Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Gov Murphy: "I'm Not a Voucher Guy. Period

 New Jersey Gov.  Phil  Murphy was asked tonight about the school voucher bill just introduced. His response: "I'm not a voucher guy. Period. It was refering to the tuition relief tax credit bill that was introduced in Trenton.

 The NJEA teachers union  tweeted "Thank you Gov Murphy for once again standing up for public schools" 

Newark, NJ mayor Ras Baraka, followed up with his opposition to the bill he wrote "in the chaos of NJ politics this year, one thing that’s gone under the radar is the fact that the New Jersey Democrats are, right now, pushing a bill on #schoolvouchers. We’ve got to squash this before it ever gets started!" He tweeted "School Vouchers divide us,they discriminate and they encourage further segregation. Vouchers are bad for New Jersey schools, students and taxpayers.

NJEA called on its members to oppose the tax credit tuition bill A-4144/S-3035

NJEA has long opposed creating school voucher programs and "tuition tax credit" schemes. Don't be fooled by a name -- a "tax credit" is still a voucher that diverts scarce public funds to private school coffers. 


  1. I have been saying on this website for a while that you will not get vouchers until Lakewood public schools are fixed and our town is saved from fiscal collapse. Instead, for the one in a thousand chance of getting a voucher for you kids, you vote in favor the candidates that oppose me and facilitate an over 50% chance that you will lose your homes due to the debt of the district. Not only will generations of Lakewood children pay the price for your submissiveness, and the damage is done, but you persist and allowing a $400 million powerhouse be run by imbeciles just so that your roshei mosdos can have someone to talk to when they want to get $10K or $20K of grants or funds here or there. For decades, with their HaKaros HaTov, the Vaad has sacrificed millions of dollars of the general welfare, created a culture of inefficiency and subservience in politics and particularly in the BOE for the sake of pennies. We always used to say in BMG that Lakewood is run by the wives. That is not true. It is run by sissy, little, chicken-dropping boys.

  2. Good thing we kicked a friendly Republican and the GOP in the teeth to get Schnall elected for what was obviously a fool's errand. Certainly only positive outcomes can be expected from this whole sorry episode.

  3. Another way Murphy could have said it is "I'm deeply embedded with the Teachers Union and need their support so I'm throwing the kids overboard." Instead, he pretends it's about personal preference similar to the way one decides he's a pasta guy or a pizza guy.
    No, you fool, this is not about "vouchers", this is about caring for the kids whom you were elected to protect and care for.

    1. Wrong! There are a lot of people who sincerely are against vouchers. I don't even know why anyone thought this would pass. NJ Public Schools are next to Massachusetts as the second best in America. (I though maybe he would repay Lakewood with a small $5 million program in return for their opposition to me. Anyway, what a bunch of wusses for not standing up to him to support a member of your own community.)

      Anyway, I told you from the beginning, instead of having vouchers, have frum public school teachers teach in yeshivas for free under the STEM program or another potential program. Those teachers are members of the union.

      But you all just follow your marching order and there is no boss to go to get it done, or who can put all the parties together for an honest debate. Instead, everything is in secret confusion. Lakewood is hefker. It was hefker in 1985, and it still is. Maybe it will never be fixed.

    2. The truth is that this bill could benefit many public school kids as well, especially those stuck in failing districts, by enabling them to attend private schools. That's one reason NJEA hates it so much.

    3. The yeshivas don't want state paid (STEAM) teachers.
      They can't control who the teachers will be, and they can't control theit curriculum.

    4. Actually, under the program, they decide who can teach. It does not matter though because I already in 2010 figured out how to get free English teachers under the existing law and the mosdos were not interested. Beside, what I am doing now it so much bigger in dollars and cents, but it would be nice to make quality education available to boys under the guidelines that Rabbi SChustel gave me in 2010.

      I just love how millions of dollars for the oilam, and in the school funding case, billions for the township over the generations, are so readily rejected by a handful of people without any public debate. How can there be a debate since everything is decided in secret without the central actors knowledge. And BTW, yes, there is a yeshiva in town taking advantage of the STEM program.

