Sunday, April 7, 2024

Sunday April 7 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 56°  cloudy skies this afternoon. High 56F. Coastal flood advisory issued for the region from 6am Sunday to 12am Monday

Another Lakewood schools announces early dismissal tomorrow sending home students before the Eclipse Bnos Devorah "Due to the safety of our children, we will be dismissing tomorrow, Monday, at 12:30 with regular transportation. (Watsapp)

-Israel media released a video clip from the Slabodka yeshiva dinner a few months ago where Lakewood Rosh yeshiva Rav Yeruchom Olshin is quoted as saying in the name of the Chevron Rosh Yeshiva Rav Dovid Cohen that Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita is the Gadol hador and as a talmid of Rav Aaron Kotler zatzal Rav Moshe Hillel  speaks from his rebbes you hear Rav Aaron talking. 

- Early dismissal tomorrow at yeshiva Toras Aaron at 12:50 pm the school says that after consulting with medical advice about the dangers  of vewing it may cause we will be dismissing all grades with regular transportation. Other schools will ne giving out glasses to all the kids with a regular schedule school day
#Ridiculous( how about you refund all parents for half day of school and write them check for the missed work or Seder )

- Gezeiras Giyus: The Sephardi Roshei yeshivos issued a sharp dramatic letter on the draft law "Even a bochur who is not learning is not allowed to go to the army, there will be no compromises on conscription targets and quotas. "The state authorities have decided to go to war against the Torah world." The Roshei yeshivos fear that a compromise is in the works with the UTJ knesset members of Degel Hatorah that will force quotas and sanctions and the vulnerable  sefardi bochurim will be the first to pay the price and get drafted while the Ashkenazi bmei Torah will  be spared.

- Hachnosas Sefer Torah today at yeshiva Tiferes Chaim Aryeh Rosh Yeshiva Rav Dovid Mermelstein shlita. The sefer was written by Rav Yosef Mermelstein shlita R"Y of Novominsk liluy nishmas his father Rav Chaim Arye ZL. kesivas osiyos 3:45 pm at 110 Newport Ave Lakewood with the procession at 4:45 pm

- Expect heavy traffic at shopping plazas with Pesach grocery shopping some stores will have a separate pesach store tent. Over 350 new kosher for passover items have been introduced for this year.

- More earthquake aftershocks in N.J. region are very likely in next 7 days, experts predict
Experts from the U.S. Geological Survey say there’s nearly an 80% chance our region will be hit with an aftershock of magnitude 3.0 or higher within the next week and almost a 15% chance of an aftershock that’s magnitude 4.0 or stronger.

Gov. Murphy: In advance of Monday’s solar eclipse, we urge everyone to take proper safety precautions.

- Adirei Hatorah will be hosting a shabbos get together for supporters Shabbos Goviha this coming parshas Emor May at Parsipanny,NJ with the attendance of the Lakewood Roshei Hayeshiva

- The Powerball jackpot has been won in Oregon! A single ticket sold in Oregon matched all six numbers drawn to win a jackpot worth $1.326 billion. The jackpot has a cash value of $621 million.

- State police are in Lakewood today with traffic enforcement along rt 9. LPD pulling over cars on Cedarbridge Ave

- Toms River PD will host an event today 2pm at 255 Oak, with the community in response to recent armed robberies and home invasions.

- Lakewood home invasions, there hasn't been any statements from public officials following a string of burglaries in several neighborhoods.

-Hachnosas Sefer Torah today at Yeshiva Torah Temima Procession at 2:00pm 1727 Lanes Mill Rd, Lakewood 

- Levaya of Habachur Chaim Levi Gruner ZL today 12:00pm at Yeshiva Maayan Hatorah  101 Milton st Lakewood with kevura in Monsey. Livestream HERE

- Mishpacha sFalk sitting Shiva for Hayalda Rochela A"H at 8 Halsey st Lakewood getting up tomorrow morning 

- BDE:  Petirah of the Rav Asher Yaakov Shternbuch ZTL of Goldes Green London at age 75. levaya u Yerushalayim tonight.  His daughter Mrs. tziporah Sorotzkin and other children sitting Shiva in Lakewood today until 1:45pm at 19 Olive court at the home of his son inaw Rav Zalman Sorotzkin of Lutzk Bais Medrash.


  1. Why so many cops out there today? Add to the yt expenses and give tickets to our poor yungeleit and rebbeim?

    1. It's a full fledged money grab. Pulling people over for totally fabricated offenses. Scary what they can get with

  2. Shame on Lakewood commiteemen who are cracking down on drivers for minor infractions while gunmen terrorize residents in their homes at night robbing them.
    They should all resign in shame

  3. My friend, we are way past the days of poor yungerleit…. Free daycare, free housing then charging the basement rent on top of that, free food, bmg checks, Yom tov grocery on top of Food stamps and wic, these guys are killing it…

    1. We are back to the days of sin'as hatorah.
      Umfarginners invent the 'riches' the yungeleit are receiving on the backs of the poor hardworking baalebatim, and we may as well read the Ha'aretz.

