Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Wednesday April 17 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 62°Partly cloudy early then becoming cloudy with periods of rain this afternoon. Chance of rain 90%.

- R' Aaron Lang  files appeal on state dep of education report on Lakewood  here

- Eitan Katz concert tomorrow at Jackson high school men's only event

- Igud  clothing sale for Men & Boys 6:30-10:30 pm 1915 Swarthmore, open to any family who can benefit. Mens and Boys suits, Shoes,  Shirts, pants, and more top quality  at subsidized prices

- A Lubavitch Shul In Pomona Heights in Monsey, known as Chassidim 110, was completely destroyed In Early Morning Blaze unfortunately 3 sifrei torah were destroyed by water damage even though they were in a fire proof safe 

- Bein Hazmanim shiurim
Central Court shul Rav Uri Deutsch shlita 12:55
Arlington shul Rav Gershon Ribner shlita 

- Lakewood realtor with a social media post explained thatvhow many new stores are struggling after investing money opening new stores only to have a competitor open up, or other factory that are hurting their businesses.

- Adirei Hatorah 3.0 there will be another grand event in a stadium the Sunday right after shavuos on June 16 which is also an off shabbos for all bochurim. Organizers said last year they will be looking to make the event in a larger venue. the previous ones were held in Philadelphia. No details were given about the Marmad. There will be a shabbos Govoha after pesach at a hotel in NJ for Adirei Hatorah supporters to spend shabbos with the Roshei Yeshiva.

- Yartzeit seuda for the Novominsker rebbe zatzal at Tiferes Bais Yaakov hall 613 Oak st starting with Maariv at 8:30 pm 

- Newark had the second highest rent increase nationwide, with rents jumping 7.6% between February 2023 and February 2024, according to SmartAsset, an investment and consumer financial information website. Newark renters paid an average of $1,982 a month in 2024, up $141 from the year before.

- One of the attorneys representing Donald Trump in the NYC trial is a Lakewood BMG alumnus Gedalia M. Stern, a partner at the law firm of NechelesLaw,Stern spent several years learning at BMG in Lakewood, before attending Columbia Law School, where he graduated in 2014.

- Machiras Chometz at BMG with Rabbi Blech daily 9:00am- 10:30am and 6pm -11pm at thr Beren hall coffee room.

Hundreds of Lakewood bochurim participated in a concert last night in Elizabeth, NJ.

- Lakewood township committee members attended a ribbon cutting event in person bit have yet to hold an in person meeting for the public since covid19, keeping township meetings virtual only.


  1. Good luck getting the youngeleit to shlep out again to another adirei event. There is only that much bullying that people can take and be forced to do. 2 concerts and Philly and voting for Schnall was too much. The event will be a mesivta bochur reunion

  2. It's not only for Adirei Torah. There just seem to be so many "events" for every issue. Who has the time and is this the best use of funds? If you enjoy, go for it. I'm just wondering why every issue needs an "event" and I certainly can't spread my money and time so thin.

  3. Can someone copy (or post a link) to the realtors post?

  4. That the lawyer " learned" in Lakewood is nothing for us to be proud of. Why advertise it?

    1. Is it something to be ashamed of? Also you by mistake put quotation marks around the word learned.

    2. Yes, it's such a kavod to the oilam HaTorah that one of unzere is defending Trump for something we wouldn't even post on a Jewish website.

    3. You wouldn't post on a Jewish website that Trump is being accused of a white collar crime even according to the one making the accusation? I suspect you don't even understand what Trump is being accused of. So I'll spell it out and we will see if this gets posted. Trump is being accused of falsified business records because he classified a non disclose agreement as legal fees. There are no legal issues with making non disclose agreements themselves . The issue is how he classified them on his books

    4. Wrong. He's being accused of election interference, due to the precarious position his campaign was in during which he took the initial illegal action. The reason for his illegal interference, and the reason his campaign was in a precarious position at the time both cannot be stated here. Follow what's actually going on the court proceedings, and the discussion of which evidence is permissible.

    5. Do you know anyone else who was putopn tril for such supposed'crimes' ? All americans should be up in arms and protesting the discrace legal warfare ! So many pliticians do corrupt and questionable activiteis that effect all of us and nothing gets done but yet when it comes to Trump we will put him on trila for nonsense....

    6. The accusation of election issues are based on allegations of falsifying business records. Of note Trump is first person in all of American history to be charged with an election crime for doing a 100% legal transaction that had no direct connection to his campaign which he paid for with his own money. By a prosecutor who campaigned on the platform and has a history of being soft on crime and letting serious criminals go. I despise Trump. Those who are bringing these charges against him are still much worse people.

    7. "So many pliticians do corrupt and questionable activiteis that effect all of us and nothing gets done" Uh, you really never heard of Blago, Mcdonnell, Weiner, Rowland, Leche, Langer, ...?There are literally hundreds of politicians, Dems and Reps, who have been convicted of crimes over the years, even in recent history. Open a book.

      And to the trump-despiser: You don't have to pick a side. Trump and his tormenters can both be terrible. I wouldn't consider a kavod to defend either one in court.

    8. No politician has ever been convicted of a "crime" created specifically for him. Chazal say on the Posuk of Hashem being mevakash the nirdof, that it includes even when a Tzadik is being roidef a Rosha. You may believe Trump is a rosha but those who are being rodef him certainly aren't Tzadikim. Trumps faults will never blind me to how evil many of his opponents are. Let alone join or not oppose them in their redeifos

  5. I don't understand, is Adirei still on? I thought they stopped paying already.

  6. Who has time for concerts, pre pesach? These boys could use some positive time structure. Maybe chazu. That's a plan

    1. If you have time to hock online before Pesach don't criticize bochurim for how they are spending their time. Wonderful as Chazu is for a bochur who isn't holding by it Chazu is a very bad way to spend bein hazamanim

  7. Adirei is trying one more time

  8. Well they should try a lot harder, good food and lots of it like the first tent events, no LONG drashas.

  9. is there an extra garbage pick-up in lakewood
