Friday, July 5, 2024

Friday July 5th News Updates Lakewood

 Friday, July 5, 2024 / כ״ט סיון תשפ״ד
ערב שבת פרשת קרח שבת ראש חודש תמוז
Candle lighting 8:10pm
Shkiah/Sunset 8:28pm
Rosh chodeshbis Shabbos & Sunday

Weather: 92° Partly cloudy early followed by scattered thunderstorms this afternoon.Chance of rain 60%.
Heat AdvisoryFrom Fri 10:00 am until Sat 8:00 pm ..Heat index values ranging from 100 to 103 degrees expected.
Shabbos day weather: 92° scattered thunderstorms. Storms may contain strong gusty winds Chance of rain 60%.

Biden says at a event in Wisconsin: I'll beat Trump "I’m staying in this race,”“I’m not letting one 90-minute debate wipe out three-and-a-half years of work.” 

- More musical Hallel minyanim for Sunday rosh chodesh Tamuz
Mordys shteible Sunday morning 9:15
Babad shul Toms River 9:30 am

 - Musical Hallel minyan outdoor davening at the Wave resort in Long Branch this coming Sunday morning Rosh chodesh  with R' Simcha Leiner baal tefilah overlooking the Ocean.

BDE: Perirah of Rabbi Dovid Adlin Z"L of Lakewood  Former principal at Shaarei Tzion  in Edison,NJ.  Levaya today 3:15pm  in Lakewood at the Chapel off 7th st.

- Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita will be hosting a bris at his home this shabbos for an einikel born to his son Rav Shneur shlita son in law of Rav Shmuel Baddoush shlita 

--168 influential political donors, civic leaders, and business leaders sent a letter to President Biden today, urging him to withdraw from the 2024 election to secure his legacy and protect the nation's future, the Washington Post reports.

- BDE: Petirah of Rav R’ Shia Hersh Brach U”h 67 years BP (Brachsoni Shirts) Brach ZS'L at age 67 from Boro Park he was a noted baal tzedak and chesed and the proprietor of the Brachsoni shirt which was worn by many yeshiva Bochurim 

- President Joe Biden says he is “not going anywhere” before rambling about how there is no traffic congestion anymore.

-Rabbonim and roshei yeshiva deliver divrei chizuk and mussar after a series of tragedies in the community. Rav Malkiel Kotler mentioned the Rambam hilchos Taanis that when tragedies occur we turn inward and improve our own actions he said we have to work on respecting ourselves and others every person has the shechina inside him. we also have to respect ourselves the R"Y spoke strongly about the tznius issues by both men and women how a lack of it is disrespectful to our tzelem elokim mentioning specifically the new clothing trends by men specifically open buttons showing one's skin as well as the style of shaitles by women. the R"Y Referred to the geziras giyus against the Torah world in E"Y and said that if we are machsiv Torah here in The US it will have an effect on the Govt in E"Y. 
Rav Uri Deutsch followed with saying that the recent tragedy is beyond human comprehension and is a clear sign of hashgacha that is beyond our scope he quoted from the chazon ish in a similar matter that such an action by a parent to child is not a human occurrence. What we can be mechaze is to protect our children from any instance of Aveiros and Chet and to spend quality time giving them a life of Torah and MItzvos. 
Rav Sorotzkin spoke about the bitter golus how all these tragedies are a sign that the golus is ending but we have to rise to the challenge by not speaking lashon hora and to respect and uplift each other.

Recordings of kinus hisoirerus in Lakewood on Chayeinu hotline 732-301-4043 1#-2-1 for Rav Malkiel Kotler 358,Rav Uri Deutsch 357 Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin 356 

- New law in effect in NJ According to NJDOL, private households who pay a domestic worker for services in their home "are likely now considered an employer." It's up to households to inform the worker of their rights. .A "bill of rights" for domestic workers — such as individuals who clean homes, or provide care for children or the elderly — is in effect as of July 1. It's the product of a law signed by Gov. Phil Murphy in January.Whether the worker is hired by an agency or a household, the new protections include their right to breaks, as well as protection from discrimination and harassment, and coverage under programs such as unemployment insurance, workers' compensation, temporary disability, and family leave insurance.The protections are valid regardless of one's immigration status, officials say. re's a requirement of a written contract between worker and employer, as long as the individual is working at least five hours per month in the home.

-Shiva for R' Shloimy Lonner Z"L is at 11 Primrose Lakewood 

-Race and disability scandal rocks Lakewood township: new lawsuit alleges township officials engaged in discriminatory conduct, retaliation, and cover-up! a lawsuit just filed alleges that Lakewood township discriminated against an African American bus driver due to his disability and race. More at Faa 

- Giyus update: There's a real fear that the army is planning to immediately implement the high court ruling and starting  with drafting up to 4800 frum soldiers for this year according to Israeli media reports.

- The new Prime Minister in England Keir Starmer’s wife Victoria is Jewish, and hold Shabbat dinners every week. She was born to a Jewish father with Polish ancestry, and her mother converted to Judaism. The couple are now raising their children in the faith, and belong to the Liberal Jewish Synagogue in London. He said that Shabbos is a “rock in the week.” “Every week there’s a challah, and we say kiddush,” he said.

 - A fallen IDF  soldier who perished nearly four decades ago will finally have the words “Hashem Yikom Damo” inscribed on his kever after a recent decision to allow the phrase on military tombstones, after it was previously prohibited by the Defense Ministry for decades.

