Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Hashkafa Q&A

Hashkafa with Reb Gershon Ribner shlita
The most potent qualification in a Rov is largely overlooked in the selection process


  1. In today's day and age you have more avenues of help and people involved than the local rav. Every kehila has a few askanim that are on top of who needs financial help or medical help and there's resources to go to and seek advice.
    People have family friends and neighbors
    Some rabbinic are on top of things and have a vast knowledge of medical issues shalom basis and have access to money. Some rabbonim are not that type of personality but they still lift up the kehila with ruchniyis and eitzos especially in guiding parents with getting kids into school.
    There's kehilos in Lakewood that have a shul with no rav yet the community has resources.

  2. So instead of letting professionals do the work you're happy with some well-meaning amateurs and then you wonder why the results are so disastrous

    1. I've seen plenty of disastrous results coming from the professionals too. I see little evidence that professionals ever accomplish anything that well-meaning amateurs can't when it comes to giving opinions for run if the mill problems. Including mental health and rebellious children

  3. So experience and training or knowledge doesn't matter?? It's how well meaning you are?? Who exactly are you referring to as professional afaik there is no (rabbinical)accreditation board passing out diplomas.....

    1. I’m not sure who this comment is directed at but I will repeat again that I have not seen that educated professionals have done any better of a job in solving problems than well meaning baaley sechel. If educated professionals were really so good at solving problems, then the frum worlds social problems would have been solved long ago

    2. Check up Abigail Shirer

  4. You might be well meaning you have this obviously haven't seen much

    1. How do you know I didn't see much? Maybe I'm just too in denial or too close minded to recognize all the great work the educated professionals have done, despite having seen it first hand

  5. Ahhhh, social workers are somehow well trained????? Great purim joke!

  6. having letters after your name does not make you smart or capable. anyone can look at america's unverisities today and see how worthless they are.
