Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Wednesday December 29 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather:  Cloudy this morning. A few showers developing during the afternoon. High around 50F.

- 108 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 18506/330
- 75 vases in jackson totals 9578/125
- 171 new cases in Toms River totals 16031/363

-9:00 pm Updated: US. reports 484,377 new coronavirus cases, setting world record for the highest single-day increase during the entire pandemic.  

-Bais Yaakov in Brooklyn had over 45 teachers absent, schools asking parents to sub

- Israel Police cancel Hiloula of Baba Sali in Netivot next week due to COVID-19, and  security concerns following the Meron tragedy. Police estimate over 100,000 Israelis will gather at the kever.  MK's from Shas blasted the decision saying`The masses will march with their feet and the Hiloula will take place," regardless. MK Smotrich  called it  "disgraceful" and made comparisons to New Year's celebrations that are set to take place without restrictions. 

- The CDC has admitted that the PCR test cannot even differentiate between Covid and Flu viruses and as of January 22 the CDC will withdraw the use of the PCR test for COVID-19 testing. More

 -The COVID-19 testing site located at the Ocean County College will not be accepting any new patients today 

- New Jersey on Wednesday reported another record breaking  20,483 COVID-19 cases, the most since pandemic, and another 50 confirmed deaths

- Twitter has suspended the account of Dr. Robert Malone one of the inventors of the MRNA technology  who has made a series of claims about mRNA COVID-19 shots causing harm to children.

- Attention Lakewood parents applying for primary for Sep 2022 if you were not accepted yet into school call the school placement Vaad. For Boys call 732-945-4992 or email for Girls call 732-523-0110 or email

- The newly updated CDC guidelines don't require testing at the end of isolation because PCR tests can stay positive for up to 12 weeks, 

- Mishpachas Gross is sitting shiva for their daughter Leah A"H at 71 Northcrest in Westgate Shachris 9:00 am Mincha/Maariv 4:30 pm

- Lakewood township says the proposed transfer station at the DPW could impact the surrounding area but calls it "minimal if any".  Up to 300 tons of garbage will be brought to the site that could cause a bad smell during the summer months  affecting thousands of Lakewood children and adults within the mile radius. In the application to the county  the township says "A residential hazardous waste collection center, operated and managed by the DPW, is also in operation on the south end of the lot. As such, the impact of the proposed transfer station addition at the existing DPW facility, to the sensitive receptors in the area will be minimal, if any". The petition to stop it has got close to 900 signatures. Sign up here to help get it to 1000.

- Avigdor Liberman’s Yisrael Beytenu are calling for the Chief Rabbi Rav David Lau t to be fired immediately and to prosecute him like any other civil servant after a letter sent by Rabbi Lau to Prime Minister Naftali Bennett protesting plans to promote a reformed system of giyur in Israel. chareidi MKs come to the defense of Rav Lau.MK Moshe Gafni, said “The true face of Liberman, Kahana and [Yoaz] Hendel has been revealed. They just want to turn the Chief Rabbi into a clerk who receives instructions from a group of inferior politicians who do not have a basic knowledge of halachah. “The Jewish people in Israel and around the world will condemn them and stand by the Chief Rabbi of Israel, Harav David Lau.”

A shmuzz given yesterday from Rav Chaim Peretz Berman shlita Rosh Yeshiva in Ponovezh addressing the influence of the secular media by public shaming and social media in the frum world 



    1. How did you prove the authentic identity of the abuser?
      There are rabbinic opinions who don't trust Shmuel Eliyahu.

    2. What about you?

      When was the last time YOU cried about abuse? What did YOU ever do for them in any context other than joining those who have a lynch mob mentality of dealing with the accused?

  2. Re the click bait article about the PCR test; it's skewed. If you notice the source you will understand why. Here's some balanced reporting
    and here
    I have no violent vaccine opinions either way but I think it's irresponsible to post such an obviously biased report

    1. "balanced reporting"?
      LOL!!!this is too funny! I cant, I cant, get me out of here! LOL!!

    2. Whaddaya mean its skewed

      They link to the cdc website

    3. "In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses. Such assays can facilitate continued testing for both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 and can save both time and resources as we head into influenza season."

      Seems pretty clear that the cdc is implying that pcr test couldn't differentiate, and hence they are advising to replace with another test that would

    4. And of course the almost complete disappearance of flu last season was merely a coincidence, correct 11:42 ?

  3. Please sign the petition to stop the transfer station dont think just because you dont live near the garbage dump that it wont affect you.

    When a single garbage truck drives down the street and it leaks liquid it smells up the entire neighborhood. Now imagine 300 tons daily on a hot summer day.

  4. 'CDC admits'
    Love that fake news sentence.
    No, 'the CDC discovers' would be the accurate way of reporting things. But since when do we care about accuracy?

    1. Biden is in a pickel, forced to admit he cant control covid. So yes, they got the cdc to admit covid aint as bad as it seems and hero biden is now saving us all

  5. The anonymous 'school placement Vaad', that answers to nobody and is forced on the community. When they didn't exist, people could push to get into the school they felt was best. Now, the Vaad and only the Vaad decide what is good for you. And this Vaad gets to stay anonymous, without oversight or second guessing

  6. totally untrue one test is being pulled there are
    many others that are accurate

  7. Not saying anything about the way things were dealt with beforehand but I have issue with the way they were dealt with afterward. Who is being made safer by some rabbi going on the radio and saying what a terrible person he was? Ditto for some of these other letters coming out from rabbis who probably know nothing other than what is being peddled on the internet.(one of those letters cleanly had inaccurate information)

    After the unquestionably true Boruch Goldstein story when the entire Jewish world was being vilified for it Rav Shach opposed and refused to sign a Kol Koreh against him saying that at this time there is no way he can add pain to an almona and yesomim by doing so.

    If someone is alive and a possible danger I understand not worrying about the family. But when the person is dead and no threat to anyone is there no concern of Kol Almonah V’Yosom Lo Saaneh before running to publicly vilify someone?

    1. By bringing awareness to the public about the actions of this perpetrator other victims will have the courage to come forward and face their abusers.

  8. Yea but all the frum media is painting him now a tzadik dince he killed himself, what about the tests of all his innocent victims and their families??

  9. The click bait about the Covid PCR is not just skewed, it's completely false! It's unconscionable to quote an anti-vax site with no understanding of what the CDC actually said!
    Last July (!) the CDC stated that this specific test would be withdrawn from use 12/31/21 because it ONLY tests for Covid! The recommendation is that, especially during flu season, a multiplex test be used that detects Covid, Flu A, Flu B, as well as other viruses. This is for expedience, since if someone has symptoms but does not have Covid the original test would simply be negative. The multiplex test simultaneously tests for other viruses that that person may have. That's all!

    A little science background: The Covid PCR tests for a specific nucleic acid that is only found in the the Covid virus. It does not and cannot detect flu or any other virus since theses viruses do not contain the nucleic acd that is tested for!

    Please be more responsible in your reporting!

  10. Your story about the CDC and PCR test displays a fundamental lack of understanding of the English language, aside from any of the science involved. This site is starting to go downhill in this regard. I guess the good news is that we are not yet at "contrails are causing flu"...
