Monday, December 20, 2021

Monday Dec 20 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: cold this morning frost on windows. Sunny. High 41F. 

 50 covid cases in Lakewood totals 17967/327
- 90 Cases in Jackson totals 8990/123
- 59 cases in Toms River 15132/362

- Today New York reports 23,391 new coronavirus cases, the biggest one-day increase on record, of which 15,245 are in New York City

- Hospitals in NYC & around the country are putting a temporary pause on monoclonal antibody treatments because most don't work vs Omicron, except sotrovimab.even though the Delta variant is still dominant.  Meanwhile, federal officials are stockpiling sotrovimab so that it can be deployed where it's needed once Omicron becomes dominant.
- TRUMP: “We together, all of us — not me, we — we got a vaccine done…Take credit for it…Don’t let them take it away. Don’t take it away from ourselves. You’re playing right into their hands when you sort of like, ‘Oh the vaccine.’"

- BioNTech CEO on Omicron: "Even triple-vaccinated are likely to transmit the virus. It is obvious we are far from 95% effectiveness"

-Newark is going to a mask mandate for indoors by executive order of Mayor Baraka

- Israeli media report in the name of Rav Chaim Kanievsky when he was asked about vaccinating children ״וודאי להזמין את החיסונים אל תלמודי התורה ובתי הספר וצריך להתחסן בהם״

 - Phil Murphy today at his weekly press conference was sniffling and had a nasal voice, walking in with two masks and leaving with two masks. he tested negative for covid

- NJ giving out free home covid tests you have to send it back out and have the state run it then count it.

- Number of people hospitalized with Omicron in England rises to 129, up from 104 yesterday, with 14 deaths public new years celebration canceled in London square

- Inflation: a case of 9x13 aluminum pans is now $25 cheapest price in Lakewood

- There was a brief fire outside the Yeshiva of Spring Valley girls  school building in Monsey everyone was safely evcavuated after a investigation the students were allowed back in.
- Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, who is fully vaccinated and has received a booster, becomes infected with COVID19 

- Harvard University  will return to remote learning for the first few weeks of 2022 as infection concerns grow in the face of a new

- Flu and other virus symptoms still raging more than covid cases. Local doctors calling it a "endemic", several yeshivos and schools have half students sick at home. Same is happening at other yeshivos in Beooklyn and out of town.

- Lakewood Manhattan kollel bus mow going only twice a week as many NY businesses go remote again.

- Over 500 sign petition to stop Lakewood transfer station Here

- Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles tells Blue Claws that the transfer station will not impact the games, team owner says he is not worried about a bad odor. Coles, said he understands concerns about trash transfer stations. "I lived in Staten Island right next to the Fresh Kills Landfall for 20 years," he said. "I would never put that on somebody else." (APP)

 - Israel has over 1000 positive covid cases of which 366 are fully vaccinated 498 not vaxed 89 partialy vaxed. 81 hospitalized in serious condition 51 of them listed as critical

- Khal Yaakov Akiva, the base of Torah and Tefilah in the Raintree community, is expanding - to make room for our children We outgrew the small beis medrash, and our boys have no seats. Donate Here

Authorities have charged a 39-year-old Toms River man with the shooting death of two men in a Lakewood apartment complex on Sunday morning. The victims were identified as Nicholas Hardy, 36, of Toms River, and Sergio Chavez-Perez, 32, of Lakewood. (NJ)

- The Brick zoning Board will have a hearing today for the yeshiva Gedolah at the former temple on Van Zile Rd and Rt 70.  The yeshiva was shut down by the twsp for not having a change of use. In


  1. It is now almost two years since the start of the pandemic.
    We all thought then that we have our own eco-system, and that our community is not to be measured by the yardstick of the general American society.
    'Everyone had it already' became the battle cry, and we re-opened as we wanted to.

    Now, everyone is catching the flu. The flu is our problem, the general public is not reporting the major uptick that we have. The reason given is because last year there was no flu, due to the lockdown. We do not have the immunity that we were supposed to build up last year.

    Does anyone remember a lockdown last year? Were Shuls, Yeshivos, stores, restaurants, Messibos, Simchos or anything limited? Everything was as normal, why are we all catching the flu this year?

    Maybe we are not as special as we think we are. Maybe we are, physically, members of a larger society, and governed by the same factors as them. Maybe we were supposed to listen to their experts, instead of being convinced that we know better.

    1. Maybe you should educate yourself a bit before shooting off. There is no immunity for Flu because there was no flu season last year. Anywhere. In the world. The Osterholm theory is something called "viral interference," which existed here as much as it did anywhere else.

    2. Why was there no flu season last year? What made that year different to all other years? And why and how did that affect our community?

    3. Nobody knows what you're talking about. When did the olam say that we are different? It's all hatred. Now is the time for you to stop looking for every excuse in the world to bash your fellow Jews, that's what it's time for.

    4. There was no flu last year because of the social distancing and mask wearing

    5. 6:15 said "The reason given is because last year there was no flu, due to the lockdown"

      Err no. The lockdown was from purim thru shavuos, not flu season at all. Past that we never had a lockdown

    6. The immunity to the flu has waned simply put.

    7. Anon 8:39 - I am Anon 6:15 and that is precisely my point. In Lakewood we finished on Shavuos, but the rest of the world continued well into the next year. And it seems that we are affected by their actions, we aren't too special after all.

      We are special, because we have the Torah. Not because diseases affect us differently.

  2. Instead of expanding the shul, have two minyanim shabbos morning, a 7am minyan and a 9am minyan. We are talking about a shul being overcrowded for a grand total of two hours each week (i.e., about 1% of each week's hours). That is not reason enough to burn through Jewish money. There are much more important causes.

    1. No. You got it all wrong. The yesod of a shul is the 2 hours Shabbos morning that is the epitome moment to be mechanech your child everything else is extra.

    2. A beautiful makom teffilah is a mitzvah by itself.

      In addition, I heard from a Gadol that when children daven in a nice shul, they "feel" that yiddishkeit is "real" and "true." He said davening in a nice shul should be a priority.

    3. Eliezer Eved AvrahamDecember 20, 2021 at 1:44 PM

      pla explain to us not westgaters - who is against who? what ? Where? We have n o idea what you are saying

    4. Where does Westgate come into this? It’s Raintree they’re talking about. Sto stirring the pot.

  3. Is the west gate shul still an issue or was that resolved?

  4. גם לי וגם לך לא יהיה

  5. where are pans $25 a case, the cheapest Ive seen is $29.

  6. Are there even flu shots out for this year?


  8. @6:16 sounds bissell farbissen....
