Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Wednesday July 3 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 83° A good deal of sunshine. High 83F. 
Today is the 13th yartzeit of Rav Chaim Stein Zatzal
Today marks the 5th yartzeit of Reb Dovid Trenk ZTL 

The July 4th fireworks show in Lakewood will take place Sunday July 7th

- Pete Buttigieg on Kamala's shortlist for VP, along with Gretchen Whitmer, per WH official

- Biden has wrapped up a campaign call with his team, saying: "Let me say this as clearly as I possibly can as simply and straightforward as I can: I am running…no one’s pushing me out. I’m not leaving. I’m in this race to the end and we’re going to win.”

- Biden told key ally he is weighing whether to continue in race after a disastrous debate performance last week — NYT

- VP Kamala Harris is top choice to replace Joe Biden according to democrat sources 

-Category 4 hurricane Beryl heads towards Jamaica then Mexico, and Texas is also in its path

- New wedding hall almost complete at Meoros Rochel Leah girls school off Oak st. Will be more on the high end.

-JSOR updated list of establishments for 2024 in the Dea, Long Branch area  Here 

- Hatzolah of Central Jersey going for approvals to build new headquarters off Cedarbridge Ave corner America way, hearing at the planning board July 9.

- Bnos Devorah application to build new school building and daycare behind existing property

-Garden State Parkway lane in Toms River that buckled is repaired in time for July 4 getaway
new wedding hall almost ready at the Meoras Rochel Leah girls school on Oak St

- Keren Olam Hatorah Rayze it page shows campaign at $83.5 million out of $107 million goal. Lakewood leadership circle raised $14.7 million donate Here 

- Leading Sefardi Roshei yeshiva including Rav Moshe Tzadka, Rav Reuven Elbaz are calling for a yom tefillah tomorrow with Selichos due to the gezeiras Giyus and potential gezeiras shmad on the weaker sefardi Bochurim who they feel will be the ones drafted in order to fill quotas 

 -AAA expects a record of almost 71 million people to travel around the U.S. for Independence Day July 4th holiday Some 60 million people will drive with nearly 6 million flying to their destinations, while around 4.6 million people will take buses, trains or cruises during the holiday period. 

-Group demands authorities begin drafting ultra-Orthodox as ordered by High Court
The Movement for Quality Government in Israel demands in a letter to the defense minister, the IDF chief of staff, and the attorney general that they immediately begin issuing conscription orders to ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students following last week’s High Court ruling that the state is obligated to being drafting such men.

-At least 25 House Democrats are poised to urge President Biden to withdraw from the presidential race following his performance in the debate,

-A plane heading to Uruguay in South America made an emergency landing in Brazil on Monday after sustaining damage during the flight.According to reports, the plane began to dive and lose control, nearly plunging into the sea. Harav Shevach Tzvi Rosenblatt, the chief rabbi of Bnei Brak, was on board with his son, en route to supervise shechitah in Uruguay. Rav Rosenblatt departed from Israel to Madrid, Spain, and from there took a connecting flight to South America.Baruch Hashem, the plane made an emergency landing in Brazil. According to reports, Rav Rosenblatt miraculously sustained only minor injuries, having hit his head and suffering from bruises.(Hamodia)

Vivek Ramaswamy
A lot of geniuses are coming out of the woodwork to predict that it won’t be Biden, but that’s been obvious for over a year. The real question is what’s going to happen in the next 4 months. Follow the incentives: the later the Dems make the switch, the more advantageous it actually is for them. Here’s why:

There’ll be the initial 3-4 month “honeymoon phase” where the public, aided by MSM coverage, is likely to fall in love with *anyone* they put up as Biden’s successor. At minimum, it’ll be the public’s sense of relief, akin to the feeling of gratitude that a tortured prisoner feels for his liberator.

The Democrats’ ideal scenario is for the election to occur during that honeymoon phase, long before the “public scrutiny” of the new nominee begins. Every day that passes between now & late August to make the switch, the better off they will be. Conventional wisdom says it’s messy for them to swap someone out late, but it’s increasingly clear that view is wrong.

The GOP’s best way to protect against this risk is to offer our own vision of who we are & what we stand for, *irrespective* of which puppet the Democratic machine puts up next.

