Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Tuesday April 9 Rosh Chodesh Nissan News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 76° Sunshine to start, then a few afternoon clouds. High 76F.

- Republican Jack Ciattarelli anounced hebis making his third run for New Jersey governor, seeking to build on the momentum he had when he nearly defeated incumbent Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy in 2021.Ciattarelli promised to steer the state back from the left after two terms under Murphy. Ciattarelli largely pledged to: cut taxes, promote school choice, overhaul public school curriculum to ensure “age-appropriate lessons” and pursue a constitutional amendment to put term limits on state lawmakers.

- Igud Bnei Torah mens othibg sale gets underway for yom Tov selling suits hats shoes shirts and other accessories at discounted prices for bnei Torah, at Swarthmore ave

- Due to expected rainy weather the Moadim Lsimcha pesach distribution will begin earlier on Thursday. Please call ahead for your scheduled pick up

- State police in Lakewood with traffic enforcement including unmarked vehicles pulling over motorists

- Chasidishe yidden who went to see the Eclipse in buffalo, NY said it was worth the trip the mincha afterwards was like Neelah after they experienced 3 minutes of total darkness all they said was Ein Od Milvado the words Atah Gibor ..mi kamocha Baal Gevuros.. had a strong meaning (Kol Mevaser)

- Donald Trump said last night that his successor, Joe Biden, is unequivocally aligned with the Palestinians “100 percent.” “Any Jewish person that votes for Biden does not love Israel and frankly, should be spoken to — How a Jewish person can vote for Biden or a Democrat because they are on the side 100% of the Palestinians, and he doesn’t know how to get out of it,” Trump told the conservative Real America’s Voice network. “Frankly, it’s incredible that historically Jewish people vote for Democrats. I don’t understand that,” he said. “I’ve been more pro-Israel than any other president by far 

- Pesach Bein Hazmanim begins as bochurim return home from out of town yeshivos. The BMG zman continues until ז ניסן. Lawn signs are posted along the street corners  advertising various services for Pesach such as shaimos pick up, kashering, car cleaning, sreiifas challah etc..

- Tonight in Lakewood  A Q&A Halacha event for women with Rav Shmuel Felder on Pesach balancing Halacha mesora and cumra questions can be submited vie email  questions@kavhalacha.org  at Tiferes Bais Yaakov Hall 8:45 pm 

- Rav Nisson Kaplan shlita will deliver s shiur today Rosh chodesh Nissan on inyanei Pesach this afternoon 1:15 pm at Bais Medrash Kol Aryeh Lakewood
- Lakewood planning board meeting tonight 6:00 pm watch livestream Here see agenda Here
Items on the agenda an application for a hotel on the corner of Pine and New Hampshire
convert house to a shul at 1012 Hearthstone
conver t house to a shul at 124 Gudz
Yeshiva Hameir Lyisroel convert house to a school off Hope Chapel
chestnut Holdings NJ Subdivision to create 27 lots on chestnut st

- Four more earthquake aftershocks, including one that happened during the solar eclipse, occurred in New Jersey on Monday centered around the 4.8 magnitude earthquake that rocked the state and region on Friday. There have now been 43 aftershocks in Somerset and Hunterdon counties since the earthquake.

- Hisachdus Drabonim of Lakewood Kosher Pesach list HERE

-Evergreen kosher pesach packet download Here

-Shiva for Rav Binyomin Kaplan ztl is in Lakewood at 965 Princewood

Mishpachas Siff sitting shiva for Hatinok Avrohom Z"L at 30 Newberry ct, Lakewood getting up Friday morning 

-Mark Levin: Dearborn, Michigan is a hotbed of Islamist hate and Biden panders to them and sells out America and Israel

Video: Rav Malkiel Kotler at a wedding in Lakewood last night with the Sadigura rebbe from Bnei Brak


  1. What a beautiful video of the BMG Rosh Hayeshiva. Such a Tzadik and Adam Gadol. Thanks for posting!

    1. You may be confusing people.

      The one with the small beard is Rabbi Yehoshua Friedman, originally from London, now from Bnei Berak. Known as a grandson of the philanthropist Chaim Moshe Feldman, and a nephew of Moshe Reichman.

    2. Who's he dancing with? The choson?

    3. Lived last in Antwerp The other Moshe by r Shneider r shternbuch

    4. Funny, this Reb Yehoshua married a granddaughter of Reb Elya Shternbuch z"l, brother of Reb Moshe Shternbuch.
