Wednesday, December 22, 2021

That’s Greek to Me! Part 2

 That’s Greek to Me! Part 2 
Follow up to part 1 Here

Soon we’ll commence reading the Parshiyos that deal with Galus Mitzrayim.

Nachmanides [Shemos 8:18] remarks on the verse, "כי אני ה בקרב הארץ", for I am Almighty in midst of the land [i.e. and will spare the land of Goshen from the plague of ערוב]: שליט ומשגיח בקרב הארץ – the One Above micromanages all that takes place.

This basic tenet of Yahadus gives us clarity in our present situation.

The Gemara [Yoma 10A] doesn’t provide much detail how the Poras – Persian – Edom clash will manifest itself.

This is clear: The fate of the I.D.F., the Yishuv in Eretz Yisrael, and us all is in the Borei Olam’s Hands, the Ribono Shel Olam alone decides whether there will be a preemptive strike, or none at all – עצת ה היא תקום!

To incorporate this concept of השגחה פרטית into our outlook gives us a זכות to Merit in the day of  ישועת ה' בקרוב, אכי''ר.


  1. The fate of the I.D.F., the Yishuv in Eretz Yisrael, and us all is in the Borei Olam’s Hands, the Ribono Shel Olam alone decides whether there will be a preemptive strike, or none at all – עצת ה היא תקום!

    Focus this message on yourself. If you are bending the rules with dina d'macalchusa VD"L then you really aren't in the position to be giving others musser in this area and your "bitochen" is just a manifestation of apathy about those who live in Eretz Yisroel. Not something you really believe in

    1. Silly response

      Seems like it resonated if that is your response.

      Can you elaborate on why you believe it to be a silly response

  2. This isn't bitachon so much as the writer twisting the words of someone who certainly believes in Hashem (Benny Gantz puts on tefillin every day) for his own weird vendetta. Imagine saying "I'm not going to feed my children breakfast - HKB"H is in charge of everything and he decides if they get fed or not! Shefa comes only from Hashem."
