Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Wednesday July 24 News Updates Lakewood

- Weather: 82° Cloudy this morning. A few showers developing during the afternoon. High 82F. Chance of rain 30%. Humidity 77%
There is a marginal risk of severe weather today.

- FBI Wray casted doubt on whether Donald Trump was struck by a bullet or shrapnel (glass) "With respect to former President Trump, there’s some question about whether or not it’s a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear,' Wray said.

- Biden, claims he dropped out of presidential race to "pass the torch to a new generation" and will finish term as President; no mention of his health.

- Biden: In just a few months, the American people will choose the course of America’s future. I made my choice And I would like to thank our great Vice PresidentKamala Harris
.She’s experienced, tough, capable. 
She has been an incredible partner to me and leader for our country. Nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. And that includes personal ambition. So I have decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation. That is the best way to unite our nation.

- The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) identified, monitored, and responded to an incursion by 4 foreign strategic bombers - two Russian TU-95 and two Chinese H-6 aircraft - that entered the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ).

Karen Olam Hatorah: 200 girls from camp BRC are volunteering at the Bellworks event and a few hundred BMG youngeleit at  Bais Faiga.

- Giyus Update:  The Badatz Eidah Hacharedis  decided to give full support to all those bochurim and avreichim who received draft summonses including those with receipts of work. Anyone  who will get arrested there will be a team established to fight on the legal level as well.

- Obama doesn't believe Kamala Harris can beat Trump, which is why he hasn't endorsed her — NY Post -Obama’s very upset because he knows she can’t win,” the Biden family source told The Post. “Obama knows she’s just incompetent — the border czar who never visited the border, saying that all migrants should have health insurance. She cannot navigate the landmines that are ahead of her.”

- White house press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre just said that the President continues to believe that he can serve four more years and did not withdraw due to his diminished state. "It has nothing to do with his health." ...

- Nancy Pelosi says that PM Netanyahu’s address was the worst speech ever delivered by a representative of the Israeli public in Congress.

- Donald Trump calls on FBI director Chris Wray to resign.

- Elon Musk a“The Democratic Party has become openly & boldly antisemitic”

- Pro-Palestine protesters have taken down the three American flags and burning them at Union Station and replaced them with Palestinian flags.

- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opened his speech to Congress by declaring that US support for his nation’s war with Hamas terrorists ultimately “a clash between barbarism and civilizations.” he thanked senior congressional leaders “for giving me the profound honor for addressing this great citadel of democracy for the fourth time” and President Biden for his “heartfelt support” of Israel. “Today we are at a crossroads of history,” the Israeli leader began, “our world is in upheaval.”

- Chuck Schumer who called for a “new election” in Israel to replace Netanyahu merely nodded at one another without shaking hands as the Israeli leader entered the chamber.

- 27 US congressional Democrats have announced they will boycott Netanyahu’s speech.

- Rep. Jim Jordan asks FBI Director Wray point-blank: "Prior to the rally, why was the President's security detail denied requests for extra resources? Why weren't all the buildings secured? Why was the President allowed to walk out on the stage when there was a suspicious person on the property?"

-A pro-Palestinian organization posted a video Wednesday in which it purported to have unleashed maggots and other critters at Washington, DC’s Watergate hotel, where some of the Israeli delegation was staying. The video showed critters spread out across a table flanked by Israeli and American flags in the background.

- Congressman Chip Roy asked FBI Director Chris Wray if any FBI agents have expressed displeasure over the fact that Donald Trump survived the assassination attempt.
Wray said there have been at least 2 instances…and said one of those agents has been “referred”.

- FBI Director Wray on Trump shooter: "On July 6th he did a Google search for, 'How far away was Oswald from Kennedy?'"

- Bingo sales Side of salmon $6.99
Poland Spring Water ,Sport with Flip Cap 24 $6.99 

- Keren Olam Hatorah call center for youngeleit open tonight in Bais Faiga from 7:30pm with super served

- Biden will deliver remarks in what may be his last speech from the Oval office this evening at 8 PM he tweeted "I will address the nation from the Oval Office on what lies ahead, and how I will finish the job for the American people".

- Lakewood terrorist sentenced: Dion Marsh, a 29-year-old man from Manchester, was sentenced to 40 years in prison for a series of violent assaults on members of the Orthodox Jewish community in Lakewood and surrounding areas. Marsh pleaded guilty to six counts, including five hate crimes violations and one count of carjacking.

