Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Wednesday Oct 27 News Updates Lakewood

- Weather: Partly to mostly cloudy. High 62F. Winds N at 15 to 25 mph. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph.

- 49 new covid cases + 2 deaths  in Lakewood totals 16623/323

- Rav Uren Reich writes letter specificaly  responding to his talmidim to vote for Murphy out of Hakoras hatov see below courtesy of Blaaz he notes it is not a psak for the public and not his place to hove advice to the broad tzibbur but he is mechuyav to respond to his bnei yeshiva.

- Trump: "$7.59 gasoline in various parts in California—a record, and going higher. All over the Country gasoline is spiking. If the Trump Administration were in there, it would right now be $2 a gallon or less."

- The Moskowitz family is requesting that anyone that has stories or memories of Rabbi Mordechai Moskowitz Z"L to please share them with the family at: (Lnn)

- Please daven for Rebbetzin Denah Weinberg, the wife of R' Noach Weinberg zt'l.  Denah bas Esther She was not feeling well and was taken to the hospital today.

- Murphy: as of November 1st, will be increasing the reimbursement rate for child care providers through the state’s assistance program by an average of 25% – a total $83 million investment in child care.

-The United States has issued its first passport with an “X” gender designation — to accommodate those people who don’t identify as male or female — and expects to be able to offer the option more broadly next year, 

- New Monmouth poll (before veritas videos) Murphy has 11 point lead over Ciattarelli but poll shows race could be as close as 8 points depending on turnout."Ciattarelli has chipped away at Murphy’s lead but hasn’t delivered the knockout he needs,"(NJ12)

- FDA panel approves Covid vaccine for kids aged 5-11  Pfizer’s own data show up to 2% of kids get a 104F fever

- Watch live Hakomas Matzeiva for Harav Dovid Feinstein ztl in Eretz Yisrael 8:00 am EST Here

- United States is considering adding four countries to its visa waiver program that allows citizens to come to America without a visa for a stay of up to 90 days.

- Lakewood in play for NJ gubernatorial  race as both campaigns reach out to voters. Murphy giving exclusive statements to Lakewood local media while Ciattarelli campaigned again in Lakewood and Toms River. Murphy has so far not posted about his visit to Lakewood bit does so daily of his campaign stops.

-  Pundits say the Murphy  "denial" about vaxx mandates  the wording actually confirms his intentions do inact mandates but no "blanket" mandates.

- Bais Faiga said to possibly open a elementary school  for children of alumni students

- General Motors will start making Chevy Bolts again on November 1st, after shutting down production in late August following a global recall of the electric vehicle due to battery fire risk. 

- kashrus reform approved by the Knesset  Chief Rabbinate will no longer be the sole provider of kashrus certification, and will instead serve as a regulator for a number of independent kashrus organizations, which will provide certification to restaurants and products. The United Torah Judaism faction said: “The kashrus reform approved today by the Religious Services Committee constitutes a complete value collapse carried out by Bennett-Lapid-Liberman-

Kahana’s malicious coalition against tradition and against shomrei kashrus in Israel. This is in line with the persecutors of the religion and those who seek to destroy the institution of the Rabbinate.”

Letter from Rav Uren Reich


  1. Yeah it’s quite obvious from his denial that he Is choosing his words carefully.

  2. Everyone BUT the elite. See? It's not a blanket mandate!


  4. charedim do not eat rabanut anyway, so this won't affect them. reform jews will eat anything anyway, so this won't affect them. the only people this might affect is the israeli version of modern orthodox who rely on rabanut.
    why do reform care? because it gives them relevance i guess.
    why do charedi politicans care? i guess because of the jobs mashgichim might lose. so it's just about money.

    1. 1. There is a distance between Charedim and Reform. They are religious, eat Rabbanut and shouldn't be thrown under the bus.
      2. Reform Jews also shouldn't be eating treif.
      3. The Jewish character of the state is also important.

