Thursday, July 18, 2024

Thursday July 18 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather:88° A shower is possible early. more clouds for this afternoon. High 88F

- Trump said G-D  was on his side.

- UAV drone explosion in Tel Aviv 2 injured. Possibly fired by Hezbollah. Now IDF says it was from Yemen.

 - Per Mark Halperin Biden will announce his withdrawal as soon as Sunday, followed by an OPEN Democrat convention between Kamala and three or more rivals. Biden will NOT endorse his VP and will NOT resig

- House fire at the Amber Grove apartment complex near Belz  on the Lakewood/TR border one roof collapsed destroying the home No injuries , some pets have been injured

-"According to my sources, President Biden agreed to step down as the Democratic nominee. It will happen as early as this weekend..." Mark Halperin on Newsmax just now

- Trump's keynote speech at RNC is scheduled for 9-10:30 p.m. CT, according to a source familiar with the event. Call to listen 641-741-1853

- Please daven for Yehuda Ben tzivya who was injured today in a accident on Pine street

- Israeli reporter visits BMG Here

- The state of New Jersey is making a serious push to convince the Philadelphia 76ers to move to New Jersey and into a new arena that would be built in Camden.

- Donald Trump will attend a fundraiser in Deal,NJ on Sunday July 28 hosted by the Chera family

- Elon Musk will speak at RNC tonight 

- Top Democrats believe Biden may decide to drop out of the presidential race as soon as this weekend — Axios

- Giyus begins: Defense Minister Yoav Gallant approved on Thursday the sending out of approximately 1,000 draft orders to charedi men ages 18 - 26 on Sunday, marking the first orders sent out since a landmark ruling by Israel's High Court of Justice in June that officially ended the long-standing charedi exemption from IDF service.  the IDF intends to send out 1,000 draft orders in three waves in order to meet its goal of 3,000 haredi draftees this year, in addition to the 1,800 who were slated to join existing IDF frameworks. The IDF will conduct a "learning process" at the end of each wave in order to improve the process for the next wave, the statement read. IDF says it may need to summon up to 24,000 Haredim to get 3,000 to enlist by mid-August.

-Grand opening tonight in Howell "Machne Yuda" Unwind & Rewind a kosher Hooka spot with food. tonight Leil shishi Kumzitz  located at 2885 Rt 9 North, Howell,NJ.

- FBI Investigators have Discovered a Suspicious Message posted by Thomas Matthew Crooks on the Digital Gaming Platform, Steam prior to his Attempted Assassination on Saturday against Former President Donald J. Trump, with the Message stating, “July 13 will be my premiere, watch as it unfolds” also found on Crooks Home Computer were several recent Google Searches which raised Red Flags including “Trump, Biden, When is DNC Convention, and July 13 Trump Rally.” However, despite all of this a Motive to his Attack has still not been Discovered.

- Lakewood township committee meeting today virtual only 5:30 pm watch livestream Here see Agenda Here
Comments may be made live during the meeting via
Twnship will issue bonds in the amount of $4.6 million to purchase equipment including new police vehicles, cars for inspection dept new ambulances and other new security systems 

- Asifas rabbonim in Lakewood tonight on behalf of Karen Olam Hatorah to raise funds for yeshivos in EY

- Supermarkets in frum communities have began playing recorded messages over the speaker system alerting shoppers about forgetting kids in the car

-Bob Menendez reportedly denies claims he will resign

- Jackson rejects schools budget, threatens to sue NJ over aid cuts

- The path of the meteor that passed over New York City Tuesday morning has been updated by NASA. The space agency now says the meteor originated over New York City and moved west into New Jersey. an eye witness in Lakewood  said he saw something out the window of his Lakewood, New Jersey office."It just caught my eye as a fireball streaming through the sky,"NBC 


  1. Hooks BArs unwind & Wind
    I think lakewood needs thirty rebbes that will make events every Leiel Shishi with kosher entantainment as it seems all people want today is entertainment. Maybe Adeirei should do the LEil Shishi events for the Bal Habatim and some freezer Buchorim will play Guitars for them.

    1. Lakewood is doing very well in the entertainment area. First there was a Dirshu EVENT, then the Adirei EVENT and the See the Gedolim EVENT. Party On!

  2. -Grand opening tonight in Howell "Machne Yuda" Unwind & Rewind a kosher Hooka spot with food. tonight Leil shishi Kumzitz located at 2885 Rt 9 North, Howell,NJ.

