Friday, April 5, 2024

Friday April 5 News Updates Lakewood

 Friday, April 5, 2024 / כ״ו אדר-ב תשפ״ד ערב שבת פרשת שמיני פרשת החודש מברכים חודש ניסן
Candle lighting 7:07
shkiah/sunset 7:25
Rosh Chodesh Nissan is Tuesday
weather today 50° Mostly cloudy skies shabbos day hi of 53 and overcast. Monday Eclipse day intervals of clouds hi 61

- 6:15 pm Aftershocks felt in New Jersey and NYC from Earthquake.  4.4 magnitude 

- Tehillim please daven for Chaim Levi ben Chava Sarah a A Lakewood  boy in need of rachmei shamayim whose condition has worsend. 

- Gov Phil Murphy: Northern New Jersey just experienced an aftershock.Please follow the emergency guidance below and avoid calling 911 unless you have an actual emergency.

- "American Jews" is trending on Twitter today

-Lakewood Cheder will be giving out eclipse glasses to all the kids grades 1-8

- Powerball jackpot $1.3 Billion drawing motzei shabbos

-The Eclipse trip from Lakewood  נסיעה ליקוי החמה from Lakewood will be going to Syracuse , NY Syracuse is one of the closest places to Lakewood to view the total 
eclipse, requiring less than a five- hour drive Being one of the first places where
the full eclipse is visible, it ensures we'll be ahead of the traffic on the way back.
Traveling farther would significantly increase costs, making it less feasible for each person.
weather forecast for Syracuse on Monday  As of now looks promising, Is there a possibility to change location if the weather changes or any other unexpected event occurs they  are exploring a few options like Schroon Lake, NY, as alternatives. on the return the aim is to beat the traffic, and leave right after the full eclipse happens All ages are welcome to join the trip  732.444.8836 Call or text now to secure your reservation

- Adirei hatorah held a fundraiser event last night in Miami 

- Ocean county crew upgrade traffic signals at Cedarbridge and MLK

- Breadberry new expanded grocery section 

- Gas prices go up in Lakewood by 20 cents 

- Salbodka yeshiva bochurim in conjunction with the police pulled  fast one on a group of leftist protestors outside the yeshiva who refused to leave until Rav’ Dov Landau, left his house. They asked the yeshivas cook a older chasidihe yid  to dress up like Rav Dov and  they sang and danced him clearing a path  to his car  his car. The driver left with teh Rosh yeshiva and the protestors dispersed The cook quipped it was worth cooking 30 years just to get the feel of 2 minute of Kovod. He met with the Rosh Yeshiva afterwardsd who thanked him and gave him a bracha 

- Chazer treif in Lakewood: news media  reports on the new menu at Blueclaws stadium that will include a full line  pork roll selections media alluding to the fact that its in Lakewood of all places and they are not hiding it.

- BDE: Petirah of Mrs. Toby Seidenfeld A”Hof Brooklyn she was injured in a fire a few weeks ago in Kensington on erev shaabbos. She was 82. Levaya was in Brooklyn with kevura in Lakewood this afternoon 


  1. It's time for glatt kosher food at Blueclaws with a KCL hashgacha
    Otherwise the olam will be nichshal with this chazerei

  2. M & M have everything under control

    1. Really?? I haven't seen them in ages. Do they still live in Lakewood?

  3. They get paid by automatic deposit
