Sunday, December 26, 2021

Sunday December 26 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Abundant sunshine. High 51F. Winds 10-15 mph

-  At least 2,000 coronavirus cases in Puerto Rico linked to a concert, which happened outdoors and required masks and proof of vaccination

- Local pediatric Offices are overwhelmed with patients sending some to urgent cares for throat cultures and other services

- Israel’s Health Minister confirmed on Sunday night that officials are inclined to lift the tight travel restrictions as early as next week.

-York City reports 31,024 new coronavirus cases for Saturday, the biggest one-day increase on record

- MK Yaakov Litzman Of Agudah/UTJ announces he will not seek another term  for the knesset in the next election cycle. He has been in the knesset for 23 years.

-  Gas prices at Route 70 Cedarbridge 3.25 Exxon on Madison charging 3.90 

- Long lines at Chemed  outside the covid testing tents sites 

- At Agudah Midwest convention a call to establish not for profit seminaries either in the US or Israel that will charge 15k see video below

- Continued tefillos needed for  Chaim Shaul Ben Pessel 10 year old Lakewood boy hospitalized with Flu complications

Article: Rejectionism is something that unites orthodoxy across every social, political, religious, and geographic span. To varying degrees, from girls in Lakewood finding themselves with no schools to the many young boys rejected from religious Zionist Yeshivahs in Israel, rejection has become the name of the game. Read more Here

- Hachnosas Sefer Torah today in Raintree at 1212 Todd court procession leaving at 1:15 pm to Yeahiva Mishkan Hatalmud

- Over 850 signed a petition to stop the solid waste transfer station in Lakewood help it reach 1000 to get attention of the politicians sign here

- Video calling out Seminaries charging 25k - 30 k (Rabbi Fuerst from Chicago)


  1. Who needs seminaries altogether. Everyone is struggling financially and the last thing we need is an additional expense of seminary ,wether its 15k or 25k

  2. Why have any seminary at all? Maybe just have a half day program for $5k (and work or go to college the other half day). Unless this is just to wean people off the more expensive EY options because people think if they don't go there, they won't get a good shiduch or bc "everyone" does it. And then when people realize you don't need EY, they will show that you don't need seminary at all.
    Kol Hakavod for discussing this! and making a plan.

  3. I dodnt expect the seminaries enriching themselves will just tell you that their whole seminary is unnecessary especially when most girls had have more than enough schooling after graduating high school.

  4. Ok I disagree that it's unnecessary. Especially with most girls today going to work in offices. I strongly believe that for many (not all) girls, seminary is when they solidify their own hashkafos -- as opposed to the passively being fed that happened in high school. If we're going to send our daughters into the corporate world, they need to have matured in their ruchniyus first.

    1. So 18 years in high school and elementary school is not enough they have to go to Israel and spend 25k to learn hpe to deal with life.Give me a break and I hope you were joking.

    2. Hence-the need for affordable/nonprofit seminaries.

  5. How about 12th grade in eretz yisroel instead of seminary?

  6. The most ridiculous thing is they have to pay for a weeding right afterwards

    1. Lucky you for finding a shidduch so easily!

  7. Who gives a hoot about litzman being part of zioni gov or not

    1. How did Linda Sarsour find out about hefkervelt?

  8. Yeshivos and Bais Yaakov's can raise much needed $$$$$$$$$$$$$ seminaries in Israel cant so they charge what it really costs

  9. Same with the expensive weddings bar mitzvahs upsherins. Who needs them?

  10. Why doesn't any rabonim in Lakewood talk about this publicly? Privately many agree to keep your girls home and not so far away from the parents.... Do people ask their Rav before sending the girls so far away from home??

  11. the biggest shadchan in Lakewood rabbi Shlomo lewinstein stated (I saw a recording) it makes no difference in shiduchim which seminary you attend.
    besides, there are options in the US both local and elsewhere, so if you want some independence and different experience she can go to Brooklyn, the price average is about 5k.
    but you should really know about this before you choose a high school, because unfortunately some local high schools advise their students to only go to Israel, and even pressure the parents to go along with it. so even if you want to ignore them, it will be hard because all her friends will be flying off to Israel she won't want to be left behind.
    there are other high schools where literally 50% stay local. do your homework now not in twelfth grade when it's basically too late.

  12. Can anyone explain why lakewood mosdos are reaching out online to get substitutes for rebbeim. The limudei kodesh rebbeim dont look at the internet.
    This makes no sense

    1. It's working, so somehow they have access.

    2. Chavra d'chavra iss lei. Kol Yisroel areivim zeh lozeh.

    3. Its fake news spoke with 2 Rosh mosdos they said that they never reached out online through any websites. They are short but have a standard list of subs with aish dos.

  13. TEHILLIM: A Frum teenager is in critical condition on Sunday night, after he was shot on a Baltimore Street. Sources tell YWN that the shooting happened at 8:30PM in the area of Gist Ave & Midheights Rd. The 17-year-old boy, suffered a gunshot wound to the head. Please say Tehillim for Elazar Menachem Mendel Ben Yael. It appears that the victim may have known the shooter.

  14. The Times of Israel writer is nothing more than a self rightous Kvetch. It is easy to point out problems and then demand the rest of the world come up with solutions. and yes, 50 years ago out of town communities were very inclusive, otherwise they wouldn't had a minyan for shachris.

    The challenges now are a scaricity of resources and institutions relative to the massive population, which leads to exclusion. The problem is well known, blaming everyone else for it, then demanding everyone else comes up with a solution while strutting like a peacock solves nothing

    1. You missed the point of the article.

      There may be valid reasons why it is so, but the bottom line is that a huge percentage of our boys and girls have no way of being a part of society without begging. Probably 80% of yeshiva/high school acceptances are based on protektzia and pull. Boys and girls who fully belong in various Mosdos cannot get accepted without begging.
      Even if we understand the Mosdos’ position, we still need to recognize the side effects of this situation. If people are forced to beg to enter, those who are not committed enough will feel even less committed afterwards. We are pushing people out of society, and we will pay the price down the road.
      Consider the Shiduchim issue. If it is true that 24% of girls are not married by 25, can we fathom what can end up happening. Imagine a situation in which we have thousands of girls from our camp, who have reached 30 with no hope of marriage. Can we afford that as a society? Can you imagine the pirtza kor’a leganev that we have created? An entire group of girls who have been totally disenfranchised, yet have connections in our community! It is not just about those girls, it is about all of us collectively.
      Let us not be stupid and look further than the ends of our collective noses and make the change necessary to survive. I don’t know what that change is, but the problem is HUGE.

  15. The gas stations in Lakewood Hurley/Main/1st conspired together and keep the prices up. Just look right outside of Lakewood the prices are lower - with the amount of gas stations by Main to first and hurley you'd expect some kind of price war - at least we should have from the lowest prices. But no their prices are higher - I personally spoke to one of the gas stations a while back and asked him why they started charging more for credit card and his answer - the gas station up the road ask him to! So I have reason to believe there's now a price conspiracy going on. It may only cost an extra dollar or so on a fill up but a thousand cars a day is 1000.00 overspent for no reason - There's no solution but maybe we should try making a point by filling up at other gas stations when we're able to and force them to charge us the price of surrounding towns!