- Kamala Harris’ coded support for Hamas boosts the anti-Israel left: At the scariest time to be an American Jew in our history, Harris has clearly aligned herself with those who shout “from the river to the sea!” and call for intifada.
Just this month, she expressed sympathy for the pro-terror protesters who have taken over America’s universities and streets, wreaking havoc. NY Post

- Keren Olam Hatorah online fundraising
campaign going live today to raise an additional $23 million still short of the $107 million goal. There will be a event at Bellworks today from 5pm -10pm were thousands are expected to attend and help raise funds the online campaign is HERE 

- Hatzolas Nefashos EMS will be hosting a Leil Shishi major event at Eagle Ridge inaugurating a new Ambulance, member appreciation and recruitment, divrei Bracha by the rabbonim.  Thursday night July 25 8pm Lavish catered meal served all are welcome.

- Tefilos for the Reb Osher Ben Chana Frumet as today is a crucial day The prosecutors are scheduled to bring in their final witness to testify, to try to enable their case to go before a Jury. In the event that they are unsuccessful, the Judge may be forced to dismiss the case entirely without the need of a decision from the Jury.

- Elon Musk: “What’s been reported in the media is simply not true, “I am not donating $45 million a month to Trump. he says he doesn’t ‘subscribe to cult of personality’  rather he created a super PAC  America PAC  to help Trump.

- The House Judiciary Committee holding a hearing to examine the FBI 's investigation into the assassination attempt against President Trump and the ongoing politicization of the Bureau.
FBI Director Christopher Wray has been ordered to attend the hearing.

- Hundreds of police officers from New York have arrived on Capitol Hill to assist the Washington police in preparing for the expected anti Israel protests during Netanyahu's speech.


  1. Since when did the internet become mutter to raise money for tzedaka??

    Was there a public asifa to undo everything that went on at citifield?

    Rav Mattisyahu would have NEVER allowed this excuse to use the internet, who gave the psak that online campaigns are kosher?
    Even during Adirei Hatorah the Rosh yeshivos were livid about the websites after they found out about it.
    Is everything muttar when rich powerful balei batim run the show?

    1. What makes R Mattisyahu the final word on this? Just because other gedolim (eg R Yosef Rosenblum) weren't as vocal with their misgivings of the whole city field/ tag maasah doesn't make them less relevant

    2. Things tend to shift when previous positions no longer align with your interests

    3. Was there ever a heter to comment on blogs?

    4. No there was no heter for that nor was there a heter to use the internet for anything that is not tzorech parnassa

    5. So this time they will also be livid afterwards.

      No problem.

  2. Says the anonymous individual posting bravely on an internet blog, radiating tremendous doses of hatred towards those who have been blessed with more than he and are using much of that to support Torah in any way that they can.

    1. Sorry but you are attacking without answering the question.
      Again when did online fundraising become approved by the gedolim

    2. That has become the tactic of the left and those less affiliated with true torah. If you can't answer the tough questions, just question the premise or person asking it, and distract from the real issue. It is sad how the "average" person has become so lazy to use their mind and see through this charade.

    3. Anon 10:57 -The tactic of the haters to demand answers to their hateful ("tough"?) questions with enormously not self-aware hypocrisy. And to deflect criticism of their hypocritical hatred with gaslighting about how the questions are not being answered. And to claim the mantle of "true Torah". All reminiscent of movements in the past beginning with Korach. Bitter fools. Do you think R' Moshe Hillel, R' Dov etc Shlita do not know that the fundraiser is online?

    4. The lkwd rosh yeshivis were not aware of adirei hatorah online websites so there's good reason to believe that the gedolim are not aware and if they are it should cone with a haskama letter since this is against the status quo that the gedolim held about internet

  3. All the above is true except your final comment should have read:
    "Is everything muttar when desperate Roshey Yeshiva run the show?"

  4. Since when did it become mutar to make מחאות on the internet?
    Was there a public asifa to undo everything that went on at citifield?..........

  5. Why did they boast how they collected the entire 107million in just a few days, and now all of a sudden 23million is missing???

    1. They got pledges no real money that why they turned to the simpletons to get actual cash

    2. Simple answer. They never said they raised the full amount. If they arent legitimate reasons to hate on the gedolim I guess just continue making things up.

  6. Maybe these mosdos in EY should close if they survived only by triefe money from the madina

  7. How come huge mosdosa KAH like Toldos Aaron manage to function w/o taking any money from the Tzionim??

    1. Because Toldos Aaron had Satmar in the USA supporting them all these years. The Bnei Torah, on the other hand, were taking money from the government. Now that the government stopped giving, the Bnei Torah are turning to their supporters in the USA - mainly in Lakewood, NJ - to begin supporting the Yeshivos of the Bnei Torah. Just like Satmar has been supporting Toldos Aaron.

      Why are some people so full of hatred of Bnei Torah that they need to twist the truth?