    2. Everything in Israel requires a hashgachah. So even if reformed wanted to do, it would be difficult to eat treif. Now they will be selling pork in Israel

  5. Westgate supposedly has no shul and the KCL is supposedly out to lunch. What other hock should we talk about today?

    1. Simcha Halls destroying neighborhoods because school operators don't inform the public in the planning board notices.

    2. When a shul wanted to open on my block, I begged them not to, I tried to fight them, I tried to warn the neighbors, I poured out my heart to the Ribono Shel Oilam to help. They called me a self hating yid. Now the neighbors are suffering. And I just don't care anymore. I gave up. We're ruining our own neighborhoods one by one, block by block.

    3. yeah, you sound like a self hating yid - the type who would pour your heart out to the Ribono Shel Olam to fight a shul. nebach.

  6. Why are VAAD and Agudah pushing so hard for murphy is it about them trying to pretend they have power over the orthodox voting bloc

    1. AK is on his way out and Shenky is alter, so AS is now the face of the VAAD, even though he's not part of it. AS is way over his pay grade. This will become egg on everyone's faces. Let's just pray Jack wins and this will pass quickly.

    2. Don't know about Agudah, but some well connected people made a lot of money from the security grant's and pushing vaccines

    3. Very simple ! When there is a public issue like discrimination or education deficits and people expect you to fight for them so in turn you lobby the government offices you learn to respect the elected officials who answer your calls, who are willing to work with you event they have opposite agendas. At that point you build a trust. Now MR Yid comes and has a stickel torah that the other guy is better! But Agudah and Vaad remember a man was also supposedly with us ! His name was Crist Cristy when you called him he didn’t pick up! When he didn’t agree with us ( lakewood Bird of Ed monitor ) it was all or nothing ! There was no deals he gave us 0+0! But he had Conservative values! ( when he wanted he didn’t- remember the protest in Trenton- the promise of vouchers?) so AI and the Vaad learnt to respect someone who has a open line of communication ! Event if you don’t really agree with him, because he won’t totaly ignore you! Don’t take that for granted

    4. Anon 10:24pm The only thing Agudah has done for the "community" in NJ is security grants, which frankly only benefited the owners of the security company. The tax issues are real, that is money coming directly out of our pockets.

      It is getting to the point the only way you can own a single family home without a rental in this town is if you are wealthy. Try paying property taxes of $20k on a retirees salary

  7. Hapeleg Is a good conversation piece. Why so quiet?

    1. Satmare threw them under the bus. FinIto. No more Hapeles.

  8. There seems to be a logical issue that I am missing.
    1. Research among tens of millions of people has discovered no real dangerous or life altering side effects of the vaccine. Thousands of our friends, acquaintances and family members have been vaccinated with no ill effect.
    2. We all know people who died of Covid 19 and others who suffered and are suffering the side effects of Covid. Including a Rosh Yeshiva in Lakewood who is still in a coma after more than a year and a half.
    3. The vaccine saves lives. The death rate plummets when societies are vaccinated. Even if it is not zero, it is much much lower than the death rate in the unvaccinated community.

    After we know all three points, why should we be bothered about a vaccine mandate? How is it different to a breathing mandate? Any sane person would want to be vaccinated anyway, so how will a possible mandate be an issue to us?

    1. You think that you can just ignore the VAERS data of many injured from the vaccines. Doctors and rabbonim who are smarter and better experienced than you know otherwise. You wont change the facts.

    2. VAERS is not 'data'. It is an open blog. Anyone can post there, and anyone does. Any anti-vaxxer who wants to push a narrative, can invent a story and place it there. VAERS has less credibility than a group of ladies in a bungalow colony on a bored hot afternoon.

      There is actual research available, hundreds of studies. Not cherry-picked stories of seminary girls sharing details of their private lives with a Rosh Yeshiva.