- Please continue to daven l’zchus refuah sheleima for Batsheva Esther bas Deena Zahava a 12 year old Lakewood girl hit by a car last week on Rt 9.

-Ivanka Trump discusses the concept of Lashon Hora how she’s handled the barrage of attacks aon her family.
There’s a concept in Judaism called Lashon Hara, which means evil speech. The idea is that speaking poorly of another is almost the  equivalent to murder, because you can’t really repair it. You can apologize, but you can’t repair it. Another component of that is that it does as much damage to the person saying the words than it does to the person receiving them. And I think about that a lot. I talk about this concept with my kids a lot, and I’m not willing to pay the price of that fleeting and momentary satisfaction of sort of swinging baאck because I think it would be too expensive for my soul. And that’s how I made peace with it, because I think that feels more true for me.”


  1. Moshiach is on his way we have Ivanka kushner giving a shiur on lashon Hora and the new liberal UK prime Minister talking about shabbos

    1. Um no, your head is warped. Ivanka Kushner underwent Geirus through Haskel Lookstein, who is so liberal that even the modern state of Israel does not recognize his giyur. In other words, her Geirus is most likely illegitimate. Do what you want with that. And the new British PM’s wife is married to a non-Jew. Nothing to see here.

      As for the comment about Moshiach, sadly many of us have been influenced by Chabad propaganda that makes Avodas Hashem dependent on Moshiach. To be clear, this is Kefirah, and probably Avoda Zarah, almost like Christianity. Of course believing and hoping for Moshiach is one of the yud gimmel ikrim, but the belief is that he will come, in the future. Avodas Hashem however is constant work, in the present. Irrespective of Moshiach. Therefore, the only thing that actually matters currently, is the Torah.

      True, there are certain prophecies that pertain to Acharis HaYamim, and perhaps the Kiruv Movement is one of them, but this ain’t it.

    2. Unless this period is so mixed up we're on verge of another expulsion

    3. mashiach comes from teshuva, this is clear from nuermous pesukim gemaras and midrashim

    4. That is incorrect. The Rav who actually converted Ivanka was Rav Hershel Shachter of RIETS who's geirus is accepted by all. There is a mitva to love a Ger and not to besmirch one. You should apologize.

    5. This is absolutely incorrect. Lookstein converted her and has spoken about it on numerous occasions. See also here, from Wikipedia:

      A woman who was converted to Judaism by Lookstein was refused recognition as a Jew by an Israeli Rabbinical Court in Petah Tikva, Israel, part of an international controversy over just who outside of the official Israeli Rabbinate will have their conversions recognized in Israel.[18][19] The controversy gained a significantly higher profile because Lookstein also converted Ivanka Trump, daughter of Donald Trump, prior to her 2009 marriage to Jared Kushner.[20] It seemed that officials of the Israeli government, which sometimes does not accept conversions performed by "Orthodox rabbis not on its list of approved authorities."[19] The rejection of conversions performed by Lookstein was condemned by the Jewish Agency for Israel, the large international NGO "responsible for the immigration ... and absorption of Jews and their families from the Diaspora into Israel," which accused the Chief Rabbinate of "undermining of the legitimacy of the Diaspora faith communities" including Orthodox rabbis outside of Israel.[18]

    6. 11:07
      Eicha 2:9
      you've absorbed too much yeshivish propaganda.We will always be a pale fragmented shadow of what a jew is supposed to be, unless we finally, finally get moshiach here

  2. She also spoke about Asher yatzar

  3. Keir Starmer’s wife Victoria is NOT Jewish and never converted. She doesn't consider herself Jewish and they don't consider their children to be Jewish.

  4. The new Prime Minister in England Keir Starmer’s wife Victoria is NOT Jewish, even though they hold Shabbat dinners every week. She was born to a Jewish father with Polish ancestry, and her mother Never converted to Judaism. His wife, Victoria, does not consider herself to be Jewish and they don't consider their family to be Jewish. Keir Starmer just thinks that the idea of a Friday night Shabbat dinner to be a good idea.

  5. This is the sad reality of assimilation millions of Jews cut-off by marrying out of faith.

  6. What a breath of fresh air to hear words from respected rabbonim about the tragedy
    Sadly until now it was random people making statements

    1. Was there any tachlis. Just an absolution for those who wished for it.

    2. U D was garbage ,essentially.

    3. People get lulled by the accent.

  7. The fact that frum ppl are talking about this is a new low. Ivanka (and especially Jared) is a disgrace. She only converted because the Kushner’s insisted on it. Hence not a Kosher geirus either way. In any event, during the Trump admin she would often be seen riding in cars or boarding planes on Shabbos. Even “Rabbi” Haskel Lookstein who converted her had to come out and clear his name because it looked terrible for him. All the media sites reported on it at the time, wasn’t exactly a good look.

    1. Geirus for wrong reasons is a geirus bedi'eved.

      All laws of gerim apply to Ivanke. Don't be complacent.

  8. Sorry you fell asleep by the havanmina

  9. Rav Lo okstein AND Rav Hershel Schachter both served on the bet din that converted Yael Ivanka.

  10. These musical hallels are a chilled Hashem and a breach in mesorah
    The haskala movement started out the same way
    Do not go or support this blatant chilul shem shamayin
