Friday, July 26, 2024

Friday July 26 News Updates Lakewood

 Friday, July 26, 2024 / כ׳ תמוז תשפ״ד
ערב שבת פרשת פינחס
Candle lighting 7:58 pm
Shkiah 8:16pm
Weather 86° A mix of clouds and sun. 
Shabbos day sunny hi of 86

FBI confirms: “What struck former President Trump in the ear was a bullet, whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces, fired from the deceased subject’s rifle.”

- Trump to Netanyahu: “I think [Kamala’s] remarks were disrespectful… pertaining to Israel. I actually don’t know how a person who’s Jewish can vote for her.”

- Jackson spray park, Jackson library are now opened, and fialkoff s pizza is fully operational

Netanyahu arrives in Florida to meet with president Trump

- B"H A young man was who was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident on Pine st has been released from hospital after undergoing multiple surgeries Please continue to daven for the refuah sheleima of Yehuda ben Tzivia.

-In other good news the bochur from woodlake yeshiva who was injured on erev shavuos came back home 

- Obama endorses Kamala Harris for president 

- First half of girls day camp is over today. Boys are off

- France's high-speed rail network has been hit by "malicious acts" including arson attacks that have disrupted the transport system, train operator SNCF said, hours before the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics.

- Trump fundraiser in Deal, NJ this Sunday. The location has not been publicized yet. Unlike  4 years ago when he came to Deal as president and  thousands lined up to see the motorcade, it is not clear if there will be the same opportunity. 

- Fair Lawn, NJ fire destroys several businesses  including Three kosher establishments, Zaidy’s, Roadhouse, and Mashu Mashu.

-At the Hatzolas Nefashos event last night at Eagle Ridge golf club in Lakewood  a new cyber truck EMS vehicle was donated to the organization. 

- June electric bills go up as JCP&L increases kick in  8.7% monthly increase for JCP&L customers using an average of 777 kWh/month, or about $10.19 per month.

- Elon Musk: America is headed for bankruptcy fyi 76% of all personal income tax last month went to servicing the $34 trillion national debt.

- Vivek Ramaswammy: Our biggest risk isn’t that voters will suddenly fall in love with Kamala. She didn’t even make it to her own party’s Iowa caucus because voters didn’t like her, *despite* fake enthusiasm the media tried to generate around her even back then.
Our biggest risk is we get distracted & forget to offer our own vision for the future of the United States of America. We’re going to win this thing by defining who we are & what we actually stand *for*. Merit. Free speech. Self-governance. The rule of law.
A historic landslide for Trump is still achievable. It’s up to us to seize it. 

- Belzer rebbe will stay in yerushalayim for the summer instead of his vacation home he said  that it was inappropriate to go on vacation while soldiers are risking their lives.“How can I travel for rest and vacation when we are fighting a battle on all fronts and soldiers are sacrificing their lives, they’re working hard for us and we’re going on vacation?” the Rebbe said.

- Benny Johnson:, journalist: The Rea Reason Trump’s Assassin was not Eliminated on the Rooftop before Firing on Trump
This Information comes from a first-hand source of highest credentials.
The attached video is a view from the second story window of the AGR building in Butler, Pennsylvania. The rooftop it overlooks is where Crooks fired on Trump. This room was the overwatch view where a Butler County SWAT sniper team was stationed at the direction of the Secret Service for the Trump rally.

The Secret Service is responsible for stationing all protective teams for the President. Local and State law enforcement officers go where they’re told.

The snipers in this location should have *easily* been able to engage Crooks before he ever came close to scope site of Trump.

Yet, Crooks was able to fire that day without anyone engaging from this position. Why?

That answer is total and complete incompetence from Secret Service.

There was a three man SWAT sniper team located in this position. One member of the team went home early — not sure how this was allowed but it happened. The remaining two snipers positioned in this room were notified that a suspicious individual [Crooks] was lurking outside the building. One team member left his position to investigate, leaving just one sniper with overwatch of the roof. 

The investigating team member found nothing and in the process of returning to his position realized he had forgotten his access card into the building. The last remaining sniper with overwatch LEFT [!!!] the position to retrieve his team member locked outside.

Crooks crawled across the roof and fired on Trump while this fully-equipped sniper nest with a perfect view of Crooks assassin position was left completely UNMANNED.


  1. Three chears for the Belzer Rebbe
    And I don't like Belz

  2. We should all emulate the Belzer Rebbe

  3. The Belzer Rebbe is correct. There should not be ANY bain hazmsnim in EY this year

  4. Big talkers
    We need a rest.
    past experience shows it will effect our learning if we don't rest up.
    Rav Shach once to canceled bain hazmanim then he said it was not the right thing. The olam did not learn well after that.
    But as you take bain hazmanim doesn't mean you should splurge on Arizona Florida etc.. stay local rest up for the new zeman.
    By Rav Aron and Rav shneur yungerliet didn't fly!!
    Why is today different?

    1. Today is different because flying is as cheap as driving was by R' Ahron.

    2. Because they were real

    3. Wrong flying is wrong not for baby torah

  5. Jackson spray park, Jackson library are now opened, and fialkoff s pizza is fully operational

  6. The other part of the story is the rebbe is staying home because he needs his house which set up for him for his personal needs

  7. Zionists All of YouJuly 26, 2024 at 11:08 AM

    Because some non religious politicians decide to risk jewish lives we should lose our bein hazmanim?

    1. No, because our brothers and sisters have their lives at risk. This is a reason to cancel Bein Hazmanim.

    2. These days the more extreme anti-Zionists are far more callous and willing to risk Jewish lives than the Zionists are,

  8. The difference is because it's MUCH cheaper to fly today

  9. Since when do the drekcup NK need bain hazmsnim? To recuperate from protesting with arabs on Shabbos??

  10. NK need a good rest at some mental institution

  11. NK vs zionist always. There's a lot of space in between to protest for
