Friday, July 12, 2024

Friday July 12 News Updates Lakewood

Friday, July 12, 2024 / ו׳ תמוז תשפ״ד
ערב שבת פרשת חקת
Candle lighting 8:08 pm
Shkiah/Sunset 8:26 pm

Weather: 84° showers and thunderstorms likely. High 84F. Chance of rain 80%. 1 to 2 inches of rain expected.
Shabbos day hi of 84 Showers and thundershowers in the morning, then cloudy with rain likely in the afternoon. Chance of rain 80%.

Multiple waves of rain showers and thunderstorms packing heavy moisture have already started to pound parts of New Jersey early Friday with flood watches across most of the state and up to 3 to 4 inches of rain possible by Saturday, forecasters said. The downpours influenced by the remnants of Hurricane Beryl are expected to intensify as the day goes on, the National Weather Service said.

- Elon Musk : New Tesla Model 3 version available in America.363 miles of range for $35k! (NJ residents can get cheaper at $32,990 after state credit)

- Tax dollars: Just inLakewood taxpayers are on the hook for a $1.4 million fine all because the Board of Education did not raise any constitutional challenge to Governors Phil Murphy's funding formula, FAA News has learned see breaking story Here

- Yom tefillah called today by the moetzes gedolei Hatorah of America requesting that in all communities of Klal Yisroel, in shuls and botei medrashos, in Talmudei Torah and schools, in all retreats and camps, every place according to its custom, all should gather together this Friday, the week of Parshas Chukas, to awaken Divine mercy by publicly reciting specific chapters of Tehillim: 13, 79, 80, 121, 130 and 142.

- Power outages in the Cross st atea

- The Nuttery opens new location in Deal at 268 Norwood ave

-Nearly all" of AT&T's over 110 million customers' call and text interactions exposed in "hack." the data is mostly from 2022

- Ben Shapiro on Biden press conference: He started off rough and he’s still having rough patches…but this is good enough to keep him in the race. Which is terrible news for Democrats and excellent news for Trump.

- Despite getting state aid Lakewood officals did not say how it will impact local taxes or what the money will be spent on. Lakewood residents owe over 240 million in loans for the BOE.

- Lakewood township received more than twice as much aid in the newly approved state budget about $11 million Yet local officials claim it’s still not close to what it needs For Lakewood, at a population 140,000, the boost is just $78 per resident. “It is unacceptable that Lakewood has been perpetually underfunded,” Coles said. “This $7 million is a necessary relief, but it is high time the state addresses the root cause." Schnall said having local officials in the Trenton negotiations paid off. “We are able to advocate for the needs of Lakewood, we have someone in the majority party able to have those conversations and produce results app 

- Talmidim of Yeshiva Nachlas Hatorah Lakewood paid a visit to the Satmar Rebbe Rav Aaron in Kiryas Yoel, they were farherd on their learning. 

- Campaign ,launched to build a citywide mikva in Jackson to serve the community the new mikvah will be located at the corner of New Prospect and Woodlane and will have the capacity to service 7,500 families.

- Ocean County Superior Court Assignment Judge Francis Hodgson today upheld Lakewood Township's ordinance permitting banquet halls as an accessory use to a school in non-residential zones, dismissing a 17-count lawsuit challenging the ordinance. faanews

-New York state will be mandating hotels to forgo small bottles containing “hospitality care” products such as shampoo and lotions.
The enforcement comes as a bill was passed in the New York Assembly in hopes of reducing waste. Beginning on Jan. 1, 2025, hotels with more than 50 rooms will not be able to provide toiletry bottles under 12 ounces.

Video: Toys for thought store says good bye  sadly local officials did not help to keep the downtown viable for shopping.


  1. What tzara are we davening about? I'm not following. Why don't they spell it out.

      "Now, we come to matters pertaining to our present time, as in this generation numerous troubles and severe decrees have arisen against the Am Hashem in general and specifically targeting the Torah and its scholars, and the young children learning Torah, both in Eretz Yisroel and in the Diaspora. Policy-makers, with malicious intent, aim to disrupt the sanctity of Torah scholars, requiring the students of our holy yeshivos to abandon their study benches in the beis medrash and enlist in the military. They scheme with various tricks, and their hand is still outstretched, poised to persist. Moreover, decrees are being issued against young children learning Torah, both in Eretz Yisroel and in the Diaspora. All of this is reminiscent of the decree of burning the Torah."
      For those of us with reading comprehension skills above that of a first grader its spelled out.

    2. My kids yeshiva forced me to go to work by forcing me to pay huge tuitions. The rabbanim didn't come to my rescue. There is no guarantee to sit in bais medrash forever.

    3. If that's your reply than i have nothing to say other than either you have no reading comprehension or your ability to make a tzu shtell is not that of someone who ever learnt in a yeshiva and you are Lying. You tell me.

  2. With all respect to Hershel, the toy store should've moved to one of the new malls when the writing was on the walls. The demise of downtown didn't happen suddenly in a vacuum. This was a case of throwing good money after bad money, and trying to stay and fight. Many businesses have gone under for emotional decisions that were made.

  3. Herschel tried to make a better standard.Sadly nobody cared.You
    rather him turn into cold stone

    1. why is it sad that nobody cared? why would anybody care? everyone is fine going to nice shopping centers and there is no reason why anyone should care about downtown.

    2. Because yahadus wants personal over the impersonal

  4. Chutzpah how much UEZ money was used to help well connected and create no-show jobs as payoffs for individuals spending hundreds of thousands yet the toy store was forced out without any help
    Why do we have such bad people running the town and sitting on the cookie jar

  5. As predicted Mr Lichtenstein didn't taken it sitting down. Most recent pod has rabbanim/doctors taking his side against R Ribner's more laid back approach.

    1. Actually, neither you, nor Mr. Lichtenstein, understand Rabbi Ribner's point.

      Rabbi Ribner never endorsed smoking, he was clearly negative about it.

      And Lichtenstein misread Reb Moshe. Reb Moshe's Teshuva was written AFTER the surgeon general announced the dangers.

    2. I was kind of suprised that Reb Davidade that mistake. The whole basis for the teshuva was the surgeon general warning.

    3. Everything to suit whatever is the latest agenda

  6. Coles and schnall should be ashamed of themselves si they realy think people in Lakewood are so stupid to fall for this 7 million dollars that will di absolutely nothing
    The township has raised taxes again and again will giving out tax abatement to well connected or favors to media that gives them good press.
    The tuition relief lie fell flat on their face and they pretend thatvallos good because they now have another 7 million to spend on who knows what.

    1. Is anyone ready to vote differently than the a$kanim recommendations this November?

  7. If you are fasting full-day today remember to say Aneinu by mincha

  8. What did R Ribner say against Lichtenstein? I listen to him and didn't notice

    1. He falsely caused Reb Dovid of pretending to interview Reb Gershon.
      The recording was crystal clear he was not the one interviewing.

    2. Ehh,that was the minor aspect of it.He has a well founded low opinion in general of L

  9. Did R Aaron explain to the bochurim why he broke the mesorah of Satmar and makes fires on Log BaOmer here in NY

    1. Because the kids (and their parents) love the medurot bonfire.

  10. I don't know why any Yod would open a store downtown. Besides the horrible parking situation, not to mention cops swarming around like cockroaches looking to give out tickets, it ALWAYS for the past 40 years was full of rif raf
