Thursday, April 18, 2024

Thursday April 18 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 49° Areas of patchy fog early. Cloudy

- Boruch sholom concert in Lakewood Tonight @Buser takeout - 805 cross street 9pm being hazmanim pop up restaurant 

- Tehillim: The Skulen rebbe in Boro Park was taken to the hospital at 5:30pm name is Yeshaya Yaakov ben Raizel 

- Rav Moshe Shtrnbuch shlita delivered a Shabbos Hagadol drasha tonight to thousands at the Dushinsky Bais Medrash in Yerushalayim 

- Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin shlita who is in EY for Pesach participated in a special tefilah of awaiting the Geulah in Bnei Brak tonight 

- Atzeres tefilah tomorrow in the Forest park Bais medrash  for the matzav in EY and tzaros in Klal yisroel. Divrei chizuk by Rav Uri Deutsch shlita followed by tehillim at 12pm.

- Jury of 12 has been selected for Trump NYC trial consists of 7 men and 5 women. Judge has sworn them in and gave instructions not to discuss the case 

-Seasons Lakewood offering shabbos delivered to your door

Bein Hazmanim shiurim:
Central Court shul Rav Betzalel Busel shlita 12:45 pm
Lutzk Rav Malkiel Kotler shlita 12:55

- The Levaya for the 3 Sifrei Torah which were sadly burned in the Pomona Heights Shul fire on Wednesday, will take place today at 4pm in Pomona, NY.

-Eitan Katz concert  tonight tin Jackson liberty high school for men only tickets at the door 6:45

-FBI Director Chris Wray warned Jewish leaders that ISIS has urged their followers to "target Jewish communities, both in the United States and in Europe," adds that it is something his agency is "increasingly concerned about."

- Prime Apt landlord seeks to dismiss tenants litigation more

- APP reports on sereifas Chometz with added locations in Lakewood Jackson  Toms River "The tradition is to burn it to get rid of it from our home, the burning of it is symbolic,” said Rabbi Aaron Kotler, president emeritus of Beth Medrash Govoa, the Lakewood-based Yeshiva. “The burning is the symbolism, the representation of the process of cleaning our homes of that. Passover is our time to go back to our roots, to remind ourselves of our time when we were slaves and then immersed in freedom.”

-Yartzeit seuda for the Novominsker rebbe zatzal at Tiferes Bais Yaakov hall 613 Oak st starting with Maariv at 8:30 pm 

-Around 62,000 people in the state filed for Paid Family Leave last year. Also notes that the number of fathers who filed for PFL doubled last year from the prior year.(Onejersey)

- Lakewood DPW: Starting Motzei  shabbos  April 19th the resident drop off at One America Avenue, Lakewood NJ  will be open from 8pm and will remain open until Monday April 22nd 7pm. List of what can be brought  Household garbage. Couches, chairs, sofas, doors, tables, all household furniture All household electronics and E-Waste. All metal, refrigerators, grills, and other household appliances. Pallets, Tires OFF the rim. We have special containers for clothes and shredded paper. 


  1. Anyone who is in the government in the Lakewood township should throw itself into the garbage

  2. Is there anywhere to bring old bikes that others can still use?

    1. Give it to the bike man to use for parts or fix up

  3. " The Nissim of the massive Iranian attack on Eretz Yisroel last Motz"sh - Va"v Nisan" were addressed last night in a Lakewood event by Rav Michoel Sorotzkin

    1. Wow! Should be posted on front page for everyone to hear. A moiredike and deep vision on the current events.
      שיתקיים בנו הכתוב "כימי צאתך מארץ מצרים אראנו נפלאות"

    2. Is there a way to access these shiurim without Youtube?

  4. Rabbi S in Israel for pesach -- is he keeping one or two days (or what is called 1+1/2 days)?

  5. are there extra garbage pick-ups this year

  6. Wow all these concerts erev pesach for all the hardworking bachurim! Maybe bein hazamnim needs to be cut?!

    1. @ Anon 4:52 PM
      Your comment is sarcastic. Someone who could write sarcastically "all the hardworking bachurim" is clearly someone who was not successful in Yeshiva and probably doesn't enjoy learning now either. Nebach.

  7. Conserts are for goyim