      The facts don't need changing. They are quite clear. The chances of serious side effects are infitesmally minute, nothing any smart person worries himself about.

    3. Say what you want but people should look at both sides and please don't skew facts. I personally know 2 people who died from the vaccine and plenty other cases of people injured who may or may not recover. There are 5 girls sem age that I heard about that lost their ability to have kids and hopefully that can be reversed. This isn't a game. A friend in the army told me that he is no longer eligible for his life insurance because the vaccine is considered a medical experiment and participation disqualifies you from life insurance. There are many more aspects to this. Just because many people seem unharmed it doesn't mean it won't harm them in the future it is too soon to know. True covid is bad too. But there are drugs that can help and they are turning a blind eye to it even making it illegal when its been around for years and proven not to cause harm. Any intelligent person has to stop and wonder about it. Low dose aspirin has been found to be preventive as well as help with treatment in a study done in Israel. Suddenly new medical advice from the USA not to take low dose asprin to prevent heart attacks. Start digging below the surface. Don't just let them dictate how you think. I am not a conspiracy theorist by nature but I am watching these things hit me in the face and it just doesn't sit right. Mandate a vaccine that is brand new is just suspicious to me.

    4. Your lengthy run-on sentence is impossible to read.

      You have no idea that people died 'from' the vaccine. You only know that they died and that they were vaccinated. The connection was made by your uneducated guess.
      We don't know about girls sem age who lost their reproductive ability due to the vaccine. Maybe it is due to something else. The research is done by experts in these fields, and if you want to spend years learning how research is done, you can give an opinion.

      I have no idea what life insurance story you are talking about. Is this some secret story that was held away from the media? Or did this person participate in the trials, not after it was approved?

      You mention drugs that can help, with no mention of how available they are, and how tested they are.

      'A study done in Israel' is another mistake of yours. One study is nowhere near sufficient. The vaccine has thousands of studies attesting to its efficacy and safety. 'A study done in Israel' does not even register.

      Yes, start digging below the surface. Go to college, medical school and grad school. Learn epidemiology, virology and statistics. Until then, you need to rely on those who did, because you have no clue.

    5. fyi,
      girls who went to seminary in Israel have very often seen big changes to their regular cycle for the last 30 years.

      may be due to a different diet there or something else. ask someone who would know.

      nothing to do with the vaccine.

    6. Thank you Anon 3:24.
      I don't know any of this information, so it is easy for people to scare me with stories of girls who stopped menstruating.
      Which is why 'do your own research' is such a stupid way to approach things. People who do 'their own research' are asking to be fooled by half information.

      I don't know if your story is true. Women don't generally discuss their private life with others and they aren't sharing them with me. Which is why we should take these anecdotes with a pinch of salt.

    7. Anons 3:24 and 3:40

      This information is coming from rabbonim who are osek in taharas hamishpacha and they are hearing first hand information. This is in cities such as Crown Heights Lakewood and Yerushalyim. The poskim are publicly sounding the alarm about what the vaccine is harming bnos yisrael. Your humorous attempt to dismiss it makes you a willing partner in the damage it is causing.

    8. All these issues are happening to pple that had Corona also. The vaccine is putting Corona in the body and having same effects. I've had similar issues after I had covid without having the vaccine.

    9. Maybe do some research into rising rates of death from unknown cause across Europe and the U.S. Just don't use Google. They are censoring it

    10. Rabbanim who are osek in Taharas Hamishpacha are not researchers, they don't know how to conduct such research. If you are an expert in statistics, and have the information from past years and this year, you can, perhaps, make an informed decision.
      But those Rabbanim don't have the information, they don't know how girls were in the years before the pandemic, and they have no information about unmarried girls' cycles.

    11. Anon 5:44 - there is no mechanism that the Moderna of Pfizer vaccine could produce Covid. The delivery system and active ingredients are not Covid and they are not similar to other vaccines in that. Perhaps J & J does not have this characteristic, but most people aren't getting that.

