strongly to Golan attack, but try to avert full-on war

- Nato member country threatens to invade Israel: Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatens to invade Israel in support of the Palestinians. “We must be very strong so that Israel can’t do these things to Palestine,” “Just as we entered [Nagorno-]Karabakh, just as we entered Libya, we might do the same to them. There is nothing we can’t do. We must only be strong.”

- Gantz urges response to Golan attack, saying it could include ‘tearing Lebanon apart’

- Iran warns of ‘consequences’ as Israel says Hezbollah ‘crossed all red lines’
After Hezbollah rocket kills 12 Israeli children, Israel vows ‘heavy blow’ and politicians call for all-out war; Tehran warns ‘adventures’ in Lebanon could spiral out of control

- Diplomatic and intelligence sources report high alert on the Lebanese side, with terror groups affiliated with Hezbollah and Iran evacuating positions along the Syrian-Lebanese border.


  1. So when will we start listening to our Gedolei Hador speaking and stop living in denial and FACE REALITY and openly accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov??????? Will it finally happen or do we Chas VShalom need more horrific tragedies hitting klal yisroel to wake us up? Just how bad does the situation need to get to wake us up from living in denial and FACE REALITY?????

    May it happen very soon so Hashem can send Mashiach already bkarov

    1. Teshuva for what? Achdus in what? Face what reality?

  2. He won't.Too much corruption,from the top
    There are sources

  3. Why does the do nothing organization, feel the need to mindlessly comment every now and then?? So no one forgets that they exist?

    1. And never anything original or thoughtful just parroting the official line

    2. Why does the do nothing POSTERS, feel the need to mindlessly comment every now and then?? So no one forgets that they exist?

  4. When Aguda releases a statement, who is approving it? The rabbanim, the lay leaders, or the social media manager? Their statements are ridiculous.

    1. Agudah statements only approve of Agudah principals.
      Which means Agudah bigwigs (you call them the fressers) and the moetzet and approved yeshivot RYs.

    2. I asked two members of the moetzes and neither one knew about this statement.

  5. "principals"? Of schools? Do you mean "principles"?

    1. No, I said principals.
      Principles are ideas.
      Principals are key men in an organization. Also means the top man in a school, but today's schools often have several principals. A separate problem -- too many bosses, who get paid top dollar, raising tuition.
