Sunday, April 28, 2024

Chol Hamoed Pesach 5784 Lakewood

 Gut Moed

Sunday fourth day chol hamoed April 28

ערב שביעי של פסח

Candle lighting 7:31 shkiah 7:49

79° with peeks of sunshine expected late. 

- Yizkor candle reminder

-- Tehillim for  Refoel Yehoshua bentzion ben Zissel Necha a Lakewood father who had a aneurysm on Shabbos.

- PSA if you set fridge on shabbos mode before shabbos make sure to turn it off and back on or the light will turn back on on the 2nd day of YT

- Potato starch shortage several stores have run out

- Jenkinsons Beach boardwalk parking lots are full,   you could drop off passengers and park further down about 10-15 minute walk

-Kashrus alert if you are buying Gbroktz products that have matza in it make sure it is shemurah. Some Osem products are not shmurah matzah

- Pedestrian Bridge at Lake Carasaljo open

- Post pesach chometz bonanza at ShopRite Howell will be open all night motzei Yom Tov 4594 Route 9 South.Saker Shop Rites are fully owned by Saker family and has no חשש of ח ץ שעבר עליו הפסח

- Petition launched to remove pro Hamas antisemitic bill board on Rt 9 in Howell 

A petition on urges Howell Mayor Theresa Berger and the advertising company hosting the billboard, Lamar Advertising, to take it down.

-Tefillos for Rav Asher Soloveitchik son of Tav Dovid who is in critical condition after he collapsed from a possible stroke. Name is Asher shlomo zalman ben Yehudis.

Chol hamoed trip ideas found at Search options by area, topic, deals...

Motzei shabbos chol Hamoed Pesach.

-GG open tonight both locations until 12:30am Bingo until 1:00 am ,Evergreen 2:00am NPGS 1am, Aisle 9 both locations 2am

- A 2.9 magnitude earthquake rattled New Jersey Saturday morning about 5 miles south-southwest of Peapack and Gladstone in Somerset County, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The quake was recorded at 9:49 a.m.

- Stop N shop Jackson location will be closing this fall due to lack of performance 

- Cobra film showing for men tonight 12:30am at Bais Shaindel back entrance

-Hamas terror group has published a new propaganda video showing signs of life from hostages Keith Siegel, 64, and Omri Miran, 46.*
The video is not dated, but Miran says he has been held captive for 202 days and Siegel mentions Pesach, indicating the clips were filmed recently.

Friday 2nd day chol Hamoed April 26.b

Erev shabbos chol Hamoed Pesach
Candle lighting 7:29pm
Shkiah 7:47pm

- Remember to check clothing for muktzah items

- ABC News, Washington has decided against imposing sanctions on Israeli military and police units that the United States has accused of “human rights violations” against Palestinians, including the Netzach Yehuda Battalion.

- Tefillos for Rav Yechiel Perr shlita R"Y of Yeshiva if Far Rockaway who is in need of rachmei shamayin name is Yechiel Yitzchok ben Leah

-Greater adventure learning at Bais Faiga 10:30 am- 11:30 am
List of chol hamoed attractions HERE
Chol Hamoed Guide Lakewood shopper HERE

- Today, Senator Robert Singer  and Assemblyman Sean Kean  released a statements condemning the Pro-Palestine billboard on Route 9 in Howell, NJ. Perpetuating hate and violence towards Jewish people under the guise of humanity.... shame on the owners of the billboard that allowed this to run.” 
Activist and chaplain Refoel Kenig has gathered at the billboard and condemned it.