    You gotto love KOSHER hooka.
    I don't want to take it any further other then saying its extremely unsafe ( everyone using the same pipe) and its a moisav laitzim par exhalant.
    Lakewood should be majorly embarrassed with such a place within its borders.

    1. It's too late the train has long left the station and the horse has left the barn
      The men are no longer happy with just spiritual things. A culture of guns has become normal,
      The LBA nightly games with hot dogs, nightly parties with weed and cigar rolling, tzedaka events with high end gashmiyus food and cigar rolling with hookas. Once this has been introduced what do you expect should happen?
      There's more coming Sports bars with large screens, shvitz and more this is the reality.
      Billboards magazines that promote gashmiyus all day polluting the minds of our children and adults too. The נבל ברשות התורה sadly us accepted in Lakewood and surrounding kehilos

  3. 3000/24000 sounds crazy. Obviously there is no room for chareidim in the army. This is all politics, caused by our very own leaders.

  4. Will 100 Rabbanim sign against this Hooka joint, or only against organizations trying to save lives? And then we wonder why terrible things are happening in this community.

  5. UNREAL! In the same daily Post about hookahs we have a notice about a meeting for EY We seem to be obsessed with what is going on in EY 6,000 mi away from here with the rabbis gathering to worry about what is going on there..... when was the last time we had a conference of rabbis to discuss what is going on here in our town, responsibilities which they have, issues which pertain to their jobs. Let's just remember at least traditionally rabbis were not hired to get the shlishi, they were hired to take care of each and every individual each and every problem in their community. We need to refocus and quickly.

    1. The type of people who would give to Keren Olam HaTorah as the result of a Rabbonim meeting in Lakewood are generally not the ones going to l'havdil those type of places of entertainment. The types who would, do not care about what an asifa of Rabbonim said about it. Most Rabbonim aren’t interested in sordid internet fights with that crowd. What else do you want them to do?

    2. So I guess the right way to deal with it is to just write them off Don't let their children into any schools whatsoever and let them go off the derech, assimilate that is what the chofetz Chaim would probably recommend ????

    3. I guess the best idea is to treat these hookah people like teeth if you ignore them they'll go away.....

    4. A better comparison is to an infected rash. The more you scratch and pay attention to it the worse of a problem you will have

  6. Why is Keren olam Hatorah collecting more money if they raised 107 million from the gevirim
    And why do the chasiddim need money if they are showing up to lishkas hagiyus and cooperating with the IDF

    1. And now they're planning a trip to the UK to raise money?? What's that all about The 107 million was for the entire year they're more or less covered,? PR Trip??

    2. They are not giving chasidim the are not giving peleg, The number 107 was for everyone so they obviously need a lot lot less. (The chasidim ger viznits peleg Make up about half)

    3. Why are they not giving money to any peleg yeshivos,
      Is the olam in Lakewood aware of this???

    4. This is to replace govmnt money. These peleg institutions claimed they were never taking money anyway.

    5. The 107 million is close to exactly the amount the government used to give to yeshivos. It is to raise that money and nothing else ie peleg yeshivos etc. It was never claimed to be anything else. The reason they are still collecting is Because they have not yet raised the full amount. Please disregard all those who are sonie rabonim and trying to make Believe something nefarious is happening.

    6. I'll disregard when you explain to me where the 15 million dollars collected for Ukraine went............

  7. Ir Hatorah vHagashmiyus

  8. I think the Kollelim should play recorded messages regarding leaving kids in the car!

  9. The Rabbanim of Europe - including the litvishe, used to vacation in the "Bath houses", so building a nearby shvitz is not a new concept. But of course, today's mevinim know better what is and isn't acceptable.

    1. Those were considered healthy.

      And those drinks they are drinking in the pictures? They tasted extremely foul. They were considered elixirs of life, so they drank them. They were not gashmiyus parties by any means.

    2. "Bath Houses":where they hobnobbed with the Prince of Wales, Queen Victoria's son.
      Sharing Hookas and real estate tips.

