Sunday, April 21, 2024

No Garbage pick up on Erev Pesach

 It's an embarrassment to the Lakewood township committee which is predominantly frum to not arrange for an additional garbage pick up erev yomtov instead of making people walk their garbage for blocks or shlep the cans and trash in back of their clean cars.

This is ludicrous,  any other town or city with frum eesidents has additional pick ups erev pesach. Lakewood isn't bigger then boro park ,Williamsburg, monsey or Monroe who each service the community with an additional pick up. Perhaps we don't pay enough taxes??

The DPW workers are wonderful and doing a great job at the drop off locations but why not come around and pick it up.

Unless your one of the VIP citizens who get a personalized xtra pick up erev yomtov. It all boils down to who you know  Like everything else on this town why do some zones get a double pick up while others have garbage spilling over for another week.

It's the season to clean house that goes for the township committee as well time for term limits the current boys are way too comfortable!

Get rid of the chometz!



  1. Amazing , bp it's a ton per block per side they coming around non stop and taking everything from Couches to bikes.. paint buckets hakol bakol

  2. It's despicable that our askanim and township committee members IGNORE THE NEEDS OF THE LAKEWOOD COMMUNITY WHO ELECTED THEM.
    How sad that seniors have to carry their garbage in their car and drive it to a bin a mile away forget the drop off locations and just come around and pick up the garbage
    Why is Yaakov Wenger silent about this if he plans an running for township

  3. There are trucks going around just leave your can out on the road.

  4. People are welcome to go back to BP or Willy. We liked our quiet town the way it was.

  5. Our town wasn’t so quiet

  6. I don't know where you live but we are so grateful .on Monday. in our development, the recycling came at 9:00 and regular garbage pickup came at 10:00 and again sometime in the afternoon at around 3:00!!
