Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sunday July 28 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 87° Sunshine and a few afternoon clouds

- Belaaz reports Trump said  tonight that he asked Israeli PM Netanyahu during their meeting at Mar-a-Lago on Friday, “Why do Jews still vote for Democrats?” Netanyahu replied, “It's a habit.”Trump then concluded, Democrats hate Israel..”

- Trump speaks to the crowd about saving Israel and mentions that we won't let what happened in the 2020 election to happen again.(Belaaz)

- Trump meeting with donors in deal, speech will begin at 8:45

-A key Google feature is failing to show results for the attempted assassination of Donald Trump drawing claims from the former president’s son that Big Tech companies are trying to influence the election.
It has also sparked a Senate investigation.
Google users were surprised to discover that the search engine’s “Autocomplete” was apparently omitting suggested results related to the assassination attempt against Donald Trump.

-Caravan of Trump supporters driving Pick up trucks with American flags near Deal,NJ today to show support. A minyan for Mincha took place ahead of the event on the beach

- The local SWAT team from Butler, PA claims they had NO communication with Secret Service prior to the shooting. They were supposed to meet them upon arrival and it never happened.

- Trump event in Deal will begin at 5:30

- Man with the truck will be in Lakewood today 4:30pm - 8:30pm at B"M Ohr Tuvia 969 E. End

- Ruby Label: New speculator collection of winter shoes. Size 19-42 By app only. 732-443-0150 $39/pair this week.

-Trump will attend a  fundraiser today in Deal,NJ.  Expect road closures Sunday (7-28-24) from 1pm-9pm, Ocean Ave Northbound, beginning at Roosevelt Ave, will be closed to all traffic. Vehicles will be diverted westbound on Roosevelt to Norwood Ave.
A frum owned heimish production company is in charge of setting up the event which will be hosted by the Chera family in Deal,NJ. Security will be tight there will also be boats patrolling along the beach. Many frum Lakewood area residents will be attending the event.

- Bus fare increases to $30 on the Lakewood- Brooklyn bus route 

- Kamala Harris raised $200M in first week of White House campaign the bulk of the donations  66% comes from first-time contributors in the 2024 election cycle and were made after President Joe Biden announced his exit from the race and endorsed Harris. Over 170,000 volunteers have also signed up to help the Harris campaign with phone banking, canvassing and other get-out-the-vote efforts. Election Day is 100 days away

- Tonight shloshim hespedim for the Kosov rebbe ZTL it will take place in Lakewood at the Chateu Park sefard shul. at 9:15pm maspidim, Toldos Mordechai Rebbe shlita, Rav Moshe Shimon Wozner shlita,Rav Chaim Meir Roth shlita,Ungvar Rav shlita of BP ,Rav Avrohom Yaakob shlita

- Lakewood taxpayers shortchanged: while construction on kikar shabbos expansion continues, the promised public building remains MIA more at Faanews 

-Fialkoffs pizza in Jackson is now open

- 3 cars were stolen over shabbos in Raintree,including a Toyota Highlander

- Several girls schools have raised tuition again for this coming year .

- Police pulling over drivers speeding on the new Vine street

- Bde: petirah of Hayalda Miriam Aidel Smith a”h, the daughter of R'  Yitzy and Sarah Smith of Scranton,PA. The baby was niftar erev shabbos in Lakewood. Shiva at 830 Somerset Avenue in Lakewood today and Monday, with shiva Tuesday through Friday at their home in Scranton, 801 Clay Avenue.

-Lakewood police night out is Tuesday at Blueaws stadium 5-8pm with kosher food available 

- Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Hakeem Jeffries gave the "okay" to Obama, who then called Biden, informing him that they had VP Harris's approval to invoke the 25th Amendment against him if he did not withdraw from the presidential race, according to sources obtained by investigative journalist Seymour Hersh.

- Biden’s endorsement of Harris was “Joe truly knifing Obama and Pelosi in the back for making him stand down,” the Democratic Party source told The Post. Obama wanted Mike Kelly to top the ticket following a small primary at the DNC.


  1. The State Respondents' papers are due on Friday. If their argument will be anything like their opposition to our motion to accelerate, they will say something like this:

    "After reviewing the entire record in this matter, Assistant Commissioner Cary Booker issued a final agency decision on April 1, 2024, finding that “Lakewood’s failure to provide T&E to its students does not derive, in significant part, from the provisions of the SFRA. (Ra398). In reaching this decision, the Assistant Commissioner rejected Lakewood’s argument that the SFRA fails to take into consideration its unique demographic situation and the fact that it bears extraordinary costs in providing transportation and special education services to more than 30,000 nonpublic school students. (Ra379). Rather, the Assistant Commissioner concluded, as the ALJ did, that “Lakewood’s own choices and management issues have resulted in the unavailability of funds that could and should have been used to provide T&E to its students.” (Ra388-89)."