      The idea that the vaccine causes Covid is as ludicrous as the rest of the anti vaccine theories.

  9. There is more research about this vaccine than most other medications and vaccines. Society is watching it like a hawk, and virtually nothing of substance has emerged. The newsletter writers have resorted to quoting הוה אמינאs as facts and debunked theories as laws.
    Ivermectin has little research behind it, much much less than the vaccines. Yet the same anti vaccine people are pushing it as though it was gospel truth.

    What is happening to us?

    1. Ivermectin has over 4 decades of research. The vaccine, barely one. When you are spewing garbage, try to make it less abvious

    2. Ivermectin has little credible research to do with Covid. The most promising studies regarding Covid were found to be seriously compromised, with fake data and fake people involved.

    3. I know of several people with bad COVID cases, where in hospital they begged for Ivermectin (with proper dosing, same as would be done for internal parasites), and within hours of taking it they were already stabilizing B'H. One friend of man who went through it said he felt like he went from 6 feet under to 6 feet over in a matter of hours. Ivermectin is a game changer whether you want to admit it or not. By the way, many prominent Lakewood doctors perscribe it as soon as a positive COVID test comes back, even with mild symptoms.

    4. You write what you want but you& I everyone else knows it’s not true! I a drug helps reduces cases even 10% they would use it. You mad it up

    5. My own father was hospitalized with COVID and thankfully we got him ivermectin and that prevented him from having to be intubated B'H.

    6. Yaakov - how right you are.
      We all know Doctors and nurses. Does someone actually think that your neighbor the doctor is callous enough to prevent a treatment from being given if it has a 10% chance of working?

      If Ivermectin actually works, why did they need to forge so many studies? All the really positive studies were riddled with mishandling, fraud and negligence. There is a reason for it.

  10. Is the 104 fever proof it injured the recipient?

    1. My mother said I rain a high fever for two days after my first polio shot in the early 50s.

    2. No, unless it is long term

  11. If this doesn't open your eyes I don't know what will. Vaccines are effecting the reproduction organs so one doesn't always see immediate effect. I quote this obgyn who said in the name of another dr (names on video) "this vaccine is finishing what Hitler didn't get to do."
    Scary thought and definitely something to take a minute and at least listen to the other side. Make educated decisions thst include doctors from both ends.
    Dr. Christine Northrop OBGYN, testifies in bais din

    1. Which Beis Din is that? It is being sold as a Lakewood Beis Din, but those people are not from Lakewood.

      But this Ob/Gyn is not a researcher, she has no idea if it is the vaccine that is affecting the reproductive organs or something else.

      Using Hitler's name scores points in the street fight, not with intelligent people

    2. To the readers of the comments on this blog. Read up on Christine Northrop before believing this 'testimony'.
      Google her name and find out what she is all about. She believes in magic and necromancy. In her previous reincarnation, she lived in the planet Atlantis (a science fiction place) and upgraded DNA for a living.

      She is sadly a nutjob, who believes in magic and nonsense.

      The question is, why are these the only people the anti Covid vaccination crew can produce? Why don't they have any sane people to testify? Is that because sane people know better?

    3. Even the CDC has commissioned a study about the effects of the vaccine and irregular bleeding

    4. That Beis Din's credibility is shot when they quote people like Northrop.
      That is true when others quote Del Bigtree and his cabal of ignorant troublemakers.
      And the same is true when people quote the regular foolishness about Bill Gates trying to kill out humanity

    5. Focus on the message, not the medsenger. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

    6. Anon 8:33 - That is not relevant now. The BD called 'expert' witnesses, doctors who supposedly know and understand the medicine. If the 'expert' is a crackpot loonie bin like that, who also believes and promotes magic and 'intuition-based' healing, they did not listen to experts.

    7. "That Beis Din's credibility is shot when they quote people like Northrop."

