Sunday, December 12, 2021

Sunday Dec 12 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Sunny. High 48F. 

Fast of Asarah B' Teves is Tuesday 

- Photos Hachnosas Sefer Torah at BMG last week on Zos Chanukah Here

- Flu going around some yeshivos have reactivated the covid phone lines for the talmidim that are sick with the flu

- Leaf piles causing safety hazards around Lakewood sitting in the roadways for weeks without getting picked up by DPW crews. Pedestrians cant walk on sidewalks and cars are forced into oncoming traffic with  narrow street passage causing accidents.

- Bde: 15-year old Liel Namdar a”H was killed in a double car accident in Woodmere on Motzoei Shabbos after returning from a camp Heller reunion. The car was hit by a drunk driver who was arrested. Please daven for the other 4 passengers Miriam bas Ina Pessya Yocheved; Aliza bas Miriam; Chana Eliana bas Naomi and Rachel Esther bas Tamar

- UK health agency says a number of people with Omicron have now been hospitalized

-In interview with TVOL, Lakewood zoning board member says the politicians are accountable for the absurdity of the traffic situation on Rt 9 as all the lanes up to Lakewood have been developed into 5 laners but has stopped in Lakewood proper only to continue once you head into Toms River 

- Israel issues travel ban for UK, Belgium, and Denmark due to Omicron, meaning citizens are not allowed to travel there

Thousands of Gerer chasidim hold mass protest in Bnei Brak this evening after several members in the community are named in a criminal lawsuit relating to the Ger Rosh Yeshiva

The "Yenukah" Rav Shlomo Yehuda Beeri delivers a shiur to thousands in Tzefas he is called the “Yenukah” because he is young – about 32 – and has shown amazing knowledge in all aspects of the Torah. He knows, by heart, the Torah, Shas and commentaries, Zohar and its commentaries, and many other writings. During his shiurim, he gives exact references by page number and paragraph (Matzav)


  1. Flu going around.. Yeah, why bother geting a vaccine, you can just get the flue instead..

  2. This zoning board member was on the master plan density subcommittee and said we need more housing and approved crazy overdevelopment. He also approved many applications that should not have been. How can he blame others?

    1. Bais Eliyahu Coatroom ValetDecember 12, 2021 at 4:47 PM

      Crooks and liars. The widening may be the blame of the politicians, but these terrible people approved the vacating of innumerable streets and cul fe sacs that all feed into the route 9 mess.
      They should hide their faces in shame for the quality of life they've ruined for our whole town by abandoning the grid system, for allowing unchecked building without infrastructure. Shame on all of them.

    2. I wonder why so many developments along the 9 didn't have to create proper setbacks?

  3. For the last couple of years the township had a machine that sucked up the leaves. WHat happened to it? Why are they using the old method?

    1. Because of Corona of course.

    2. They are actually using that machine I've seen it in Albert area.. it's probably still there!! it takes a few hours to get through a pile - a complete waste of money. I remember 20 years ago when the township had these (similar) machines and it didn't work - that's why they went to the tractor method! Now their back to this inefficient suck up machine. Who paid them off to get it??

  4. Reb Shaul Alter is a Tzadik Yesod Olam. We need more such people in the world

    1. Go ahead. Start working on yourself.

  5. Why is it that Lakewood allways has a problem with picking up Debris and leaves and branches and trees and garbage from the road and Sidewalks
    And in general keeping Lakewood clean
    They have a huge modern updated department of public works department with Dozens if not hundreds of employees with all the latest machinery and all types of vehicles which for the most part just sit there parked in their spaces without getting moved for months at a time
    These people all get paid good salaries on time with life time benifits

    Come on get to work cleaning up Lakewood

    People should call up and complain and even start telling them that they will look into legal action and lawsuits if their sidewalks and streets do not get cleaned
    Considering that they are paying good taxes and than some for all these services which are not being rendered

    1. Everyone here is a bunch of kvetches. I live in Jackson and there are tons of leaf piles there as well. Probably even MORE than in Lakewood. Stop complaining about EVERYTHING!

    2. Be happy you live in Jackson which is 4 times bigger than lakewood and a quarter size in population. A pile of leaves is not a hazard and does not take away parking. In Lakewood it does.
      Stop kvetching

  6. I Love Yapchik with Skirt SteakDecember 12, 2021 at 3:49 PM

    As everybody knows, Lakewood Township is the laughingstock of the surrounding townships.

  7. I have a great idea. Instead of holding protests with thousands of people, why don't you protest hurting and stealing from other Yidden? If they would stop terrorizing the Yidden who simply seek to mind their own business and learn and behave the way Gerer chasidim used to, then all would be well. Just stop. All Yidden look at those terrorizing as mistaken, petty, misguided and silly. Just stop it!

    1. Protest hurting and stealing, but your lashon horah on a blog is not only great, but all the Gedolim have been saying so strongly how important it is...

    2. @Anonymous 4:49 PM

      What exactly are you saying?

  8. The easy things get done im this town is to write a letter to "ask the mayor" in the scoop, and then he'll look into it, and some other stupid answer. This town is a joke.

  9. Where is mr. safety committeeman lichtenstein about the dangerous leave piles he was very concerned about lighting up address numbers but ignores the other dangerous things like traffic accidents wonder why

  10. What are emails addresses people can complain to. Mayor, public works etc... the mayor laughed an answer. It's a safety issue which is being ignored.

  11. If it's TRUE that the trucks and machinery are just sitting idle , video it and post u will get a response

  12. Lakewood has the most EXEPENSIVE disposal trucks in the entire State possibly in the country. Every Moontag Donarsthag, another $500k for garbage or other public works trucks. What for? Brick. TR, HowellN Jackson, hardly even have a DPW

    1. Stop spewing stupidity. Your comment about surrounding towns is a load of baloney.

    2. What baloney? There is no DPW in the entire State matching the capital expenses by Lakewood on vehicles. Also, the surrounding towns have private garbage collections and lower tax rate.

  13. Um, our population is more dense so we need more!

  14. I hope the Yeshivas are contact tracing those who came down with the flu . . .

  15. Why do they not allow shuls in Wg?