Thursday 1st day Chol Hamoed

- Sefira reminder היום שלשה בעומר

- Freeze warning tonight 34° Mainly clear skies. Scattered frost possible. Low 34F

- Evergreen open until 1am tonight Bingo closes at 12am

- Carlebach Kumzitz tonight Lakewood free of chatge Weinreb Home 65 Drake Rd.
Lakewood, NJ 8:00pm and on

- Rav Uren Reich shlita speaking at BM of Kelmwoods in Westgate after 7:30 Mincha 

- For ladies and girls the "Bubby Trap" film at Bais Yaakov hall 277 James st Lakewood 8:30pm

- Eliyahu Beer concert with Levi Yotzchok Cohen at 44  Clayton Ave, Toms River tonight 8pm

- Roberts KNA carnival will take place Thursday 11:30am-5:30pm at the blue claws stadium parking lot in Lakewood everything is free.

- Six flags Great adventure with NCSY Sunday Monday, Tuesday,  10:30am -7 pm (Safari option drive thru for $25 per person in the car,under 2 free)

- Keansburg amusement Pirchei special  $20 unlimited ride bracelet today from 2:30pm - 6pm

- Tonight: Shiur by Rav Elya Chaim Sweeldloff shlita R"Y Paterson yeshiva. At Bais Faiga hall 8:45pm maariv followed by the shiur

- Oiraysa Amud Yomi will be hosting a siyum on Mmaseches Yoma on Thursday evening Chol Hamoed pesach for the Lakewood community. I at the Toras Menachem hall with the participation of the Lakewood Roshei Yeahiva, divrei Bracha by Rav Uri Deutsch, with negina by R'Yisroel Werdyger. The siyum is at 8:30

לא ניתנו שבתות וימים טובים אלא לעסוק בהם בדברי תורה" (ירושלמי שבת טו, ג) ספר החינוך: "כי לא לעסוק במלאכה נקבעו ימי חולו של מועד, כי אם לשמוח לפני השם, רוצה לומר להתקבץ במדרשות ולשמוע נועם אמרי 
ספר" מצווה שכג

-BDE: Petirah of R' Meir Menachem Wider Z"L 70, BP/Lakewood, Lavaya was held 2nd night Y”T n Lakewood with kevura in Kiryas Yoel

- BDE: Petirah of Rav Yitzchok Notis ZT"L of Telahe yeshiva Cleveland he was 89, Levaya was held motzei Yom Tov in Lakewood at the chapel off 7th st

- Mass chaos breaks out at college campuses across the United States as pro-Palestine protests intensify. Columbia, Harvard, USC, University of Texas at Austin and others are getting swarmed by protesters.

- Netanyahu Slams U.S. Student Protests: ‘Reminiscent Of What Happened In German Universities In The 1930s’ calls them antisemitic "What’s happening in America’s college campuses is horrific. Antisemitic mobs have taken over leading universities. They call for the annihilation of Israel. They attack Jewish students. They attack Jewish faculty."

- Message from HH: To all my  fellow yidden going on trips tomorrow. I am sure you all realize how this year, like all years , it is important to be aware of going above and beyond to make a kiddush hashem. ....
We also need to be constantly vigilant of any suspicious activity. Be aware of any risks that could arise and think ahead what you would do in any emergency. Just a reminder for everyone because I haven't seen any yet online. 
Have fun and be safe and courteous. 
A Gutten Moed


  1. R e'c swerdloff shiur will take place after 8:45 maariv in bais faiga.
    The oraysa siyum will be at 8:30 at cedar palace

  2. What HH doesn't understand, is that goyim hate us regardless. We aren't giving them an "excuse". This is against our mesora to believe so.

    1. When we act properly, as the Torah directs us, we earn the respect of others, and enemies fear us. That is our mesorah.

    2. Yes and no. There is so, so much directive from Chazal, Rishonim, achronim, poskim sifrei mussar on how to behave bein haumos.

    3. This is am haartzus . Chazal were mattir many issurim because of the aivah. Yaakov Avinu sent his children on a long dangerous trip to Mitrzrayim to buy unneeded food so the Yismoel and Esav should not resent that "they" have food and we don't ((Taanis 10B) etc. etc. etc. They did not say they will hate us anyway

  3. NCSY is today (Thursday) only. Safari is $26 per person

  4. Special Kashrut Alert* Per Rabbi Maslaton, the following items (which have been sold in many stores) should not be eaten:
    Joyva Jell Rings
    Joyva Marshmallow Twists

  5. Anyone knows how many bags of nosh Mr Roberts is giving out? We know how many checks he gave out on purim and exactly how many pekelech last carnival.