      Maybe. So is anyone's (credibility shot) when they quote Fraudci.
      Bottom line - only one side is trying to compel the other.
      You want to take the vaccine, knock yourself out. Don't force it into other's bodies.
      You think Ivermectin is horse medicine and doesn't work, great - don't take it. Why are you blocking others?
      The harder they try to force the vaccine on people (and 5 year old kids now!) and the more they censor any talk about Ivermectin or any other therapeutic, the more obvious the agenda becomes. Big Pharma and $$.

    8. Your comparison of Fauci to Northrop is ridiculous.
      Northrup is a bona fide nutjob, the type you can find on benches in Zichron Moshe. She knows zero about anything.

      The reason that the public needs to be vaccinated is quite simple. Vaccinated people get infected less than others, and pass it on to others at a much lower rate. If the entire country is vaccinated, lives will be saved. If not, then even the lives of the vaccinated will not be as safe. It is quite simple.

      The reason Ivermectin should be blocked is the reason we have an FDA. Medicine is a specialized field of knowledge, and it should not be democratized or left in the hands of everybody. That is dangerous.

    9. "The reason that the public needs to be vaccinated is quite simple. Vaccinated people get infected less than others, and pass it on to others at a much lower rate. If the entire country is vaccinated, lives will be saved. If not, then even the lives of the vaccinated will not be as safe. It is quite simple." - maybe, but pardon me for not believing the latest (like the 5th time) revision. Originally it was it's 100% effective, then it was you can get it but won't spread it, then it was you can spread but there's no way you'll get very sick, then... I lost track of how many times they changed the story. So pardon those of us who are a wee bit skeptical now. I get it, the vaccine is new so they really couldn't know - but that's exactly the reason why it should NOT BE FORCED!

      And that's before we even get to any of the negative side-effects - which is indisputable that it happens to some (maybe only a tiny fraction) but the fact that any reporting is heavily censored is a huge indictment and just makes many of us all the more suspicious. Noble lies are still lies.

      Lastly: "The reason Ivermectin should be blocked is the reason we have an FDA. Medicine is a specialized field of knowledge, and it should not be democratized or left in the hands of everybody. That is dangerous." Are you kidding me? They are blocking doctors (doctors!!) from prescribing it and not filling prescriptions! Again, you don't have to believe it works and are welcome to feed it to your horses, but why would you block a doctor's prescription?!! There's only one logical an$wer - but I'm open to better ones.

    10. Forgive me, but it seems that you are skeptical of doctors who change their minds with new information. You think that doctors should dig their heels in and ignore new information?!
      When the vaccine came out, they said that it seems to show more than 90% efficacy. They knew, and said out loud, that they are not sure yet how long that will last. That is why they didn't mandate it then. Because they weren't sure. Then time went on, and new information came out. That's how these things work.

      The side effects are not covered up. Even the open lies on VAERS are available for all to see. There is no censorship, there are just very few serious side effects, that's why you didn't hear about them.

      Your reliance on 'doctors!' for Ivermectin is another head scratcher. Doctors aren't researchers, they are also bound by the FDA's rules. That is not a new phenomena, that was always here, for a valid reason.

    11. @Anoynmous Oct 29, 8:12 AM
      Your arguments and defense are crumbling here...
      " seems that you are skeptical of doctors who change their minds with new information. You think that doctors should dig their heels in and ignore new information?!"

      That's the whole point! If they are constantly needing to change their mind why do you think that "this time they have it perfectly right"? Of course they don't!! Which, once again, is the reason you don't force your wrong (more often than not) opinions on others!!

      "That is why they didn't mandate it then. Because they weren't sure. Then time went on, and new information came out. That's how these things work."

      The new info that came out as time went on increasingly showed less and less efficacy, further weakening the case for mandates and reason to believe that "this time they're right"!! Not to mention the absurdity of not recognizing natural immunity which is far superior!!

      "Even the open lies on VAERS are available for all to see. There is no censorship, there are just very few serious side effects, that's why you didn't hear about them."