Individual, family, nation, and God beats race, gender, sexuality and climate. Trump’s embrace of national pride & American exceptionalism is something that countless Americans are hungry for, regardless of race or party. That’s how we win & save our nation


  1. Since when is Rosenblat chief Rabbi of Bney Brak?

    1. He is not Rosenblatt he is Rabbi Rosenblatt

    2. Since the previous Rabbi Landau passed away.

      It is a joint Rabbanus.

  2. He is the rov together with r landaus son from tzefas r Guterman from Kehilos shchita was also on plane and slightly injured

  3. If Kamala Harris is the leading candidate to replace Biden, looks like it might just be a Republican victory.

  4. Trump spends every minute talking about how terrible AMerica is, and how only he can put it on track. He doesn't believe in American exceptionalism at all. But remember how the pearls were clutched when Obama didn't say he believed in American exceptionalism the way the purity testers/hypocrites on the right wanted?

    Biden called him out on these statements at the debate, but the audience read talking points instead of hearing the actual debate.

  5. Bottom line , Rosenblat is NOT the chief Rabbi of Bney Brak

    1. He is one of the two Chief Rabbis. They hold the position jointly.

      Like Reb Dovid Schustal being RY in BMG.

    2. Bottom line is that sadly you’re the chief rabbi of negativism.

    3. Only Yerushalayim and Tel Aviv have Chief Rabbis.
      Other cities have Rav HaIr city rabbis.

    4. Eight years ago, Madame Hillary had TV commercials saying Donald Trump isn't capable of answering the 2AM phone call of an international incident. (Not that she does.)
      Now we see President Biden doesn't.
      And President Trump handled himself very well, internationally.

    5. Now President Biden is claiming he was tired from foreign travel to perform well in debates.

      2. That's not an excuse for a President Putin phone call.
      3. The foreign travel was two weeks before the debate.
      4. He spent the whole week practicing for the debate.
      5. Or was he getting doped up for the debate?

    6. Four years ago, Senator Sanders won the first caucus in Iowa.
      The "establishment" got worried, so they recalculated the results, and proclaimed Biden the winner two weeks later, and made sure such an event never happens again.

      Now that Biden is out, they still want to control, so they're not letting him drop out without control of the replacement. Even they don't trust VP Harris.

  6. Joint rav representative of shairis What do you have against him eidala man who gets along with people probably without him people wouldn’t rather the hechser because the other rov is rumored to be a mashichist

  7. The AG office plays dirty because they are not worth a dime. I have only seen one good deputy (lawyer for the state). Same with county prosecutors but some are nice and just want to get the case done. If you are going to lose anyway, then don't delay. They play a game. If you are going to delay, then be like Muhammad Ali winning in the fifteenth round. Most of the time it is the strategy of losers wasting time. I would run the AG office totally different. Hey, I got freedom of speech here on Hefkerville. AL

    Dear Appellate Division.

    Prof. Tractenberg, Esq., my co-counsel, and I agreed to 15 days. I cannot reach him because he is out of the country.

    For the record, the state filed its papers within an hour of end of office hours. This has happened almost every brief for the last ten years. Delay. Delay. Delay.

    I respectfully request that regardless of whether we oppose the motion or not, that the days of any extension start today.

    1. They are asking for 30 days. In October 2019 they asked for 60 or 90 days. I don't remember. What I do remember is that they finally submitted their brief so late it was just in time for the Covid shutdown. The judge did not have to make any decision for at least a year (it was an administrative court subject to executive orders). This is all a strategy. Of losers. I see it in everyday practice also, people don't have a good theory but just delay. Can't face music. The AG office complains that they have too much work every time but we all know that it is baloney. Their DOE part in the AG office is run by someone who's done this before but does not take the case. They rather give it to someone that knows nothing. They have done it twice or more since we got into a real court. And they wait until the end of the day when papers are due to ask the court for an extension. And then the next day it is granted. We'll see if my objection helped. Typically extensions are granted in the interest of justice. But they don't need a month. Let him take time off from a less important case. And it is the AG's fault anyway that his deputy has too much work. They always say they have too much work and need more time.

    2. The State government is just like Lakewood. No one takes responsibility. It's like the former commissioner when Senator Sarlo and Ruiz of the Appropriations Committee asked her, "How much for Lakewood." She says, "Oh I have so many cases, I will have to look into it."

