Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Israel At War July 31

 Israel at war day 299

- Yaron Avraham: The Shin Bet issued  extremely unusual security directives to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the government ministers in anticipation of an Iranian response to the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Teheran.  Under these directives , any participation by them in a mass event requires a protected, close and immediate space.  At the same time, the head of the Shin Bet Ronen Bar issued a direct order, according to which every tour conducted by the Prime Minister and ministers requires his personal approval.

- Channel 12: Israel informed mediating parties that it is ready for an all-out war with Hezbollah and Iran.

-Pentagon officials tell CNN that they expect an Iranian response in the next 72 hours.

- Israel expecting a possible coordinated Attack on Israel by Iran, Hezbollah, and other Iranian-Backed Groups across the Region. Yemen rebels are in talks with Iran

- NYT: Iran Supreme leader instructed his forces to attack Israel in retaliation for Haniya assassination 

- Airlines canceml flights from US to Israel

- Netanyahu: Challenging days ahead. We are prepared for any scenario. Israel will exact a very heavy price for any aggression against us from any arena. We have launched Strikes against Three Fronts in the last few Days.”

-Unconfirmed Reports right now, but some Sources in Syria are claiming that Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Forces, has been Assassination in an Attack near the Syrian Capital of Damascus. Hajizadeh is believed to have been the Senior Commander who planned and ordered the Iranian Ballistic and Cruise Missile Attack in April against Israel.

 -According to an Iranian report, one of Haniyeh’s bodyguards allegedly leaked information to the assassins. The report alleges that a short-range Spike missile, from the Israeli-American Spike missile family, known for its precision, was fired at Haniyeh’s bedroom in northern Tehran from within Iran. The missile reportedly penetrated his bedroom, killing him.

-Israel announces a no-fly zone over the northern part of the country, from Hadera to the north. Ben Gurion Airport will continue to operate normally, Itay Blumental reports.

-Sky News Arabic, citing Iranian sources: The building where Haniyeh was staying was attacked by a missile launched from a nearby structure, not from outside Iranian territory.

- Hamas chief Haniyeh assassinated in Tehran; terror group blames Israel, vows revenge.

- US Secretary of Defense Official Statement
“If Israel is attacked, we will help defend it.”

- Hebrew media reports that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered his ministers to stay silent on the overnight assassination in the Iranian capital. Israel has not officially commented on Haniyeh’s death.

- Earlier today, Hamas leader Ismael Haniyeh attended the inauguration ceremony for Iran’s new president in Tehran.At the ceremony, the crowd chanted “Death to Israel.” 

- The last picture of Ismail Haniyah in Tehran on Tuesday showed him visiting a theme park exhibition of the “axis of resistance” landmarks, Iranian media reported. He is with the leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad Ziad al-Nakhaleh and a group of men posing with a model of the the Aqsa mosque.

-Iran is holding an emergency meeting of its Supreme National Security Council at the supreme leader's residence, an event that happens during extraordinary circumstances, according to two Iranian officials. The commander of the Quds forces, which oversees the militant network of miltiia's aligned with Iran, is also at the meeting.(NYT)


  1. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/barack-obama-ended-normalcy-american-politics

    1. How conspiracy theories become mainstream.
      That article sounds like a shiur klali in certain institutions. Lots of barking, no actual connection.

  2. URGENT!

    The judge in the case of R Osher Eisemann will be ruling this morning if the case should be thrown out due to lack of evidence or should go directly to the jury for a verdict.

    Please take a moment to daven & help bring about the yeshua.

  3. At the risk of stating the obvious, Trump is self imploding. עובר בטל

    1. Stop fooling yourself. Trump is king at what he does. America wants him back big time. and we'll get him again as long as the democRats don't cheat too bad this time!