      How do you know they are "open lies"? Because Fauci told you? There's no reason to believe there are any more lies (percentage wise) in VAERS the last year than there were for the past 30 years of VAERS's existence. That's another piece of propaganda Fauci and Big Pharma would have you believe! In fact a recent analysis of the first 1600 or so covid deaths reported in VAERS showed that 67% of them were reported by health service employees! Even if you want to discard 90% of the reports, the remaining 10% is way higher than all other deaths from all other vaccines combined!! I'm not saying that proves everything reported is truly because of the vaccine, but this is a pretty strong signal that something is wrong and it's nowhere near as safe as the Fraudcis of the world would have you believe! We should certainly be allowed to talk about it! So everyone needs to talk to their doctors and do their own risk assessments, especially if you're dealing with children (who likely have close to zero benefit from it). I'm not saying there's no benefit for anyone to get it (like elderly and sick), just that you can't mandate it across the board!!

    12. (continuation)
      "Your reliance on 'doctors!' for Ivermectin is another head scratcher. Doctors aren't researchers, they are also bound by the FDA's rules. That is not a new phenomena, that was always here, for a valid reason."

      Head-scratcher, really? So now doctors are not to be trusted (you said the exact opposite in your first paragraph)?! Or is it only the doctors who agree with you and Big Pharma and their minions?

      And all the FDA said is "Ivermectin is not approved for COVID" - that's not the same as saying not allowed to be used!! As I'm sure you know, there's something called off-label use where many drugs are used to treat problems they weren't originally designed for. There's a long history of this with many successes, and in fact an est 20% of all prescriptions are for off-label use! So you want to talk about "not new phenomena"... off label use is not new!

      What is new and has never happened before is doctors prescriptions being blocked, their jobs being threatened, dying patients' families having to sue hospitals to allow for a "right to try" a treatment that was and is perfectly safe!! What is happening here?!!! Have we gone insane as a world?!!! Of cour$e not. הכסף יענה את הכל

      Nobody is forcing you to take IVM, and nobody is preventing you from getting the shot (and the 5th booster). However we are being forced to inject something into our bodies against our wills and it's not ok to ask questions?!!! We're not allowed to get a script from a doctor for a super safe medicine (safer than Tylenol!!!) even if you think it's worthless?!! Again, what is happening here?!!! I haven't heard any other logical explanation other than corruption and $$. You're either willfully blind or are in the healthcare industry or some other reason you're under Big Pharma's spell. Open your eyes!!

    13. Your continuous use of slogans and childish insults undermine your arguments. Fraudci and Big Pharma are two examples of the slogans of the low IQ.

      There is some information missing from this argument. At least 60% of the information out there against the Covid vaccines can be traced back to 12 people. Those 12 people have made millions on their anti vaccination stories. They sell phony cures and 'immune system boosters' to the people that believe their stories against vaccines. For some reason, the 'independent thinkers' haven't thought to follow the money of the people who are influencing them.

    14. Fraudci is an insult, but also an accurate description of him.
      There's nothing childish about Big Pharma - just as there isn't for Big Tech.
      Yeah, yeah, yeah - I heard all the Big Pharma and Biden's talking points about the 12 people - that doesn't dismiss the other 40%... even if you think everything those 12 are saying is false (not the case).
      At this point you're out of any substantive arguments and you got nothing. Admit it.
      Instead of smearing everyone who has questions or wants to think for themselves as anti-vaxxers, try to open your eyes and think for your self. Unless you're in the medical or pharma industry etc, then you have a major confict of interest here that's clouding your judgment... and either way you're completely tainted and don't have a leg to stand on pushing for mandates.

      I suspect neither one of us will convince the other one, which is fine. Vigorous debate and let the best ideas win is the American way. What isn't the American way is forcing your opinions down the throat of those who don't see things your way. There's no arguing that.

