Sunday, December 19, 2021

Petition Launched To Stop The Lakewood DPW Solid Waste Transfer Station

 Stop the Lakewood DPW Solid Waste Transfer Station

 community is asked to help by signing petition

Map of "sensitive receptors" that could be effected within a mile of the proposed transfer station on the county website. None of this was posted on the Lakewood township website

Petition - Lakewood township has proposed to build a Solid Waste Transfer Station with a 300 ton daily capacity. The proposed site is immediately adjacent to the current DPW complex located on America ave. The solid waste transfer station is designed to offload waste from the local township garbage haulers. The local haulers unload directly onto the facility floor. Earth movers are then used to move and transfer the waste into semi trailers (18 wheelers) for transport to the Ocean County landfill.

The proposed solid waste transfer station will directly impact the quality of life of the residents and business establishments in its immediate vicinity. Proposed hours of operation are 7 days a week from 6AM to 9PM. During the hours of operation residents will hear loud equipment and see many more waste management vehicles including semi trailers coming and going. These facilities are known to cause tremendously foul smelling odors that will be a constant presence for all of the immediate area surrounding the facility. They also inherently generate large quantities of waste liquid. This is particularly concerning as the proposed site is within a half mile of the Lakewood MUA water tower as well as other fresh water bodies. 

Located within a half mile of the proposed facility are established residential neighborhoods, eating establishments with indoor and outdoor seating, health facilities, newly built office parks, urgent care facilities and many schools with elementary school age children. These will all be directly negatively affected if this solid waste management facility is built. 

Unfortunately, although this project is already several years in the making, to our knowledge the Lakewood township has not made any of the above listed affected parties aware of their intentions. Possible alternative solutions to the township's waste management needs may include an alternate site or a privately managed site that is located in an industrial zone. It should be noted that over half of the 51 currently operational waste transfer stations in NJ are privately administrated. 

We are proposing that there be an immediate halt to any further consideration of this project. Regardless of where you may live in Lakewood, any support you could show would be very much appreciated!



  1. There should be a petition to put this smelly station on 14th street so the big shots voting to approve it would live with this smell since they have no problem with it

  2. A petition is not going to stop this. You have to hire lawyers and fight this in court. If information was withheld from the public or proper notice was not given it should be addressed to a judge

    The entire township committee should be called to a public meeting that will be advertised and they should face the public in person to disuss it and explore other options

    Enough with the corruption and hiding things from the public

  3. Of course they waited until after elections to do this

  4. They reappointed Ray Coles to be mayor again next year so they dont have to face the public

  5. I do feel bad for the residents but maybe people should have thought about that before moving into houses in an industrial zone!
    And why did the township change the zoning to let Mueller and other connected people build houses in an industrial zone?
    Obviously this benefits the town as a whole financially, so maybe the rabim takes precedence over yechidim.

  6. It is always good to buils a stadium and a public works facilty and then have residentail buils all around it. Brilliant. Besides for the tax bvenefits that was lost because it isnt commercial it is residential. Brilliant Politicains who answer to spewcial interests but nor us the voters or tax payers...

  7. I have no problem with the people who live around there not wanting it. But it is not the problem of the rest of the town. Nobody else will suffer from it, we will only gain from it. The rest of us want it. It is unfair to make this the public's issue.

    It is the job of the government to adjudicate this dispute according to the best possible outcome. If their discomfort is more than the benefit for the rest of the town, and they are a large community, it is one thing. But if a tiny community has a relatively minor loss, and the entire town gains, the board should approve this waste disposal unit.

  8. The stench is coming out of the township building

    1. Do you think that's the reason why they're not inviting the public to committee hearings anymore, and doing it online instead, because i's less stinky for the public?

  9. Seems like Lakewood corruption at its best! No fair warning. The area that this is located boasts beautiful NYC style office buildings, a beautiful state of the art stadium, shopping centers, houses, schools and much more. Garbage transfer centers attract rodents, a stench that is unbearable, and a tremendous amount of traffic which already exists. Ocean County and the township can find many other areas that are far removed from the city lifestyle to create this structure and type of center. Lakewood Township should be ashamed of themselves to happily construct something like this right in the center of town!!!!

    1. Sorry, but this the fault of the developer again. Mr. MG knew very well that he was selling houses right next door to the town dump. He also knew full well that there was ample space for a transfer station beneficial to all of Lakewood, which has been discussed for years. Why am I not surprised that he forgot to mention this not-so-small detail to the families he sold houses to?

      The responsibility to provide the legal notice was on the county, not the township. They fulfilled that requirement by publishing legal ads in the APP and posting it on their website. Unfortunately, as unfair as it seems, that's all they need to do. This is also the way that a lot of things in town get messed up for us, because when was the last time you checked the tiny print legal classifieds in the local newspapers?

      I respectfully suggest that the very popular HV news site post, either every day or every few days, all the legal classifieds relevant to Lakewood. This way the residents can be in the know and not wake up to a nasty surprise. And we’ll love our HV even more!

  10. This effects the entire town. Thousands of kids from Lakewoods biggest schools are nearby in The Cheder,Orchos Chaim and Bais hatorah. Thousands are working in the industrial park and cedarbridge park with day care centers for hundreds of little children in development stage. Thousands are shopping daily in the new mall and avenue shoppes Seasons and other stores, quick check. You have sick patients at the urgent care right behind it. Weddings in 2 large halls that begin at 6:30 pm. The water
    Thousands of fans nightly at Blueclaws games and the water treatment for the MUA is next door. Factor in the traffic and future residential apts at Cedarbridge this Effects the entire town
    Who is pushing for this?
    Is it needed to approve more development??

  11. This is on Ray Coles and it smells from the top down. When it comes to PR they publicize everything that makes them look good. The mayor knows how to use the ask the mayor feature on the scoop to share and inform the public. They could have publicized this stinking station and notified the LAKEWOOD RESIDENTS who put them in power and who will be most affected by this but instead they hid it from the public because they can do so legally. Disgusting of them

    Shame on the committee members Miller and Lichtenstein fir not informing the public or not trying to stop it.

    Shame in the Lakewood Vaad for jeeping silent

    1. It’s not a done deal yet. Objections can still be communicated to the County Board of Commissioners and their Department of Solid Waste Management. The Notice was not fairly distributed to the residents. The final vote has not taken place yet. We can still do something about this. A promise from a local politician to not cause a smelly situation, stinks to high h*ll.

  12. If you all dont get a lawyer you are all wasting your time. They are all in bed together, the county and local you need to sue....They dont represent us but the 2% big boys....

  13. They don't care about the public because they know they will get voted back in anyway. They don't even have to campaign. So unless we vote one of them out to show we are serious about them representing us, they will represent the special interest.

    1. You may be correct, but hiring a lawyer for now to protect ourselves is still the best idea.

    2. Just trying to understand what exactly is the complaint. When was the transfer proposed how many years ago? was there adequate notice given out to the nearby residents / property owners at the time. It seems like from the comments that there was an adequate notice given out. the residents purchased their homes after the approvals.. Maybe its time to sue the builder who may have knowingly deceived the buyers in the area in regard to a a transfer approval. Did the developer get a discounted deal on the property based on information in regard to the dump but chose to keep quiet when selling the homes? I would say a lawsuit for the builder makes more "scents"
