Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Gezeiras Giyus: Gedolei Yisrael call for Mesirus Nefesh

Per Israeli media, The Israeli Yated Neeman has refused to print Rav Bergmans letter despite his personal request from them to do so, especially that it was his father in law Harav Schach who founded the paper

Gedolei Yisrael issue letters as the govt is working on a draft law that will include sanctions and quotas on charedim to serve in the IDF. The coalition is in talks to come up with a deal either right before or after Pesach.

A Massive atzeres is planned tomorrow in Yerushalayim expecting tens of thousands to join in opposition to the giyus bnei hayeshivos.

In the US there will also be asifos chizuk tonight on the gezeiras Giyus in Lakewood and Monsey for yeshiva bochurim of mesivta grades 11 and up with a special video message by Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch shlita and Rav Dovid Cogen shlita chevron Rosh yeshiva. In Lakewood, Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita and Rav Elya Brudny shlita will speak at an atzeres taking place at the Lakewood high school on Somerset Ave. In Monsey Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel shlita and Rav Uren Reich shlita will address the asifa at theBas Mikrah school off Viola Rd. 

Rav Meir Tzvi Bergman shlita, the zkan roshei hayeahivos issued another letter yesterday stating "We can not stand by from afar and agree to the stealing of even one soul from klal yisroel  During a test of time, one must resist with all force to the point of mesirus nefesh". He quoted from his father-in-law Rav Lezer Shach ZTL who told him that if it would actually happen, it should be said in his name that a decree to draft yeshiva students is a decree of shmadand we must give up our lives for it, as explained in Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah. This is what must be done if we are tested in this manner. If we will be strong, those errant brothers will internalize that there is no point in their actions and attempts to threaten the world of Torah....

The Rosh Yeshiva Rav Asher Deutsch shlita of the bnei Torah faction and Rav Ezriel Auerbach shlita issued a joint letter calling on everyone to attend the atzers in Yerushalayim and stand united in opposition to any compromise as the authorities are putting klal Yisroel in danger.

See letters below

Letter from Rav Asher Deutsch and Rav Ezriel Auerbach


  1. If the draft is shmad, then why is mutar for bochurim to register when they come out age?

    1. Dk yiu lack reading skills??? Read rav Bergman's letter, as he explicitly addresses your claim. It's the 3rd to last paragraph

    2. The third to last paragraph (otherwise known as the second paragraph) says that we're so blessed to have been taught by the darkei Shmuel to fight and not give in and ch"sh to say that times have changed. How does that answer the question?

    3. You're looking at the wrong letter.

    4. The 3rd tk last paragraph in Rav Bergman's letter is the second? We must be looking at different letters.

  2. How is it "mesirus nefesh" when no one is threatening to kill anyone? People need to calm down.

    1. Couldn’t agree more.

      Classic gaslighting

    2. Talk about needing to calm down! Your claim is clearly addressed by Rav Bergman in the 3rd to last paragraph.

  3. Reb Yaakov was asked by my shver, when we talk about mesiras nefesh for Torah, how much does it entail? Reb Yaakov responded, mesiras nefesh is for the ג חמורות (implying mesiras nefesh becomes overused)! For Torah, the proper concept would better be expressed as : כך היא דרכה של תורה פת במלח תאכל ומים במשורה תשתה .. for which we have to be weigh.

    1. Cute story, but not relevant. During a time of shmad, mesirus nefesh is even on the color of your shoelace. Your cutsie story is not relevant to the issue at hand.

  4. It's definitely shmad at age 18. If somebody is married at age 30 with 4 kids ,it might be a little better. Not great but a little better