    So we are in $300 million in debt because of Lakewood's mismanagement? Seems impossible.

    I would challenge ANYONE to show how he, or even the evil Gru, boss of the Minions, can consistently misappropriate $100 million a year without getting caught by an audit, state monitor, or FBI for that matter.

    I will quote from Abbott. "No amount of administrative skill will redress this deficiency and disparity and its cause is not mismanagement." Abbott v. Burke (Abbott II), 119 N.J. 287, 381 (1990).

    A Lang

  2. No one should agree or sign to pay for the new tuition increase until the mosad opens all the books and a outside audit team takes a look at the spending and real estate investments.

    It makes no sense that roshei mosdos who started out with nothing are now living the high life with vacation homes in Florida the Catskills and Yerushalayim. They own day care businesses and sitting in high value real estate.

    Did some of this wealth cone from tuition payments or money from the schools or business connections through the school?
    We demand transparency before going to parents that can barely cover the month and forcing them to fork over more gelt.

    1. HefkerveltcommenterJuly 29, 2024 at 11:28 AM

      Everyone knows they made money being mules for the Lakewood drug ring.


  4. First they fooled everyone with getting free tuition by voting for Avi Schnall turns out it was a scam from the get go and they knew there was no chance of it getting passed.

    Now they raise tuition for the 3rd consecutive year and they are laughing all the way to the bank

    The olam has to rise up and demand full accountability and transparency this is outrageous as we are treated like sheep. Everyone must join together and not pay another penny until all financial books are fully disclosed.

  5. The mosdos are private entities and can do whatever they want it is not a community school. Truthfully no lakewood mosdos are community schools anymore once they stopped accepting local children. The schools are regular businesses as a matter of fact one lakewood girls school is owned by investors and they hired someone to operate it for them.
    They have you over the barrel nothing you can do about it but keep enriching the owners with your tuition.

  6. Haha you “used to like balabatim until you read some comments on hv”. Shows how narrow minded you are that one or two comments on a blog changed your mind;). I assume that’s just you and not all yungeleit are so narrow minded, I doubt you even learn.

    1. i assume that you and not all balhabtim are not so dense that they can't understand when someone is being tongue-in-cheek. Haha.

  7. People.

    You are complaining about the mosdos, but their power comes from their ownership of the school board and I don't see anyone willing to challenge them this year. Deadline is Monday. Admittedly, all attention will be on the presidential race, but still, no one is willing to step up to the plate.

    The BOE is a $400 million dollar a year corporation. Every cent going to the mosdos comes through the BOE.

    I still remember when I was a kid, John Wayne said on Laugh-In, "Roses are red, the grass is green. Get off your b--ts (bad word) and join the Marines!" Never forgot that.

    The Celebrated Frenchman of the Federalist Papers, who divided government into three branches, legislative, executive and judicial, Montesquieu, also theorized (correctly) that government is supported by driving principles: virtue for republics, honor for monarchies, and fear for despotisms.

    Cynicism can jump into the lake. We live in a republic. Anyone with courage can rise to the challenge and promote the public welfare. In a place without men, be a man.

  8. If the Brooklyn bus went up to 30 dollars does that mean the $5 to chip in for a ride also goes up

    1. The 5 dollars is from the days of Reb Aaron Kotler it is kadosh like 72 don't change it

  9. You can send your daughter to a different school

    1. What an ignorant comment
      How are you suppose to get into another school?

    2. I don't know, maybe offer the other school more money?

    3. HefkerveltcommenterJuly 29, 2024 at 11:31 AM

      First you should apply, just a thought

  10. What is the average price of tuition in Lakewood for a second grade boy?

    What is the average price of tuition in Lakewood for a second grade girl?

    What is the average price of tuition in Lakewood for a ninth grade boy?

    What is the average price of tuition in Lakewood for a ninth grade girl?

    Please name two cities in which the average tuition price is lower? What is the tuition price there?

    While we need to always seek to jmprove things, please be careful not to needlessly and falsely prosocute your brethren.

    1. Lakewood has lower tuition, although not by much, for the scholarship eligible, but they pay lower salaries for teachers and have much bigger classes. Girls elementary close to 30 in a class, high school 40, and boys 28 and high school mid 30, and all classes packed full. Based on that the tuition is covering quite a bit.

    2. So tuition is lower in Lakewood. But all some do is gripe and complain about those who run schools. Can't make it make sense.