    2. Wanna trade income?

  4. Yup while the rest of us get killed with no help in sight because we’re not in kollel or rebbeim.

    1. If for some reason you don't think kollel guys should be supported, what's the argument about rabbeim? They are definitely needed in a community, and they are always paid less than the living wage

    2. SO TAKE OUT A SEFER & LEARN!! What's your excuse?

  5. You anti Torah racist

    1. I guess Rambam who says it’s assur to take money to learn was also?

  6. Feel free to join a kollel or become a Rebbe.

  7. They won’t take a working guy

  8. You can't get a coveted Rebbe position even if you tried.

    1. So start your own kollel or Yeshiva.
      Can't get members? Can't get funding? Maybe your not cut out for rabbanus

  9. Cracking down while we are begging for them to patrol for safety is a chutzpah, but shows where our community's status is in their eyes.

  10. Why are they worried about kids looking at the eclipse? If they're in a classroom with the windows covered? Not really understanding the risks?

  11. Another excuse to close school.

  12. This is getting ridiculous we send children to school and trust them with the safety of children but they can't figure out how to have the kids wear glasses for 10 minutes

  13. Yom Kippur Kotton @ Kol Shimshon 1) 1:45 in Main Bais Medrash 2) 7:00 in Oytzer Haseforim

  14. Nobody’s saying rebbeim shouldn’t get supported or yungeleit shouldn’t get supported. I want them to have millions but we’ve all had enough of everyone crying poverty for them when many of them are better off than most in middle class with all the side jobs they could take and all the perks they get plus don’t be fooled they are paid a decent salary, rebbeim aren’t getting paid 30k anymore.

    1. You don't know who is better off than anyone, it is impossible to know.

      But you are sure that they are better off. Why?

      That is why you are accused of sin'as hatorah. Your smudged glasses don't allow you to see anything but smudge.

  15. In a time that we are all screaming about telhe Gigyus in Israel, and the cuts on the yeshivas.. Israel on the brink of an attack, we decide it's time to stop the kids from learning Torah. Ridiculous to say the least. Control the kids. If you think it's a danger, don't let the kids leave.
    This isnt the first eclipse to hit Lakewood. Kids never were dismissed early. Gets it's post COVID?

  16. Oh. I see. Getting oaid40 ir 45 k is now being rich . I know Mezivta Rebeim who have to be there at 7 30 for davening , spend about 6 hours preparing for shiur, teach till 2 pm and have to be there for night seder also. Basically a 12 hour day. No time to do anything else . And salary is about 50k . Not really great salary for so many hours .

  17. See someone points out the basic truth that the rebbeim and yungeleit are not always the ones suffering the most and he gets attacked for “sinas hatorah”. It’s like the democrats who can’t debate the issues so they resort to identity politics and everyone on the other side is racist and many other special names.

    1. Who said anything about suffering?

      They are given perks in appreciation for the wonderful work they do.

      The world has a hierarchy, your demand to treat your job as a hard money lender, house painter, nursing home magnate, or taxi driver the same as a Rebbe is a product of leftist liberalist moral relativism.
      It is not the truth.
      Some people still appreciate that the Rebbe who teaches their children Torah has given them a priceless gift, even if he is paid a measly few million dollars per year for it. And certainly when he is not paid that much. They express that appreciation in various ways.
      The guy who owns a takeout, while providing a service, is not as vital.

      אי אפשר לו לעולם ללא בסם וללא ברסקי, אשרי מי שעבודתו בסם ואוי לו למי שעבודתו בורסקי.
      The Rebbe is the בסם.

  18. Even if you are right that they get paid 50k they get programs and help from all these other things only available to rebbeim and yungeleit which might surprise you but is actually worth a lot of money. Programs alone is tens of thousands of dollars value.

  19. My glasses are very clear. I have friends who are rebbeim and they admit that they’re better off. To the other guy who says it’s appreciation that’s definitely true that everyone appreciates their rebbeim and that’s why us rich balabatim tip them nicely whenever we can but the perks they get has nothing to do with that it’s because everyone thinks they have less than everyone else and I was pointing out the reality that these days many of them are better off than us rich balabatim. As for you accusing us of sinas hatorah if only you would have ahavas yisroel to those despicable balabatim like we live our rebbeim would be nice. Your attitude shows that from all your years in the bais medrash you haven’t learned nearly enough mussar.