      Keven Dahmer is now Commissioner of Education and was the state's first witness (BTW He and Glen Forney had NO ANSWER in court about Lakewood). That was when the judge called the funding "Ponzi scheme. Dahmer knows good and well what is happening. So does Mr. Platkin, Esq. And from what I hear from the Lakewood Vaad boss-e-loch, the governor also knows what's happening. So what's pshat? It is deliberate. Pshat is that they are the same juveniles as the Lakewood bunch. And they gave the deputy too much work so that he can cry to the Court. I am going to get in trouble. Don't care so much. Freedom of speech, press.

    3. If they don't have time to reply, stop taking on new cases.

      If my lawyer is too busy, he just stops taking on new cases (or hires more assistant attorneys).

    4. Yes. But these guys are state employees. It's their first job and they are out of there within three years.

      I went against four DAGs in the trial phase. They used every trick in the book. Objections to all evidence, even stuff from the DOE's own website. Then they ask my demographer, who we retained to show the growth of the Lakewood school population, "Did you ever consider building a bridge over Route Nine?" It was so outrageous that I confronted the DAG at a recess. The DAG said, "I did not ask him if it would help (to bring busing costs down) but if he considered it." Well of course he did not consider it because it was stupid. Everything is BS"D. When we put Mr. Finger on the stand, the district accountant, he said, "You would have to build a lot of bridges over Route 9 (if you want the kids to walk to school)." B"H their tricks did not work and we won. Only the delaying tactics.

      It really burns me up, going through two motions by the state to dismiss, a whole trial, appellate practice, ten years and thousands and thousands of pages of paper, that no one in Lakewood publicly supports me. By contrast, the Township Committee, BOE and Vaad filed the same exact case in 2002 and lost.

      THEY ALL HAVE TO BE SWEPT OUT. Voters have to take responsibility for their own choices. Anything else is just cowardice, and frankly, unmanly. There is absolutely NO EXCUSE (hey, it's July 4) for this wimp, unjust, hefherkeit, never any deliberation ON ANY PUBLIC ISSUE in Lakewood. You don't even know who is in charge. Typical hefker. Par for the course.

      AWORSE OF ALL, THE VAAD JUST SAYS, "Let these gangstelach running the three or four mosdos take care of the BOE vote." So they sacrifice billions for the town in favor of a couple favors worth a couple thousand dollars for this or that gangstelach.

      Guess what, last election was to most important ever in Lakewood. My candidates lost after the greenhorn nursing home peddler in NY (that how I see Lakewood, people without professional qualifications, a bunch of chicken farmers, like it was when I first came here.) The chicken farmer boss macher cancelled my meeting with him, the Vaad betrayed me by putting out their marching orders without meeting me as promised (I had the votes but only one or two of them made the decision), and the Rosh Yeshiva tried to set me up with the other side but they cancelled.

      Every matter of public policy (suffrage and taxes are dinei mominos, Ch'M 163) should be on the record, at least someplace, at some public meeting. The perfidy of all these juniors on the other side (I know the names of three of them), nay, peewees, should be known.

      So I quit the district and now owe nothing to anyone, not even retaining my job. Good Riddance, and I think it was hasgacha. Well, at least in my situation it seems right. That's the way I fight city hall. You will never hear me say, "It is what it is." It is what we make it become by our pusillanimous complicity. I might have kept my job, but instead I basically told Dr.Winters and Michael to, "Take this job and shove it"

  8. Sharis was a hashgachah in BB started by R Shach to counter R Laundau hashachahin in BB due to his great hatred of Lubavitch. Sharis has nothing to do with R Landau hashgachah

  9. BTW Rav Landau son use to learn chavrusah with the previous Satmar Dayan in BB.

  10. Gee I wonder if Slobidke Yeshiva will be getting any money from the keren olam HaTorah!? Just saying...

    1. They will never publish a list of their money allocations.
      There plenty of tzedakot that are "pass through entities" that collect and give out to whomever they want, and they never tell who they gave out to.

      By the way, besides crying that Kollel families need money, they never said the money is going to kollel families.

  11. Will yeshivas that never took money from the Tzionim get any of it?