    15. Also, just to point out that a sentence after you call me out for my alleged "childish insults", you yourself resort to "low IQ" insults. You've also made similar contradictory arguments within other paragraphs in your previous comments. A further sign that you've lost the debate.

  12. My Rav said to vote for Jack Ciattarelli, he said hakoras hatov does not mean you have to vote for murphy when there a chashash that he will do harm to us and the children with mandates or hashchasa agendas and by letting criminals roam the streets endangering our lives.

    1. I have a lot of respect for R Uren Reich, but the only argument he said that would make sense is if he fears retribution if Murphy wins.

      The fact that he could have been worse than he has been does not obligate Hakaros Hatov. If someone mugs you, you don't owe them Hakaros Hatove because they didn't kill you ( aside for the fact Murphy killed many).

      If the Republican candidate is unknown, it is reasonable to view him through the way other Republican governors acted, none of them imposed severe lockdowns.

      Aside for that, vivid is not the only issue. Murphy has done nothing, and has no plans to do anything, for Lakewood Property Taxes and Public Schools.

      He provided loans because he had no choice. Otherwise the public schools would have been shuttered and it would be a complete disaster garnering national headlines. So instead of attempting to solve the problem, he deferred it by placing $150 million of debt that every Lakewood property owner is responsible for.

      Murphy is also inept. With NJ ranked near the bottom for business friendliness. Business tax revenue is the only way NJ can dig out of this whole, and Murphy is doing nothing to attract business.

      It would be one thing if Murphy was just inept, there would always be the hope he could hire competent people.

      He is far worse than that, he is completely out of touch, stating " if you care about taxes, NJ is not the State for you". That alone should disqualify him from being governor. The only people who do not care about taxes are the extremely wealthy, and those who rely completely on government programs. Those are the only people who Murphy cares about. The fact that he completely lacks the self awareness to realize that is indicative that something is very wrong.

      If that wasn't enough, Murphy has made clear through his hired political advisors that in his final term, he is going to disregard the opinion of the people. Expect even higher taxes, no bail laws, pushing of reeva and all leftist social issues, covid mandates and every other insanity the radical left is pushing.

      Worrying about political retribution seems a little naive considering it has already been made clear that he will disregard the will of voters in his final term

    2. Ciatterelli is the last hope for humanity in New Jersey.

  13. There is no reason anyone who had COVID should get the vaccine period! To say this vaccine has more research and studies to prove it’s safe and effective is too ludicrous that it doesn’t even deserve a response. You’re burying your head in the sand. Btw I am not an anti vaxxer and my kids get all the shots.

    1. I personally did some research. I took 10 anti-vax stories that I heard in the last 3 months and I went down I checked it out! down to the bottom of it. every single one was a false story that never happened

  14. CHS getting more money - making it even more unaffordable to send to a daycare for those not eligible for CHS!

  15. Ciatarelli is closer than the polls suggest so the taanah that Murphy could win is shvach. So we have an achrayus for the churban that murphy intends to bring on us once he is in his second term he will act like a tyrant.
    His policy sent 8000 seniors to their deaths do we ignore that because of a hakaros hatov.

    Hakoras hatov for what? He went after frum lakewood residents with the state police, legalized marijuana and supported assisted suicide and full term abortion.

    Vote Ciatarelli

  16. Of course some have lots of Hakoros Hatov to Murphy. Don’t forget many “Roshei Mosdos” walked off with millions of dollars thru all sorts of COVID programs from testing to lunch boxes etc. Money that should have really be invested in the Klal. Non of those telling you how to vote ever address the quality of life needs of the general public.

    1. And you ate from those boxes big time too ! So vote Murphy ! This other clown didn’t and will not do anything for you . Fact! He is a skinny Christy

  17. If Ciattareli Was way up in the polls would they also say to vote murphy because of hakoras hatov?

    1. No. They have their hands tied.

  18. Many of us have this strange belief that government is about policies, values and political beliefs. They see corruption and connections as aberrations and relics of the old country.