      Are all the complaining and comments from the same keyboard???

    3. Lakewood tuition is lower but the schools provide a much lower service than out of town schools and hier lower quality as opposed to more proffesinals.
      The argument that tuition is lower than other schools is just a talking point to deflect from the heavy criticism against the roshei mosdos who are choking families with non stop tuition raises with no accountability at all from poor youngeleit and hard working lakewood middle class families

    4. All the griping and complaining are not from the same keyboard, but they are from the same חולי הנפש that sadly, many ne'er do well's suffer from. I pity them. They have no accomplishments of their own so they tear down the accomplishments of others. Nebach

    5. Really Lakewood Schools provide lower quality service not sure what service you are looking for unless you a farshtunkene worthless college degree or other moderne garbage they have in some out of townie places! Lakewood hut zech nisht fun Vos tzu shemen. If you are the oot type you will need a Webster to understand basic slang as above!

  11. Your swimming cover up is not a substitute for clothing!
    If this offends you, please get dressed.

    1. There’s medicine for people like you - it helps somewhat

    2. You have a guilty conscience about your lack of tzius and consideration for other.

    3. HefkerveltcommenterJuly 29, 2024 at 11:33 AM

      He’s right it really isn’t made for full time dress

    4. HefkerveltcommenterJuly 29, 2024 at 11:42 AM

      Y’all just jealous that this person has found his raison d’etre. Your doing great buddy

  12. Which school should I send her to?

  13. It doesn’t offend me I will continue to wear my coverup. If you don’t like it don’t look.

    1. How come so much.Less is better

    2. Creeps like you think you can be machshil everyone who passes you you with the excuse, don't look. Cru to your therapist that someone goes you while you showed off.

  14. For all those complaining about the Roshei Mosdos enriching themselves:
    I have seen first hand people who started schools that literally go to bed not knowing how they will make payroll the next day. The first few years of a school are extremely difficult for a number of reasons. The RM who are living it up (it could very well be from privately invested money) deserve every bit of it.
    Before you bash the RM do some research into what it takes to start a school

    1. The RM says what?

    2. The first part was how it always was.
      & yet those who used to be like that (our unsung heroes) wouldn't have agreed with the latter part.Hazor'im & again Hazor'im

    3. Ditto, a school is not something to enrich oneself with especially by raising tuition and causing homes of the students to fall apart stressing out the parents so the RM can live the high life
      It's disgusting of what has become

  15. The trump bubble has burst. עובר בטל

    1. A yid who is mezalzel in a goy who was meitiv so much with our tzibbur is עובר בטל. Shame on you!
      I think you will be better off with the גמל נבילה of SF?

    2. If Trump loses now again, his tails will spend another four years whining about the steal, and then he will cause chaos again in four years.
      Best let him win now, hold your nose, and in four years sanity can return to the country.

    3. did "sanity return to the country" under Biden? things were a lot more sane under Trump.

    4. No, because Trump was still around spewing his insanity.
      But at least no offers were made to buy Greenland.

  16. Why don't you call out the girls HS BL for the sham it is!? It's always the highest tuition school in Lakewood and the hot headed Israeli born owner is always causing grief to the parents who struggle to pay the tuition on time, always threatening them that that he will throw out all of his kids. We SHOULD NEVER tolerate such narcissistic behavior, and either shut down the school or take it away from the owner NOW!!

  17. Whoever likes to kvetch and complain is welcomed to step up to the plate and open their own mosad!

    1. Sorry that's not how it works, opening a mosad is not a privilege for the owner to enrich himself and live the high life off tuition money because he opened a mossd, this is supposes ro be done leshem shamayim and not an enterprise to become wealthy
      If the Rosh Mosad is not holding on that level he has no business getting involved with chinuch and should find himself a day job

    2. No one owes you a mosad. Just like you understand that any business owner is not working his tail off with a the intention of making a regular salary. People that work hard to establish a business and a mosad need to have an ambition to get a name of the best in the industry by providing the best service but also to become a very rich man.

  18. You have a staring problem doesn’t mean she is being machshil you. Mind your own business. Obviously she has to dress with tznius but a coverup is totally fine. I’m not sure why this is a discussion.


  20. Due to production updates and delays in fig mini, safecell is offering the Fig flip 2 for just $325, in store only.

  21. If it is really so easy to run schools with much lower tuitions ,it's hard to believe that there aren't a few people that are willing to open schools and do that

  22. What a dumb comment. Why would someone do that? Schools are not like grocery stores that if you’re more competitive you’ll have more business. Any half decent school will have hundreds of applicants begging to get in within a few years.