    2. Toldos Aharon chassidim, by and large, work. They aren't the same as the tzibbur of Bnei Torah who live mostly in poverty.

    3. yes, toldos aharon chasidim, by and large, are rich, live lives of luxury and never come to america to shnor, but the tzibur of bnei torah live mostly in poverty and there are no balhabatim in israel who can help them.

  8. Perhaps any bochur in EY who has a driver's license or a smart phone should be drafted

    1. Are you recommending that anyone with a drivers license and/or smart phone shoud be sentenced to go off the derech

    2. If a bochur has a smartphone, he’s already OTD.....

  9. Is it true that Keren Olam Torah is not giving money to Peleg affiliated yeshivos.

    1. For what feels like the hundredth time...this campaign is to raise money for what was recently cut due to giyus. No more and no less. If there are peleg yeshivos that are affected (I don't believe so, but perhaps) they will get the amount that was cut. Those that were not affected will not receive because that is not what the campaign is about.
      It really really is not that complicated.

    2. I don't know, but I hope not.

      A Yeshiva is for learning, not pushing political agendas.

    3. What feels like the hundredth time. There are plenty of peleg yeshivas for example markovitch ponevez, which take funds from the government and no they are not receiving from this collection.

    4. If I was in charge, I wouldn't give any money to Peleg yeshivos. That's like Israel giving money to Hamas.

    5. The money is only going to yeshivot with "connection"
      Peleg, by its nature, has no protexia.

      BTW, the five-zix RYs never said anything about which yeshivot are getting this money, or who in the yeshivot are getting the money.
      Meaning these 5-6 are getting most of the money, and the RYs will distribute it however they wish.

    6. Peleg has no protektzia?!
      They managed to hoodwink Satmar and received millions from them.
      There are plenty of morons in America who think they are fighting Rav Shach's fight by supporting those who epitomize the opposite of his shitah.

      They have enough protektzia, and the Yetzer Hara has enough money.

    7. To 5:27
      They have no protexia with the 6 RYs.
      Maybe if Satmar and or peleg $upporters will give this keren some money, they'll have some protexia.

  10. Having a big marketing campaign such as the like ls of adirei and Schnall with yeshivish slogans won't excuse the glaring question why it is ok to use the internet

  11. Nancy Pelosi can't be considered an arbiter of good or bad if she thought this was the worst speech ever made by a representative of the Israeli govt. It was a singularly well-constructed, rousing and cogent speech. It made me proud!

  12. Why do the so called askanim use the Lakewood youngeleit as a free Phillipines customer service center. It is disgusting and a bizayon hatorah to constantly use the bnei Torah of Lakewood to do the dirty work of powerful bully askanim.
    Let the balei batim give up from their kumzitz partying and make the phone calls in bais faiga .
    Youngeleit spent all day in yeshiva they come home for bein hasdorim and the bully askanim decide to pressure them to give up super at home with the wife and kids and make phone calls like a cheap philipino. Shameful that this is what is going on.
    Wasn't it enough to have everyone come stand in the rain for 2 hours skipping super to attend the kabolas panim
    Now again they use the rosshei yeshiva and bully them to force cheap labor of the youngeleit.
    The Olam must stand up to this bizayon oh humanity and abuse of youngeleit and say עד כאן.
    Enough is Enough!!!

    1. But everybody don't worry, this guy is not farbissen at all, he is "Just saying the truth."

  13. It's hypocrisy at its best the very same balei batim that are telling you how choshuv it is to support the bnei Torah have no problem using them like free slave labor in the most degrading way.
    תורה תורה חגרי שק

  14. Why is camp sending girls to a call center Parents pay thousands of dollars for sleep away camp to relax and have fun and they bus the girls to work in a call center for chesed

  15. It’s good for them to practice working a little in case one day they become a farshultene balabus and have to support the yungeleit.

  16. Hey, they are getting FREE supper!!

    1. There's more to some people than just: FREE

  17. So how did it work the yungeleit went to bais faiga and the rich guys were invited to bell works? Who were they all calling?

  18. The poor Yungerlite in Bais Faige got fee super to call their rich working friends to tell them to go eat at bell works

  19. All their working friends are rich? Many working people struggle more than yungeleit. Besides yungeleit are not “friends” with balabatim, they despise them.

    1. Who despises whom?

      Sad that you live a life filled with hate like that.

    2. Let him despise them
      It's the only alternative left to remain normal

  20. If all you heard all day was how bad a balabus and working is you would despise them too.

  21. Maybe a balebus is so treif you may not take any money from him. Ha now that's a chumra

  22. i used to like balhabatim until i read this comment section. now i despise them.
