Thursday, December 9, 2021

Thursday Dec 9 News Updates

 Weather: Partly cloudy skies this morning will become overcast during the afternoon. High 42F

- 32 new covid cases in Lakewood 17619/327
- 32 cases in Jackson 8628/123
- 80 new cases in Toms River totals 14488/356

- Lakewood, NJ ranks 3rd in the US  for average household size at 5.3  in cities with over 10k. Ranking first at # 1. Kiryas Joel, NY (5.8) 2. Monsey, NY (5.6) 3. Lakewood, NJ (5.3) the study was done by demographics analyst  Sid Khurana see on twitter 

- Belzer Rebbe encourages covid vaccines for the staff at his Brooklyn mosdos 

- Israel extends border closure for 10 More Days

- Murphy: 14,182,736 total doses have been administered in New Jersey as of 9:30 AM today.

- New York Attorney General Letitia “Tish” James is suspending her campaign for governor, she announced on Thursday, cementing incumbent Gov. Kathy Hochul as the favorite in the race.

- TRUMP: “If I do decide that I’m not going to run,I think my base is going to be very angry"

-Missionary alert:  Jews for J have been going into Lakewood kosher restaurants and handing out missionary material. 

- Lakewood township committee meeting today (virtual) 5:30 pm see Agenda Here watch livestream Here 
-Appointing Scott J. Basen, Esq., as a Municipal Court Judge in Lakewood for a 3 year term 
-4 way stops sign at East Seventh Street and Somerset Avenue
Parcel For a Park (Fulton and Rockaway)
- Lakewood DPW will be washing trucks at  Ocean County’s truck wash facilities

- Brick zoning board sche everyoneduled a hearing in late December seeking more answers from the yeshiva who took over the former Temple Beth Or on Van Zile Road for proposed change of use, dormitory and traffic impacts.

- The fourth annual celebration of Rubashkin’s pardon by President Donald Trump held in Lakewood More than a thousand people came in person, approximately 6,000 people participated using one of the call-in lines, and a staggering 20,000 people celebrated from afar via the video live stream.(COL)


  1. I would do everything possible to encourage the missionaries to continue to work Lakewood, NOT to chase them away. Better that they waste their time in Lakewood, than somewhere else where they may have success.


    1. As long as people denounce them and denigrate them when they do appear. Anything Less will be for the Youth bad Optics

    2. For the longest time, I suspected that my roommate in the Irv was Jews for J. Boruch Hashem I was mistaken. It was a false alarm.

  2. Scott Basen has been a lousy judge. His demeanor is nasty. He has been an unfair judge and refused victims the right to express themselves in their defense. Why should we continue giving this unqualified individual a salary? On a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being lowest, he’s rated at 2. The people of Lakewood deserve better!!

    1. Agree, anytime I was in court, all I saw was how rude and not empathetic Mr Bason is. Lakewood deserves better. They can't find a better person or is he the best connected and not qualified to much better

  3. How many years since a park was promised at James/Cross street. This township is a joke, just appeasing a few machers, and taking us for a ride.

  4. Let's boot him. We have a right to oppose the appointment and if fail we can go to Superior Court and have his re-appointment and kickbacks

  5. “ Lakewood DPW will be washing trucks at Ocean County’s truck wash facilities”
    This is the most important and interesting news I have seen this week.

    1. It actually is important as lakewood built a 30 million dollar state of the art dpw with truck washing as the way to bring in money by renting it out and now they are paying to have it done elsewhere.

  6. "More than a thousand people came in person" for the Rubashkin event?
    That is false.
    Having been there, I can say there were maybe a few hundred. "More than a thousand" is beyond exaggeration

    1. Was just thinking the same thing
