Monday, July 29, 2024

Israel At War July 29

 Israel at war day 297

- Numerous Israeli government officials are saying that all-out war against Hezbollah in Lebanon is inevitable. It’s only a matter of time

- Hezbollah's man and middleman with Team Obama, Abbas Ibrahim claims that Amos Hochstein was passing intel to them whenever he got word the Israelis were going to hit in Lebanon to warn them.

- Lufthansa airline canceled two nighttime flights to Israel from Frankfurt and Munich on Monday amid heightened tensions between Hezbollah and Israel.

The soldiers detained for allegedly assaulting a Nukhba terrorist claimed he attacked them first, the organization Honenu, which represents four of the soldiers, announced on behalf of the suspects. They stated that the incident occurred about a month ago when the prisoner was transferred from Ofer Prison to Sde Teiman that day, likely due to a rebellion he was involved in while at the former facility.

- The IDF says the rioting by right-wing mobs at the Sde Teiman base in southern Israel earlier today and the Beit Lid base in central Israel this evening are directly harming Israel’s security as the IDF says it has been preparing for its retaliation against Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the rioting has been a major distraction.

- Top IDF officers, including Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, stopped critical discussions on the north to deal with the infiltration into the bases.

Sveral IDF companies from the West Bank and others on vacation are being dispatched to the Beit Lid base this evening.

Military Police officers detained nine reservist soldiers at Sde Teiman this morning on suspicion of seriously abusing a Palestinian detainee  hamas nuchba terrorist several weeks ago at a detention facility at the base.

A tense argument broke out among soldiers at the Sde Teiman detention center in southern Israel when Military Police investigators arrived to arrest soldiers for questioning related to a suspected case of "severe detainee abuse." 

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