Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Tuesday Dec 7th News Updates Lakewood

- Weather: A mix of clouds and sun. High 44F.

- 29 new covid cases in lakewood totals 17562/327
- 25 cases in Jackson 8555/123
- 59 cases in Toms River 14358/354

-Number of Americans hospitalized with COVID-19 tops 60,000, highest in nearly 2 months

-Rav Yaakov Bender weighs in on the Yeshiva Bochurim conveesation Here

-3:15 pm Power outages for thousands across Lakewood and Jackson due to a transformer fire on Rt 70. Power restored to Wetgate Cross st areas. JCP&L estimated Restoration 5:30 pm

- The National Guard was called to the NJ Statehouse to enforce vaccine mandates. 

 -Watch Full replay of Yigal Calek  & the London School of Jewish Song - REUNION Here

- Today 3 Teves marks 2 years since the 13th Siyum Hashas of Daf Yomi at Metlife stadiim. The daf will start learning Mesaches Megilah next week 

- Possible snow tomorrow in NJ the weather service says it is definitely possible most areas won’t see measurable snow Lakewood are will see rain.

- Lakewood Planning board meeting tonight see agenda Here . application for hotel on Pine street is postponed.

- A New Bill in NJ would set aside $75 million in federal stimulus funds to help families pay for current or past-due water bills and fees, plumbing and leak repairs. Another bill, would extend the grace period banning water service shutoffs from Dec. 31, 2021, to March 15, 2022. 

- Another bill  in NJ would require limited liability companies (LLC's) with up to four apartments to disclose the names and addresses of all members of the company when recording deeds for the homes. 

- New Bill in NJ renters & tenants could deduct a higher amount of rent from their gross income for taxes. The bill increases the amount of rent that can be considered property taxes from 18% to 30% of rent paid. 

- Reform and conservative organizations are intensifying their efforts to advance the Kosel Compromise Plan, and they are currently concentrating their attention on the government’s leaders. (Hamodia)

 - A fire that broke out on Sunday afternoon in the elementary school and dormitory building of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas caused extensive damage to the first floor along with smoke damage to the floors above, but with chasdei Hashem it caused no injuries as the building was empty on Sunday afternoon of Chanukah.

Rav Yeruhom Olshon speaks at The Hachnosas Sefer Torah of Rav Malkiel Kotler in BMG

1 comment:

  1. The new daycare and Simcha Hall at 220 Newport Avenue application (SP 2444 & SD 2504) were carried to the January 4th, 2022 Planning Board meeting. There were problems with the information provided in the deficient Notice.
