Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Events Tuesday 24 Tamuz

 Yeshiva Heichal Hatalmud R''Y Rav Moshe Weiss  shlita Parlor meeting at Emporio showroom 6601 Rt 9 Howell

Yeshiva Shaarei Shmuel R"Y Rav Sasson Gellerman shlita  Parlor meeting 80 Adams St Lakewood 

Yeshiva Nachlas Yisrael R"Y Rav Yerachmiel Ungarischer shlita Parlor meeting at 5 Champlain Court

Yeshiva Yaaros Devash R"Y Rav Pinchos Brody shlita at the Gratter Bldng 100 Park Ave

- Mir Yerushalayim Amalie Torah 161 Colonial drive Lakewood 

-Atzeres tefillah in Bais Yitzchok for Reb Osher ben Chana Frumet as judge decides tomorrow if to dismiss case or send to a jury

Memories of the 80's and 90's early 2000's in Yiddish with Moti Ilowitz


  1. Memories of the 90's and 2000's not 80's and 90's

  2. He doesn't look old enough to remember many of the things he mentioned

  3. Wow he's too cool. A tuna bagel rapper

  4. well, i guess those are his memories. not all of us grew up on food stamps and bar mitzvahs with badchanim and bobover plays. and not all of our schools today have english teachers who don't speak english.
