Saturday, July 20, 2024

Motzei Shabbos Balak News Updates

- Gezeiras Giyus: The IDF sends out 1000 recruitment notices starting today to enlist charesin who were deferred until now.

- Bill and Hillary Clinton have been secretly supporting Joe Biden's decision to stay in the presidential race and have been actively encouraging and influencing donors to stay with him until the end. NBC

- Crowd gives Donald Trump a standing ovation as he enters his Michigan rally without his white bandage on his ear. Trump appeared to have a new, much smaller bandage on.

- Lakewood Rabbonim appealed to the mospalelim over shabbos for the upcoming Karen Olam Hatorah campaign which will reach out to raise funds from everyone.

-Former WH Physician to the president Ronny Jackson said Trump’s wound on his ear was about 2 cm.

- Tragedy over 250 pairs of tefillin destroyed by fire A major fire ravaged a bais medrash at Camp Maminim in Swan Lake, in the Catskills, on Erev Shabbos. The fire completely destroyed the building, including over 250 pairs of tefillin stored inside. In a letter to camp parents, Rabbi Yosef and Aliza Wartelsky, the camp owners, assured them that “B”H everyone is accounted for and safe and nobody was in the building.”
Rabbi Wartelsky explained that while the building is not frequently used, it serves as the shul for Camp Chaveirim. All members of Camp Chaveirim were confirmed to be safe.(Matzav)

Over 210 pairs of tefillin have already been donated to replace the ones that were destroyed.

- According to the New York Times, one factor keeping Biden in the race is his spite towards Netanyahu. The article states, “Advisers believe that Mr. Biden would not want to do it before Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel visits Washington on Wednesday at the initiative of Republicans to address Congress, unwilling to give the premier the satisfaction given their strained relations lately over the Gaza war

-Unconfirmed reports suggest Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle may step down as early as Monday. This comes amid growing scrutiny over the agency's handling of security at Trump's Pennsylvania rally where an assassination attempt occurred.

- Former President Trump repeatedly requested enhanced security measures from the Secret Service in the two years leading up to the assassination attempt, but was rebuffed by senior officials, the Washington Post reports.
Trump had sought additional agents, magnetometers at large events, and extra snipers for outdoor venues, but was told the agency lacked the necessary resources.

- Donald Trump raises suspicion about the July 13 attack where he almost lost his life, says no one warned him of the threat.
“Nobody said there was a problem. And I would've waited for 15 minutes, 20 minutes.”
“I think that was a mistake. How did somebody get on that roof and why wasn't he reported?”
“Because people saw that he was on the roof when you had Trumpers screaming.”
“That was quite a bit before I walked onto the stage.”“So you would've thought somebody would've done something about it.”

- Fox News reports that a local sniper team did fire a shot at the shooter during the assasination attempt on Donald Trump but missed. A USSS snIper was the one who took out Crooks in what they call a "one in a million shot


  1. 200 pairs of tefillin burned RL this is a terrible gezeira there should be a fast day

    1. Is that the Halacha?

    2. Is that the Halacha or just your Hergesh?

  2. I agree with the Clintons. Unless the Democrats fight it out at the convention, it will be hard to pass over Harris, and she is a losing choice. The rest of the bunch are going to gladly wait until 2028 when Harris does not have a chance. Biden is a better choice than Harris. She is only in for diversity, not because she is the best person for the job. The Democrats need a governor with a good record, or even someone from the administration like Blinken or Jake Sullivan, rather than a senator at this time, aand certainly not some guy off the street from the business world without any political experience like that Vivek Republican.

  3. I hate to break it to you all, but Trump’s ‘attempted’ assasination was staged by Trump himself.
