Sunday, April 7, 2024

Video: Eclipse 101 How it happens

The Gemara Sukka 29 discusses  "Likuy Chamah" seem to refer to solar and lunar eclipses. Rav  Yonasaon  Eineshitz (Ya'aros Devash, volume 2, p. 67b) asks that an eclipse is a natural phenomenon that occurs according to a set astronomical pattern. How can a natural phenomenon be a harbinger of inauspicious times, if it occurs according to a predictable schedule? He says the gemara is not talking about exlipses because an eclipse is not called a "diminution" ("Likuy") of the heavenly bodies. Eclipses are merely shadows that are cast when the light of the sun is blocked by another celestial body from reaching the earth. Rather, the Gemara refers to sunspots and similar phenomena which occur on the moon (such as transient lunar phenomena).

- The Aruch Laner says that the Gemara indeed refers to eclipses, and the question of Rav Yonasan Eibshitz is not problematic for the following reason. Rashi in Bereishis (1:14) writes that the fourth day of the week (Wednesday) is predisposed to certain illnesses. Even though the day occurs on a natural calendrical cycle, it is still associated with tribulations. Similarly, the Chachamim knew that the set times that Hash-m arranges for eclipses to occur are times of judgment for the world. Therefore, it is possible for an eclipse to be both a natural phenomenon and an ominous omen.
He points out that the Gemara repeatedly refers to an eclipse as "during the time (bi'Zeman) that an eclipse occurs." These words imply that an eclipse happens at an established, known time. 


  1. Informative shiur on the Hashkafa of the eclipse by Rabbi Dovid A Gross

  2. Rashi clearly states it is a siman klalah . ( on sukkah 29)

  3. Please see Shela"h Hakodesh Parshas Noach in a Haghah. Says it's a standard Yediah and Bechira issue.

  4. Every tragedy has a wake up call message directly from Hashem that you're not going to find in any sefer in the world or read in any newspaper from a Gadol Hador or speaker saying about the tragedy. And neither is it from me a businessman internet writer

    In April of 2024 the Tri-state area of the United States was hit by a 4.8 Earthquake. On the date of 4/8/24 April 8th just 3 days after the earthquake mentioned above happened a Solar Eclipse was in the skies of the United States that anyone who looks at the Sun during the time it happens their eye vision can Chas VShalom be badly affected. What does the Passuk of 4:8 say in sefer Shemos? Hashem is talking to Moshe Rabbeinu to be Hashems messenger to take the Yidden out of Mitzrayim and is showing Moshe Rabbeinu signs to show them for trust in Hashem with the first sign of his stick turning into a snake and the second sign of his hand becoming white like snow and what does the Passuk of 4:8 say exactly? “It shall be that if they do not believe you and do not need the voice of the first sign, they will believe the voice of the latter sign". That's the Passuk of 4:8 in Sefer Shemos earthquake at a 4.8 degree 3 days before the Solar Eclipse on 4/8/24 with all of them coming up with the same exact number of 4/8 in 3 different ways of sentence, degree and date. So what exactly is the message DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM regarding this earthquake and Solar Eclipse 3 days apart from each other? If we think we can continue to live in denial and not accept Hashem's wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together then Hashem will Have to tragically send another wake up call after the tragic earthquake happened of the Solar Eclipse that can damage for life a person's vision and then maybe klal yisroel will finally listen to Hashem's wake up call for serious Teshuva and Achdus together so Hashem can send Mashiach already b'karov.

    For other shocking messages DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM you can email and be shocked by Hashems messages rather it's from recently or hundreds or even thousands of years ago but still not to be found in any sefer in the world or hear from a Gadol hador speaking etc ... Only cause these shocking messages come DIRECTLY FROM HASHEM

    1. So the goyishe date, as well as the goyishe chapters in Tanach, are your guides in a difficult world.

      Boruch Hashem who gave us a Torah. We can find our guides from real sources, not רהבים ושטי כזב.
