Saturday, December 25, 2021

Motzei Shabbos Shemos 5782 News Updates Lakewood

- Several Urgent Care centers no longer taking appointments tonight

Charidy campaign for chasidishe Eruv in South Lakewood here 

- Israel: ‘Israel could be completely unprotected against COVID-19 in a month as immunity from vaccines wanes and Omicron becomes dominant here

-  Flight cancelations continue today with over 1500 flights due to staff shortages from Omicron

-  New Jersey reported a record 16,626 new confirmed positive cases of COVID-19, and six additional confirmed deaths. The positivity rate keeps going up now at 1.46.

- Long lines continue at Urgent care clinics tonight as Flu and virus symptoms are still going around.

- Zmanim for Minyanim in Toms River Jackson and South Lakewood download Here to see on status text 646-725-1420  or join watsapp group here 

- Walmart, Target and other chain stores are closed. Pharmacies CVS and Walgreens locations are open.

- Covid case totals for Lakewood wont be updated until Monday due to the holiday.

- Lakewoid Vaad letter calling the community to not publicly critisize President Trump was apparently in response to a featured article in the Voice of Lakewood weekly attacking the president calling him a narcissist among other things.


  1. Why are people waiting on line to test. Does anything change if they're positive for covid or flu? It's always tylenol, fluids and rest. And even if you have flu not covid you should stay home.

  2. This is an article posted on yeshiva world isn't it kefira?

    1. Yeah. It’s just funny that nobody bothers to proofread something that they’re posting from a place that’s known to have these things.

    2. B"H YWN is blocked by Teqlock on my computer along with all the other gimel aveiros chamuros sites on the web...

  3. Anyone know of what the community events taking place tonight on Motzai shabbos?

  4. " Vaad letter calling the community to not publicly critisize President "

    A wedge issue is how this is called . Find something that most of the public would agree with them on and if the public already supports one thing so it will come around to side with them on other things going forward

    plus they probably want to keep the real estate connection with him

  5. Kass at the v of l completely misquoted trump in his good bye trump write up

    He claimed trump was upset at bibi for congratulating biden and that proves trumps narcissistic behavior.

    But thats false. Trump was upset that bibi was "first" to congratulate and why did he have to do it on tape

    1. The thing is, Bibi was almost last, not first.
      But facts never bothered Trump, or his sycophants

  6. Lakewoid Vaad letter calling the community to not publicly criticize President Trump was apparently in response....

    I'm no Trump supporter but the letter was very called for. Some of the frum Trump haters are taking too many liberties to pick fights with political figures lately .

    We sometimes say just substitute "African American" for "Orthodox Jew" and such an article would never be written . I'll say the oppisite about some recent articles I've read . Just substitute "Orthodox Jew" for Trump/Trump Supporter/Curtis Sliwa and we would be furious if such an article was written in a non-Jewish magazine

    And yes I oppose people referring to Joe Biden as "Sleepy Joe" or worse on frum social media

  7. I oppose anything that anyone else does.I'm always smarter than everyone else.
