Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Israel At War Wednesday July 3

 Israel at war day 271

- Another soldier killed in Gaza bringing death toll to 223 Elay Elisha Lugasi, 21, from Kiryat Shmona

- Israel's Mossad says the Hostage negotiations mediators have passed on Hamas's response to the deal. Israel is now examining it and will respond to the mediators. 

- Heavy barrage of rockets over the northern border launched by Hezbollah. Over 50 fired into Kiruat shmona.

- A senior Hezbollah commander iwas killed n an Israeli airstrike in southern Lebanon earlier today. Israel is expecting a retaliation on the northern border 

- Hezbollah’s No. 2 says it will halt its attacks if Gaza ceasefire reached “If there is a ceasefire in Gaza, we will stop without any discussion,” Hezbollah’s deputy leader, Sheikh Naim Qassem,

- One person was killed in a terror attack that occurred at a shopping center in the city of Karmiel in Israel's North on Wednesday. The 21 year old arab terrorist was shot and killed


  1. Schools that the deny their graduates their yearbooks to pressure the parents to pay up tuition in full are most certainly doing so in order to increase the respect for kvod shomayim and the holy profession of chinuch.

    1. I thought yearbooks are not proper for yeshivot.
      My son had no HS graduation, either.

    2. So in what ways DO you approve of schools trying to get the tuition they are owed by parents who don't (didn't) pay?

  2. Once a student graduates, the school has less of a chance of collection tuition. The school is not doing anything wrong by withholding the diploma or yearbook. They are entitled to the tuition and they have to put some incentive in place to get it paid. Of course, if the family who didn't pay tuition is having financial difficulties, they should discuss some sort of payment plan with the school. You can't just get away with not paying for a service, just because you're dealing with a frum mossad. BTW, my children are all grown now. But I had to put a ka"h large family through school with great difficulty. We paid up slowly, but we paid up!

  3. Banks will repossess a home if the mortgage isn’t paid. Why is tuition less important than a mortgage?

    1. Contrary to what some school owners believe, a school is not a bank. We follow the תורה, where it says לא תהיה לו כנושה.

    2. Are you out of your mind? This has nothing to do with לא תהיה לו כנושה which is said on an individual. A school is not an individual. Paying tuition is a חוב קדוש and should be first priority for every person.

    3. Is that so even when/If the institution is primarily for some families' aggrandizement ?

  4. Many people look at tuition like a nuisance. Once my child leaves school ,then haha you cant do anything to me.
