Friday, December 24, 2021

Friday Dec 24 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Cloudy skies. High around 50F. Friday Night low 39 chance of tain. Shabbos day A steady rain in the morning. Showers continuing in the afternoon. High 51F.

עש''ק פרשת שמות  candle lighting 4:18 pm Shkiah 4:36 pm

- Message from mother of 10 year old  boy Chaim Shaul Ben Pessel: - Many have asked us what more can they do to help our son? In consultation with a Rav, we would appreciate the following: As we are taught, it is so important to constantly see Hashem's goodness all the time and thank Him for all aspects of our life. Even for the most common and mundane matters. Such an outlook has the power to bring tremendous Yeshuos and Chasadim to us. We are asking you all to please be Mekabel to notice Hashem's Chesed and thank Him for it at least once a day. May this be a zechus that Chaim Shaul Ben Pessel should have a Refuah Shelaima B'karov! Please pass this on to whomever you can think of. We need all the zechusim we can get! Thank you

-Number of Americans hospitalized with COVID-19 tops 70,000, highest since October 3

-  NJ breaks daily covid case record again with 15,630 PCR cases  plus another 4,209 antigen cases 27 deaths transmission rate 1.37

 - The Lakewood R"Y Harav Yeruchom Olshin shlita will resume giving shiurim in person since the onset of covid due to safety precautions, he will have a glass partition when he delivers the smuessen.(LNN)

- United, Delta and other airlines cancel 450 flights and delay over 460 scheduled for Friday across US because of crew shortages due to Omicron surge

- Monsey and northern NJ towns were blanketed with snow this morning 

- Mayors of Newark and Morristown, NJ impose indoor mask mandate for businesses and venues, Newark will require  proof of vaccination against COVID-19 for anyone five years of age and older to enter many establishments. Critics charge they are doing so instead of Murphy imposing it statewide

- Expect traffic around some schools as there is no transportation today. Several girls schools are closed today with some more canceling class at the last minute.

- Besides Flu Strep and Covid there are caaes of RSV going around with several infants hispitalized one with a induced coma.

- Tehillim for 10 year old Lakewood boy Heart stopped. Resuscitated. On ECMO machine . Chaim Shaul ben Pessel. Trying to wean him off machine

- Israel delays roll out of Fourth booster after a study examining the effectiveness of a fourth dose has yet to commence.

- Nittel nacht tonight when it falls out on shabbos there are various minhagim among chasidim. Belz learn Torah friday might while Chabad holds strict minhagim of nittel singing extra songs by the seuda.

- New no visitor restrictions at RWJ Barnabas hospitals including kimball in Lakewood and Monmouth in long branch begining Sunday the 26. Only husband or guardian allowed in Marernity ward. Both parents allowed in NICU only one parent in pediatric care at a time.

-Huge leave piles sitting on Lakewood roads for weeks not collected causing saftey hazard for drivers pesestrians and taling away parking spots

- The Jersey  Shore is seeing cases far above last winter's surge. The state reported 998 new cases in Monmouth County and 661 new cases in Ocean County, both record highs.

- No trash collection today in Lakewood, township offices closed.

Rav Chaim Kanievsky davening Maariv last night


  1. Terrible decision to close schools down erev kratzmach. A bad lesson and mixed messages to our youth. If it was because of the flu, schools should have shut down last week

    1. I don't think there is any mixed message. Not one child thinks the schools closed for xmas. They know that there is no transportation and it is a very short day for girls schools so let the girls stay home and help for Shabbos. No boys schools closed.

    2. It's time to cancel Fridays for girls across the board and send them to school on Sundays instead.

  2. Why don't you put your money where your mouth is and offer to drive a bus or sub a class

  3. Many schools felt like they had no choice. No busing, together with the fact the flu is going around. Once there's no busing, it's double as hard to get kids to school

    1. And many schools stayed open and the parents are carpooling no big deal. Yes its not convenient on a friday but we have priorities for yiddishkeit and lazy school owners or principals who didnt want to bother directing carpool should get out of the business if they cant deal with it.

    2. its all because girls teachers are underpaid. Hence that is why girl schools are closed and boys open. yeah right....

  4. the school closures for the girls was the best message that could have been sent! it's a valuable opportunity for the girls to help with Shabbos preparations. it is a wonderful way to welcome in Shabbos in a calm and peaceful fashion, rather than sitting in traffic for hours, clogging up the town for others rushing to get ready for a really early candle lighting. And it is also a demonstration that sometime the seichel hayoshor trumps age old "prinzipen" etched in stone. Frankly, its a victory over oso haish and his centuries of adherents that instead of making this Friday a stressful day, we have enlisted it to elevate our erev Shabbos and our Shabbos as well.

    1. Rav Moshe Feinstein has a teshuva about closing schools on these days because the parents are home from work anyway so now can learn and spend time with their children. He unequivocally forbids it

    2. There is no gvul to am haaratzus. Your comment shows that to all of us.
      If schools closed on Fridays, and the reason given, believed in, and followed, would be to allow the girls to prepare for Shabbos, that would be one thing.
      But when it is done on the Goyishe holiday, and due to the Goyishe holiday, the message is that the Goyishe holiday is relevant to us. Not Shabbos preparations.

    3. Too bad your school was not closed all year how do you say something like this "seichel hayoshor trumps age old "prinzipen" etched in stone. Frankly, its a victory over oso haish and his centuries of adherents that instead of making this Friday a stressful day" Mind boggeling

    4. Yest you have no problem with the chasidishe minhag to stop learning on krachtzmach itself.
      What kind of message does that send our children?
      You're all hypocrites.

  5. As I'm sure many of you have heard, my son Chaim Shaul Ben Pessel, a sweet 10 year old boy, is critically ill and in need of tremendous Rachamei Shamayim.

    Less than a week ago he was a regular healthy 5th grader. On Sunday he came down with the flu. We were not too concerned as he continued with rather mild symptoms similar to my other children who had recently had and recovered from‎ the flu. On Tuesday he took a drastic and rapid turn for the worst and he was hospitalized in critical condition! Thanks to all the Tefilos our our family, friends, and all of Klal Yisroel, there has been some improvement, but he still remains in critical condition and is in tremendous need of Rachme Shamayim!

    Your continued Tefilos and Kabbalos are much appreciated and will surely help to bring him a refuah shelaima.

    Many have asked us what more can they do to help our son? In consultation with a Rav, we would appreciate the following:

    As we are taught, it is so important to constantly see Hashem's goodness all the time and thank Him for all aspects of our life. Even for the most common and mundane matters. Such an outlook has the power to bring tremendous Yeshuos and Chasadim to us.

    We are asking you all to please be Mekabel to notice Hashem's Chesed and thank Him for it at least once a day.

    May this be a zechus that Chaim Shaul Ben Pessel should have a Refuah Shelaima B'karov!

    Please pass this on to whomever you can think of. We need all the zechusim we can get!

    Thank you!