    Nothing could be farther from the truth.

    No politicians votes his values. Exhibit No. 1 - Joe Manchin. He is presumably some kind of progressive, but his voters are coal miners and suddenly climate change is a non-issue to him.

    The only way our community can flourish is through connections. That is how this country works, it is no different to Eretz Yisroel in that. Voting your values means throwing your ballot slip into the garbage. Ciatarreli is promising us the moon, because he too knows that 'values' are just things you talk about on the campaign trail.

    The only way to vote is your interests. If you think that you, or your representative, will have the ear of Ciatarelli on the chance he is elected, go for it. But if there is no chance of that, then you are wasting your vote.

    1. Andrew Cuomo & Hillary's askanim made the same claim

    2. Joe Manchin was never a progressive. !0 years ago there were no "progressives" in Congress. Ignorant comment, I stopped reading once I saw that

  19. It's a chutzpa that the Jewish media websites (matzav, scoop and others) published a letter clearly intended for the rosh yeshiva's talmidim only. Is this letter just a leak? Or was it leaked by the highly paid Murphy campaign advisors ("askonim")? Scoop won't allow comments out of respect to the rosh yeshiva, yet the biggest chutzpa is to publish a letter that the rosh yeshiva did not intend to be posted online.

    1. Looks like the letter was purposely leaked.

  20. The Va'ad claim to represent us.
    I don't believe allegations of corruption etc. so I won't comment on that.

    I just want to know, what have they done for us or anyone?

    In the last years, Christie attacked our community. What did the Va'ad do then? Was a single one of his victims helped by any member of the Va'ad? The victims I know told me that not one Va'ad member reached out to him to offer help, and he gained nothing from their connections. Essentially, they were asleep at the wheel, on the precise occasion that we needed them.

    Then along came corona. First, the world was fearful that a pandemic will hit us. Us frumme Yidden have unique needs and issues. We can spread viruses through tishn, chassunos, minyanim and parlor meetings in ways that Goyim cannot. Did the Va'ad put together a task force for Lakewood? Did they, as our public representatives, figure out a way to live through this? When eventually the pandemic hit us, and the government shut us down, where they anywhere to be found on the field, making arrangements, issuing guidelines, bringing down experts to tell us how to have Minyanim, what schools can do and how to bring the government into our issues? When schools needed to be re-opened, where were they? Avi Schnall, of the Aguda, was eventually on the state task force, but nobody from the Va'ad.

    Raboisai! The Va'ad does not exist. It is a figment of the printer's imagination. Once a year a sign is printed, and that is the entire Va'ad. No help for anyone, no advice, no leadership. Nothing!
    If they are doing things behind the scenes, we would have heard about them when it was necessary. It is a hoax!

    Are there any readers who can set up a Va'ad for this town? A group of askanim with proven track records of helping others, and the sechel to see past the ends of their noses. People who will actually ask advice from zekeinim and listen to it. People who know their limitations and obligations. Do we have such people? Time to step up and make a Va'ad for the town.

  21. AnonymousOctober 27, 2021 at 10:24 PM
    AnonymousOctober 28, 2021 at 6:25 AM

    So it bothers both of you that many people take their civic responsibility seriously enough that they consider it more than just self Centric:you rub my back I rub yours? That it's more than which fellow could show off flaunting more political standing and influence back towards his own community?
    Now all other arguments have failed you're construing a new one
    You're taking the adage " Jews live like WASPS but Vote like Puerto Ricans "and you're making it a virtue

    Political statesmanship was supposed to be more and was...
    If you have managed to as you desired, pulled it down,now you're trying to pull the rest of us down with you as well?

    IIRC What you consider so important that Moolah gelt
    and connections
    TO politicians that is
    the cheapest sort of
    joke for ,000 votes
    AND makes a mockery of our Community and behind our backs they say so !
