Saturday, April 6, 2024

Motzei Shabbos Parshas Shemini Lakewood News Updates

Live call in Pesach Questions on with Rabbi Moshe Elefant of the OU on talkline communication network with Zev Brenner Here also R' Yonasson Schwartz will discuss the parental alienation and recent tragedy in Williamsburg were a boy took his own life

- New Jersey Gov Phil Murphy faces flak for not returning to state following historic earthquake US Rep Jeff Van Drew says residents were forced to turn to New York leaders for guidanceNew Jersey Governor Phil Murphy came under fire after he did not return to the Garden State following the historic earthquake on Friday that left residents rattled. "We haven’t heard from the governor — and you know, on a lighter side, Arthel, there are those that say maybe it’s good he didn’t come, because every time he’s in New Jersey, he’s increasing taxes, tolls, fees and subsidizing illegals," Van Drew told "FOX News Live" co-anchor Arthel Neville. "But on a serious note, he wasn’t at a world summit for world peace. I mean he was at a Democratic convention — basically an association of democratic governors who were probably working on ways to make more democratic governors," he said.

- 11 more overnight aftershocks rattle N.J. after 4.8 magnitude earthquake Expect more aftershocks through the week, experts predict.

- There were several armed robberies over shabbos in Lakewood in the Ridge area and Hope chapel area with burglars entering homes. Police are investigating as these robberies have been going on in the Lakewood Toms River areas recently.

- BDE: Petirah of Habachur Chaim Levi Gruner ZL  ben yblch R' Dovid and Chavi,  who was niftar over shabbos in Lakewood at the age of 28. He wasn't well through out his short life was renowned in Lakewood and brought simcha royally who met him. The levaya will take place tomorrow in Lakewood 12:00pm at yeshiva Maayan Hatorah 101 Milton st. With kevura in Monsey.

Petirah of Rav Nafroli Tzvi Yehuda Shapira Zatzal Rosh Yeahivas Sharei Shemuos at the age of 69 after a brief illness he was a son of Tav Moshe Shmuel Shapiro ZTL the levaya is tonight in Bnei Brak.

U.S. intelligence believes Iran is preparing a major attack in retaliation for Monday's deadly airstrike by Israel on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria

-  Lakewood Republican ckub president accused of living outside of town A just filed lawsuit reveals massive allegations that a number of powerbrokers in Lakewood politics no longer live in Lakewood, in violation of the bylaws of the Republican Club. What this means is that a number of the very people who are self appointed to direct us in who to vote for each election do not even live in our town anymore! More at

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