Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Events Wednesday 25 Tamuz Lakewood

Seudaas Hodaah for Reb Osher Eisemann at Bais Faiga hall 9:30 pm watch live stream below

Parlor meeting to benefit ITG rising stars at 8 Trotter way Jackson 

Mesivta Ner Moshe R"Y Rav Yehoshua Sukenik fundraiser & Judaica exhibit at Cedar palace chuppa room 

Parlor meeting yeshiva Tiferes Hatalmud R"Y Rav Zev Schechter at 80 Gudz Rd

Parlor meeting Yeshiva Amudei Ohr R"Y Rav Eli Zoberman 51 Canary Dr  Lakewood

Yeshiva Emek HaTorah R"Y Rav Yaakov Weinberger Annual Dinner at Lake Terrace hall

Chumash shiur tonight by Rav Millstein at B"M Ishay Yisrael 110 Miller rd 8:30 pm 

Watch Live Eisemann Seudas Hodaah 


  1. Sorry can't attend any of the above as I have my money to theYeshivos in EY

    1. Personal piece of unsolicited advice for you Try to look for a more positive way to deal with your farbissenkeit. Hatzlacha!

    2. He's a liar. He didn't give even a quarter to any mossad Hatorah or tzedaka.