    1. Way past your bedtime. Go shluffy shluffy a d hopefully you'll wake up in a better mood tomorrow.

  6. Are the Joyva products a Pesach problem or an all year problem?
    Please post that information immediately

    1. Joyva is under OK, except for pesach. They have another hashgacha that claims kitniyot is allowed for Ashkenazim. (Yes, no one goes for it, except those who just want some form of hashgacha)
      Surprised OK allows it (alternate hashgacha), but they're probably grandfathered in under old rules.

  7. Hats off to all the hardworking people who are not rebbeim or yungeleit and therefore receive no programs and no assistance to make yt yet despite how hard it is they make yt and make sure their kids enjoy a fun filled chol hamoed. The ribono shel olam should repay them with parnassa brevach and kol tuv selah.

    1. Maybe one day you will be able to cleanse your heart of hate and jealousy. Then you will experience true Simchas Yomtov.

    2. So now someone who has the nerve to say something nice to baal habatim is "full of hate and jealousy "

    3. It's the exclusions. Why exclude fellow shomrei Torah in the nice wishes?

    4. Those who talk about the wonderful Rebbeim, Aderey Hatorah etc. are also being exclusionary and say things that can be (mis)taken as hurtful to those who aren't members of those groups. Does anyone complain about that

  8. Funny. I was walking at 4:00 pm at UT in 1979, I was the only American on campus, it was deserted, and heard all these irate Iranians in front of the Texas Tavern shouting, "Death to Carter." I could not believe it. There were 100 of them and only one me, but I thought that there has to be consequences. They are not going to get away with coming here and shouting death to America. We see enough of that on TV from Tehran. Sure enough, the next day it was reported that a bunch of them were expelled from school, which mean they had to give up on studying petroleum engineering and go back to their bear-claw primitive theocracy. I am sure by now enough of them did not get kicked out and they can run their own oil industry.

    It is history repeating itself because we are now seeing the same thing. Kick them out of school. I love what they did at Columbia. But. remember the college kids in the sixties helped take down the president, LBJ (not to mention that the foreign policy Wise Men told Johnson said that you have no way to win the war). I hope history does not repeat the election in 1968. It was a disaster for the Democratic party and the convention was a riot zone.

    1. A well deserved comeuppance disaster

  9. What's the hookup to reb elya chaims shiur?

  10. joyva ok all year not pesach

    Under conservative hashgacha for pesach.





  16. Please clarify that nothing that was in this ShopRite since before Pesach has a problem. Anything that came in over Yom Tov could be an issue. People should know/ask who is certifying that the regular items came in to this store before Pesach. The heimish products get delivered directly to Saker (not the shared ShopRite warehouse) and aren’t delivered on Pesach.

  17. Why is Avi Schnall Aguda and Lakewood leadership silent about the billboard in Howell

  18. Re: osem- please explain why the requirement for shmura the entire pesach. What is the mekor? last i checked it is for the for the Seder….

  19. Re:aivah
    Da'as Habrios noche heimenu, da'as HaMakom noche heimenu","V'neki'im me'elokim ume'adam",& remarkable heterim allowed for "darchei shalom" are silly gibberish not to be learnt from according to many.
    The goal of following the footsteps of Abraham Avinu of our finally, finally, moving up from Abraham "ha'ivri" cut off on the other side of the river from the rest of the world to the loft almost geulah
    level of "nesi Elokim ata b'socheinu
    is just never worth much concern for them

    P.s. Though everybody carries regular responsibility for that, I don't mean to cast primary blame on the average yossel. As most forever lies on the shoulders of the real estate cronies & politicians/rabbi askanim with their chevra
