Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Tuesday תשפ''ב News Updates Lakewood עשרה בטבת

וצום העשירי יהיה לבית־יהודה לששון ולשמחה ולמעדים טובים והאמת והשלום אהבו

Weather: Plenty of sunshine. High 54F. 

- Lakewood Planning Board meeting tonight 6:00 pm Agenda Here Watch Livestream Here

Fast is over 5:17 

- 38 new covid cases in lakewood totals 17783/328
- 22 new cases in Jackson 8764/123
- 60 new cases in Toms River +2 deaths 14787/359

- Oisfast/Siyum Taanis in B"M Lutzk with Maariv at  5:02

-Chayeinu Asara B’teves Hisorerus
L’Zecher Nishmas HaRav Levi Yitzchok Lieberman ZT”L 4:15 pm BMG Forest  side B"M By Rav Dov Kahan Shlita and Rav Shmuel Yeshaya Yoffe Shlita

4:45 PM in Carey Beis Medrash led by 
HaRav Elya Ber Wachtfogel Shlita there will be reciting of Tehillim for a Refuah Shelayma for Yisocher ben Hinda Liba
Live call-in: 712-832-5656 enter PIN 500#

 - Asifas hisoirerus  today with Rav Lazer Ginsburg shlita 4:00 pm at Ateres esther followed by Maariv

- Bde: Petirah of hayeled Efrayim Resnick Z"L was 3 months old, son of Reb Yonason and Bruria Resnick of westgate, grandparents Reb Chaim and Leah Resnick and Reb Moshe and Hindy Friedman of Lakewood. Levaya/kevurah 3 pm at the Lakewood bais olam at  7th Street

- Expect traffic at 12:00 pm with early dismissal due to fast day 

-  Pfizer says COVID19 pill near 90% effective to prevent severe disease or death in final analysis, even from Omicron.

- Hundreds of strangers  came to be mesameach at a wedding in Lakewood last night after it was announced on social media to please join at a wedding of a ball teshuva and a giyores.  

- Yeshiva Bais Hatalmud Annual Lakewood Alumnai Reception at yeshiva Ohr Hatorah  780 Vasser Avenue, Lakewood NJ Drasha before Maariv, Milichig Buffet will be served

- LPD: Intersection of East 7th Street and Somerset Avenue is now a 4-way stop.

- BDE: Rebbetzin Chana Shaindel Kaplan, wife of ybl”c Harav Naftali Kaplan, rosh yeshivah of Bais Hatalmud, Rebbetzin Kaplan was raised by her illustrious uncle, Harav Shabsi Frankel, zt”l, after her father was killed in the Holocaust. Rav Frankel published many sefarim, most famously a comprehensive edition of Rambam. Harav Naftali Kaplan, shlita, was one of the earliest talmidim in East New York, before it moved to its current location in Bensonhurst. The levayah was held yesterday at Bais Hatalmud, 2127 82nd Street. Kevurah will be on Har Hazeisim. (Hamodia)

At the Mercaz Daf Yomi Siyum on Maseches Taanis in Lakewood at the Chestnut shul


  1. NJ is voting on Monday to Constitutionalize toeiva marriage. Every wedding hall and shul will be obligated to perform such marriages. Call Assemblyman Kean. (732) 974-0400. Tell him to vote NO on bill # A5367.

    1. Every Shul will be obligated? Huh ?

  2. A fund has been set up to help the family of R' Levi Yitzchak Lieberman Zl, (article in the voice this past week) He left behind a wife and 8 children. If you can help them it is greatly appreciated.


  3. Is there anyone there today at Bais Hatalmud, or is a empty building today?