  10. What a shame on our askanim as the lakewood community is getting disparaged and vilified all over the world as the media picked up the mug shot and story of a case where a kid was tragically left in a car. There were 10 such cases in America this year but you won't see any photo of those parents yet the local authorities here posted it and the international media is focusing and pinpointing the community
    Do the asskanim yield any power?
    The chaplains?
    The assemblyman?
    The mayor?
    The politicians?
    This is a disaster

    1. The truth is the Ocean County Prosecutors Office has been very vengeful against the lakewood Askunim for their blatant disrespect lately against their office & dealings

  11. People can complain and whine, but there is nothing directly to be done about this Hookah problem.

    We can invest, as Rabbanim, in helping baalebatim rise above this kind of lifestyle. By helping them find a geshmak in Yiddishkeit and learning. But that requires an investment of effort that some have not yet done. Leaving them to ersatz geshmak in Yiddishkeit that hasn't awakened all of their senses, pushes them to Hookah lounges, rebshayeberebmoishe, concerts, and more and more food.

    Every neshama at these gashmiyus-fests is someone whom the system has failed. The chinuch hasn't reached his neshama.

    1. By having musical Hallel.

    2. It is quite surprising how people get bothered by the symptoms but not by the cause. Walk in to any shul in Lakewood how many shiurim, programs do they have at night Sundays shabbos afternoons nearly nothing, Go back a generation ago things were much different. which means that any person which is out of the framework of the yeshiva does not have a place or opportunity to learn of course you can do it on his own and there are some programs out there but not nearly as much as necessary. No one seems to be bothered till we see the fruits of this disaster

    3. When will we admit that learning ie; not working for years and years is not working for many? And when will we teach that if you don't go that route it's ok too? And then we can start accepting that your are still part of the klal if you go to work. And then those Yungerleit won't think of themselves as failures and resort to other entertainment sources. They'll consider themselves bnai melachim who es past nisht to partake in those activities.

    4. Sorry 5:31, but that is just not true any more. Nobody is 'second-class' for going to work in Lakewood, because most everyone goes to work before 30 nowadays. If anything, long-term learning is looked down upon nowadays, with the message being, "get a shtelle, a job, or go to work."

    5. Tell that to the chadarim that won't take kids from not learning families.

    6. When you find me that Cheder, get back to me.

      So far, they don't exist. All chadarim have children from working families, including the misnamed 'Cheder Bnei Torah'.

    7. No such thing. If a family leads a true Torah lifestyle with the father happening to need parnosah,he will get his kids into any school. It's when tye lifestyle starts changing as they go out to work, then the schools have an issue.

  12. the israeli who visited bmg has a very weird agenda. also, he writes a lot of things that aren't true. he writes that there are 100,000 talmidim in bmg and that bmg's annual budget is $70 million (both not true). and he writes that for the price of a small apartment in israel one can buy a large house in lakewood, which of course is not true. his agenda seems to be to bash israeli charedi society and say that lakewood - where the charedim work and have lots of money - is much better, so every israeli should move to lakewood.

    1. The lesson from that article is that it is almost impossible for a person to accurately write about a foreign country and culture. They don't have the ability to uncover the details that make our town tick.
      We should learn a lesson from this. When we read articles about other towns, we should remember that we also don't have the ability to understand them. When people in Lakewood get excited about Israeli issues, remember that you don't really have the entire story.

  13. A small apartment in yerushalim is over a million

  14. Roshey Yeshiva go to Mordy Shtieble where they play music by Hallel, propagate Breslov bs , drinking, etc etc, and we wonder how a kosher huka place opens up!?

  15. Those who took money from the Tzionim are now getting rewarded for doing so, and they want you & me to cover it!!!!

    1. What's wrong with taking money from Tziyonim?

      All Gedolim permitted it, from Belzer Rav, Tchebiner Rav, Rav Abramsky, Reb Leizer Yudel, all the way to Rav Shach and Rav Shteniman.

  16. Those who took money from the Tzionim are now getting rewarded for doing so, and they want you & me to cover it!!!!

    1. You have the option of having the zchus to support Torah, or not. The choice is yours. No one is forcing you.

    2. The West Gate Shul complainers are now the complainers about the Gedolim rasing funds for Yeshivos.
      Same complainers; every day a new complaint.

    3. Why can't you face the reality that Charity starts at home. We are suffering here in Lakewood that we don't even have agendas forget about unfulfilled agendas. The undercurrent is everything is fine we're all taken care of but there is a small problem overseas which of course we should focus on. Not the lack of paying kollelim divorce crisis chinuch crisis etc etc. reality is there's enough money to go around for everything but the lack of focus is sad
