Monday, April 8, 2024

Monday April 8 News Updates Lakewood

Erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5784
Weather: 66° Sun and clouds mixed. High 66F. Eclipse weather cloud cover in Lakewood at 2pm will be 58% and  64% at 3pm

Solar Eclipse today begins in Lakewood at 2:09pm maximum Eclipse will be at 3:24pm with 87% covered it will be over at 4:35pm

According to the National Weather Service, the Jersey Shore region will see increasing clouds through the afternoon. But that doesn't mean you won't see the eclipse. Along the coast, there will be 30 to 40 percent cloud cover, which means there will be breaks in the clouds. But, of course, that's no guarantee that the clouds will break at the right time.

3:24 max view in Lakewood not visible in some areas due to clouds

- 3:18 Cloudy in Lakewood no visibility  cool weather darken blue sky

"It’s a mitzvah for us all to come and see…to see with our own eyes…it’s only a mortal chunk of creation.” he explained to those around him, “M’darf nit kuken, m’darf zen!” (One should not simply look, one should see.. From an article going around when the Chofetz Chaim viewed an eclipse in 1927 they had no eclipse glaases but they blackening their glass shards with soot from a burning candle.

3:00pm Sun looks like the moon 

2:40 cloudy but can still see with the glasses

2:30 pm clear visibility in Lakewood area of the eclipse

- If you zoom in on the eclipse with your phone to take a picture or, more importantly, a video, you must put eclipse glasses over your lens, or you may damage your camera sensor!

- Beware there are missionaries that are knocking on doors today around Lakewood trying to enter homes and proselytize.

-Sadigura rebbe is in Lakewood today to attend a  relatives wedding. The rebbe will davwn shachris tomorrow at the Sadigura shul in Lakewood and head right back to EY

- BMG will have mincha with yom Kippur katan today 1:30 pm in several botei medrashim due to the matzav

- Many schools will have early dismissal ahead of the Eclipse  today due to safety issues with students not properly wearing the safety sunglasses. Other schools will provide glasses to students and view the Eclipse at school while others will keep the kids indoors with regular dismissal.

- Segula for those who suffer from headaches there's a mesorah from the elders of Yerushalayim that those who take a haircut on erev Rosh chodesh Nissan will not suffer from headaches the entire year. 

- Lakewood planning board meeting tomorrow to hear Chestnut st application more here

- Agudath Israel of America,  statement from the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America, on gezeiras giyus is also being released in Eretz Yisroel through various media outlets, as it relates to recent and ongoing developments in Eretz Yisroel. Per Agudah email. However it was not published in local US media.

- Tuition relief bill in NJ has been reintroduced with major changes that will effect eligibility, and lowered the tax credit amount, more details tba.

- BDE: Petirah of Rav Binyomin Kaplan ztl of Elkins Park ,PA previously from Monsey/S Fallsburg and recently Lakewood. He was a talmid of the mashgiach Rav Nosson Wachtfogel zatzal. Levaya today in Lakewood at the chapel off 7thbst 10:30am

- A massive container ship lost power in vthe waters around New York City and was brought to a rest near the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge Friday night- less than two weeks after failure on another massive cargo vessel caused it to smash into Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge.The US Coast Guard confirmed that its Vessel Traffic Service received a report that the 89,000-ton M/V Qingdao lost propulsion about 8:30 p.m. as it traversed Kill Van Kull waterway - the shipping lane between Staten Island and Bayonne, New Jersey. An image shared on X by John Konrad, CEO of maritime-focused news outlet Captain, shows the 1,100-foot Qingdao floating uncomfortably close to the span that connects Brooklyn and Staten Island. In response to the power failure, three tug boats were dispatched to bring the Qingdao under control. 

-Sefardi Roshei yeshiva in EY issue sharp letter against drafting any bochur even those not learning and they call for no compromises on quotas or sanctions. Sone pf the signatories have yeshivos of baalei teshuva and fear that their bochurim will pay the price as frum knesset members work out a deal behind the scenes. They said of course the IDF won't recruit fron Chvron or Ponovezh but the vulnerable sefardi boys will be scapegoats.


  1. Lakewood Republican Powerbrokers being challenged in court

  2. The reintroduced version, like the first version, has the following provision that will make any funding for vouchers very unlikely:

    9. The provisions of P.L. , c. (C. ) (pending before the Legislature as this bill) shall not supersede, impact, or interfere with any of the following: a. the full funding in each State fiscal year necessary to satisfy the requirement in Article VIII, Section IV, paragraph 1 of the New Jersey Constitution that the Legislature provide for the maintenance and support of a thorough and efficient system of free public schools for the instruction of all the children in the State between the ages of five and 18 years;

    There won't be a dime for nonpublic schools in Lakewood until its public schools are fully funded. Moreover, statewide, the funding formula has been fully funded only three times in the last two decades.

  3. Do yourself a favor - DO NOT LOOK AT THE ECLIPSE
    Do you know for certain the glasses are good? - I can also print codes on a piece of cardboard.
    The glasses are flimsy - Rays are peaking in all over!
    What exactly are you seeing? - Is it worth the chance - Its silly hype
    STEERING AT THE SUN FOR AN HOUR CANNOT BE A SMART THING even with the supposedly certified glasses!

    1. I don't believe we are capable of steering the sun. Only Hashem can do that. I do agree, however, that STARING at the sun for a long period of time with flimsy glasses is probably not a good idea. B"H for typos because that makes it easy for me to be dan lekaf zechus when I see glaring spelling and grammar mistakes

    2. Please make sure your glasses are fully covered by your N95 mask.

    3. So you look down at people who make glaring spelling mistakes? Instead of walking around a big Tzadik, being dan lekaf zechus everyone - How about stop looking down at people's mistakes in the first place!
