Thursday, July 4, 2024

Thursday July 4th News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 89° Sunshine and clouds mixed. High 89F. 

Independence day govt offices are closed  no mail or garbage pick up. Banks closed 

Weather forecasters say scattered showers and thunderstorms could disrupt parts of the July 4th holiday and the upcoming weekend in New Jersey. Areas that miss out on the rain will still be very hot and humid.

- Asifas chizuk in English tonight arranged by Agudas Yisroel on NJ will take place 8:30pm at B"M Lutzk in Lakewood. Speakers Rav Malkiel Kotler, Rav Yitzchock Sorotskin and Rav Uri Deutsch live call in number  712-432-4305 watch live stream Here 

- Atlantic city Prosecutor's  charge May's landing man with the murder of R' Shloimy Lonner ZLa resident in a home that was rented see more

-Putin says he supports former President Trump's plan to end the war with Ukraine.

-The UK Labour Party wins the general election, ending the 14-year Conservative rule.

- PSA: Jackson spray park is currently broken (Submitted)

- BDE: Levaya of Reb Shloimy Lonner Z"L will take place 5:30pm today at the Lakewood chapel off 7th street with kevura at the nearby bais olam.

- Lakewood township independence day fireworks show will take place Sunday night July 7 at Lake Carasaljo.

Blueclaws will have fireworks tonight

-Due to recent tragedies in Lakewood there will be a kinus chizuk and Hisoirerus in Bais Medrash Goviha divrei chizuk bybHarav Malkiel Kotler shlita, Harav Dovid Schustal shlita, and Rav Dovid  Bresslauer shlita. 6:30pm at Bais Yitzchok Bais Medrash 7th and private way listen Live on Conference number: 857-347-0100 access code 125005 - 125001 - 125002 - 125003 - 125004 - 125005 - 125006 additional Conference numbers: 347-202-0666, 732-645-9444

- Due to the recent tragedy There will be an asifa tonight at the Satmar Bais Medrash in Lakewood at Forest Ave and 4th street. Divrei Hisoirerus by Rav Aaron Zuckerman shlita Rav of Zichron Linchas, Rav Moshe Reich shlita, Rav Torah Utefilah, @9:00pm.

- Agudath Israel: On this 4th of July, we remember Gershom Mendes Seixas, an American Jewish patriot and fervent supporter of the American Revolution. When the British advanced on NY, Seixas led his congregation out of the city, ensuring the safety of Sifrei Torah and other religious objects. Throughout his life, he remained a staunch defender of religious #liberty, a prominent figure in NY's Jewish community, and an active participant in the American religious scene. Notably, Seixas was one of the 14 clergymen who participated in the inauguration of President George Washington. 

-The American flag flied outside yeshiva Torah Vodaas building in NY.

- July 4th revelers should be on high alert for possible lone wolf 'attacks' as they celebrate the holiday, the FBI and Homeland Security warned.* The security agencies said solo attackers and small extremist groups pose the biggest threat, cautioning that large crowds are often seen as 'attractive targets.'

- Biden accidentally admits he met with a doctor after the disastrous debate just hours after WH Press Sec Karine Jean-Pierre claimed he hadn't had a medical exam since February.

- Mark Levine: The Democrat Party and their media are split on whether to support a mentally impaired Biden or disenfranchise millions of primary voters and pick a replacement by a relative handful of political elites and activists.

- Hurricane Beryl, which ripped through the Caribbean as a Category 4 to 5 storm over the past couple of days, is on a path headed for Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, the National Hurricane Center said. Beryl, which has weakened to a Category 3 storm, left at least 10 people dead after hitting St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Venezuela, Grenada and Jamaica, according to Reuters. The wire service noted that the death toll is expected to rise as communications throughout the island nation are restored.


  1. On this July 4th, we remember all the American patriots who built this amazing Medinah Shel Chesed and allowed Torah and Yidishkeit to flourish here in America. Thank you to all special goyim who built this country. And thank you to all the special goyim who continue to allow us to live here in peace and prosperity. Thank you America!!!

    (This is what the Agudah SHOULD HAVE written)

  2. Further note: The primal drive that once animated America has gone amok ( with complicity of our co-religionists).The nations of Canaan were also tolerant of our ancestors and pluralistic. Were they ever termed Medina Shel Chessed?
    America-and a bit prior to that your own state,crossed over from being a Medina Shel Chessed to being a Canaan, where were you?

    1. I don't know which planet you are on. America continues to be the same Medina Shel Chesed its always been, with freedom of religion for all Jews and all religions, something we haven't truly experienced for almost 2,000 years.

      Thank you America!

      Is America still the great country it once was? I don't think so (although I only know America for 50 years). Is it going in the ways of Canaan? Perhaps. Its still a medina shel chesed. You are welcome to leave this medina whenever you want. But for those who stay, we are very thankful that it is still the medina shel chesed.

      Thank you to all the amazing goyim who made this country the great medina shel chesed it is. And thank you to all the amazing goyim who continue to make this country the great medina shel chesed it is.

      (And no thanks to our brethren who are trying to destroy this great medina shel chesed.)

    2. Once gay marriage was approved along with marijuana the decline of america has sped up and not sure how it stops….

    3. ..Which started in Albany by our community's vaunted representatives who we still grant dinner invitations & cover magazines.Followed shortly by a close but losing referendum in Maryland
      which our wealthy community could have readily put up a different result, have the topic & what it signified been given a modicum of the value that our leadership gives other issues.
      Once that happened the flood-gates opened (Ruth Bader Ginsburg & Obama decided to push it through all branches of Gov't

    4. Canaan was tolerant of the shevatim.& So was Mitzraim at the beginning
      What would that make them?

  3. The Jew who saved America in the Revolutionary War

  4. I thought he was killed in a mental facility. from the article it sounds like it was a rental into.

    1. It was a sober living facility. Like a halfway house for recovering alchoholics.

  5. Reminder, your swimming cover up is not a substitute for actual clothing

    1. Reminder to stop being a pervert

    2. the first comment was written by a woman. the responder has his mind in the gutter so he made an assumption based on his own mum.

  6. Are you serious does it really matter where he was killed???

  7. Not sure what people find inspiring or moving about this. Whatever.

  8. The losing PM -& the big moguls who stuck him in (& sticking in Liz Tress ),deserved this disaster from the day he was announced.He- indeed his identity - represented everything UK isn't, wasn't supposed to be. They put him in to stick their snotty MNC noses up at the public.
    None of the media was ever allowed to give an inkling of this throughout, so they invariably built other strawmen,though some grasped this already from the very origin of his reign.

  9. "the medium is the message "