      I mean, STEM is used mainly for math teachers. What part of the math curriculum do you want to take out? Algebra? Geometry? Or maybe calculus, since after all, it is redundant since the Earth is flat and the effect of force is motion (a change in location), not acceleration (a change in speed)! Besides, the STEM law itself allows the yeshiva to dismiss a teacher if it so desires without consequence. So you can fire a teacher that teaches calculus.

  4. Schnall Adirei Aguda vaad ALLL FOOLED the Lakewood community with this fake tuition bill what a bunch of deception and gneivas daas hatzibur including getting the roshei yeshiva involved
    They used the tuition card to fool the goulible tzibbur to the polls to put their boy in Trenton and help the well connected askanim
    What a disgusting chain of events

    1. Wrong on all accounts. Schnall explicitly said that the tuition relief won't be in the form of vouchers. No Rosh Yeshiva claimed to have believe Schnall will get vouchers. And you can be sure the olam WILL forget about this and Schnall will easily get reelected. Even if tuition relief won't even be a talkin point anymore

    2. Completely False.Check up EVERY interview Shnall made before the vote.
      Also check Shmooze

    3. & False.People finally have their wake up

  5. So we were all fooled. We relied on the Rabbanim. Is daas torah no longer a thing? And if not, then is this a universal rule now?

    1. On target. Now go out & get your family & friends on board

    2. You & yours were fooled.Some of us on the other hand..

  6. No da'as Torah. Rabbi Levin supported me. There was no reason for Ben Heinemann, Rabbi Weisberg, Rabbi Balsam and who knows whom else, to meet behind my back with the Rosh Yeshiva, in secret, and when I confronted him, I was told that he is convinced I am right but he "hears the other side." What? So let me also hear the other side. Instead, I don't even know why they opposed. First it was because I am told that the BOE is doing things illegal or improper. So I have to tell Lakewood how dumb this town is. All over America the candidates say vote for them because their opponenst are dishinest. Here, it is vote for my cadidates because they are dishonest. I knew it was not true, but just the stupid guy running the BOE saying, "Oh, don't tell anyone. I am risking it for you," when he knows whatever he is doing is LEGAL. So, I thought we were in Chelm. Then I heard they were scared one of my people would snitch. But there is nothing to snitch. Then I find out that the governor gave them the shakedown and they caved in. So what is it? There is nothing worse than a NJ feifdom , NJ isn't a real state but a collection of feifdoms run by bosses (no TV station or big new

    1. Rabbi Levin supported Mr. Lang's candidates.
      He said nothing about Schnall.

      They weren't contradictory. Mr. Lang was promoting BOE candidates, Schnall ran for state assembly.

  7. It got cut off.

    NJ is fiefdoms run by political bosses (we had to read Karcher, and also Salmore), but Lakewood is a fiefdom WITHOUT A BOSS. The buck does not stop anywhere.

    There has been a TOTAL FAILURE and it is time that you all start putting together political committee to fix this situtaion.

  8. Venting on hefkervelt is not a winning strategy, Mister Lang. You need the Lakewood Shopper on your side. Speak to them.

    1. My only stake in this is as a resident taxpayer. I lost my job in the district after 21 years. I am not going to fix this politically leaderless town. I will get the formula fixed, loans forgiven, and billions of dollars for future generations of Lakewooders, and perhaps all American communities like ours, but I am not doing it again. There is absolutely no hakaros hatov when you go great things in the pubic interest, just when you do favors for the gangstelach. If I want to vent on Hefkerville because I enjoy it, that is all it means. If all of ya'll can't reform this town on your own when you are delivered a once in a century opportunity, billions of dollars for an educational infrastructure and stable revenue, then good riddance. I no longer work for the district so what do I care? I can't move up anymore. I can't make the district into a powerhouse of opportunity as an executive of the organization. You all had your chance to elect a BOE that would promote me to a six digit salary, like you pay every other of the 30 or so administrators, but you decided to keep me at the bottom of company ladder.

    2. Most here appreciate your attempts & it's good for posterity to have it all laid out in front of this public

  9. It’s no coincidence that the BOE just denied the loan to the Lakewood schools. It’s a threat for trying to start up with the vouchers. So not only did Schanll not get us free tuition. He just royally messed over the whole Lakewoods bussing.
