Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Response to Video Murphy would Mandate Vaccine Passport

A Top Murphy ally recorded by Project Veritas: Governor’s vax mandate is coming post-Election Day. Project Veritas released its latest undercover video on Monday evening, this time featuring prominent New Jersey allies of Governor Phil Murphy suggesting that the Democrat incumbent can be counted upon to implement a COVID-19 vaccine mandate AFTER the November 2nd election.

“He [Murphy] is going to do it [COVID vaccine mandate], but he couldn’t do it before the elections. Because of the independents and the undecided,” Democrat strategist and activist Wendy Martinez appeared to tell a member of the James O’Keefe-led organization. Pomosing that Murphy “will [implement COVID vaccine mandate], but right now is about him winning. It will be fine.”

The Murphy campaign in response released a exclusive scoop to Lakewood political News reporter for the Lakewood Shopper shlomo Schorr that  two staff members of the Murphy campaign were "lured into a parking garage" and "ambushed and harassed by a team of six far-right extremists, including disinformation specialist James O’Keefe," earlier today. Ans called on Jack Viatarelli to denounce it.

The Ciattarelli campaign responded to the video release.

 The NJGOP released its own statement later in the evening.

“This extremely disturbing video appears to confirm what the Murphy campaign has been hinting at – and the NJGOP has been warning about – throughout the summer: that a second Murphy term will bring about the same type of vaccine passports seen in Bill de Blasio’s New York, burdening already suffering businesses and discriminating against minority communities in which immunization rates are lower,” said NJGOP Executive Director Tom Szymanski. 

“From the beginning of the pandemic, Phil Murphy has been following political science, as opposed to actual science. Purposefully hiding this life-changing information until after the election is as deceitful as it gets,” added Szymanski. “Phil Murphy must immediately state his intentions on this matter before voting ends next week and disclose whether or not data of thousands of New Jerseyans already entered into the Docket App has been harvested for the purpose of implementing a vaccine passport.”


  1. Perhaps Hefkervelt readers are unaware of Veritas' reputation, but their name says it all. Any organization called 'Truth' is anything but. Like Pravda of Russia.
    They are known to squeeze half-sentences out of low-level political operatives, and then spin them to look like major political statements.

    FYI, I have no problem with vaccine mandates. I have no bone in this issue. Personally, I will vote for Murphy even if he mandates vaccines right now.

    1. Typical dem spin try to deflect and distract instead of answering the issue. Why didnt Murphy who follows the science impose the mandates before the election??

    2. Do you not have children that allows you to be so callous and cavalier?

    3. I have plenty of children, and I am vaccinated. And I am happy to vaccinate them. I am not a conspiracy theorist who believes wild nonsense about Bill Gates and George Soros. We are fine, thanks

    4. you can believe and do as you wish, but its not an excuse to mislead voters... He should be honest..

    5. can you provide any examples of things Veritas was wrong about?

    6. You're right. It's Democrat spin. If he was a Republican, he would mention illegal aliens, flag-burning amendments or bring Yoshke back to Kratz Mich. All very Jewish issues, that we should all rally behind.

    7. Low level political operatives Do you not know how to read?!
      It clearly states they were high level campaign advisers!

    8. Selective vision. Alternative interpretation. Fantasy land. It's all high level officials, and they know good and well (as we now do too) what Governor Murphy has planned.

      Murphy is salivating over the control he will have in this state if he wins the election. Make no mistake about it. If he wants to call it a joke, why won't he rule out vax mandates for children now? It's a sickness he has and we all stand to be his victims.

    9. Leftists often try to slander Project Veritas, it is their only way to try to combat what people eyes can see. But the leftists haven't been very successful, Project Veritas has sued for slander and won their last 7 cases

  2. What does the VAAD say now?
    Are they willing to own up to the fact that Murphy could act like a authoritarian tyrant over the next 4 years.

    Could they at least have the decency to address the issue and not just throw around words of Hakoras hatov when there is a serious threat looming for our quality of like for businesses that will be financially crushes by vaccine passports or children that will be forced to test and vaccinate.

    What does Agudah NJ have to say

    1. Why are they obligated to answer every nonsense some muckraking website posts?
      Do you have the answers against the anti-semitic nonsense that is posted regularly on 8 chan?

    2. What does 8chan have to do with anything?

  3. I think the vaad and agudah got an off the record commitment from Murphy that he won't enforce any mandate in lakewood schools.

    1. I'm not voting for Murphy based on an "anonymous" commenter on Hefkervelt who "thinks" the vaad got an "off the record" "commitment" not to enforce a "mandate".
      Yeh right.
      I wasn't sure if I was going to vote in this election, but now I will definitely vote for the Republican. And my wife and adult daughter.
      That's 3 votes against Murphy right there, because of the new Veritas video.

    2. Until it is enforced... This is the shibud mitzrayim all over again. Shevet Levi will stay in the B'M... everyone else... H' yaazor!

    3. I doubt it. More likely they got $$$$ before their eyes and that is all that counts. Use your vote and use it right. Use your tefillah and hope they don't rig this election too.

  4. Bottom line Murphy is not explicitly denying that he will make mask mandates after the election. He is just kevetching about how the information was obtained

  5. If it's off the record how do you know about it? Why are you sharing it? And what will hold him to it?

  6. Project veritas does not believe in the cherem of rabbeinu Gershom to disclose private conversations but the VAAD does not care about Murphys anti Torah LGBT policy Abortion Policy Nursing home policy sanctuary city policy and all other violations of values that we hold dear.

    1. Agudah of NJ needs to take a long hard look in a mirror to reassess whom they represent.

    2. The Va'ad is not obligated to care about Murphy (and Citarelli)'s abortion policies. Just like Veritas and CHerem derag

    3. Last I checked the torah demands us care about murder, if you don't care about murder, the average Christian is Holier than you.

    4. The Torah doesn't 'care' about things. It tells us what to do and what not to do. We do not have arvus for the murder that non-Jews do. It is not our problem.
      Jewish 'values' include taking care of the poor and not turning on lights on Shabbos. Our values include דינא דבר מצרא as well as not ploughing with an ox and a horse together.

    5. R Dessler said you can follow every halacha and only reach the "alef" of yahadus.
      Others term it a naval b'rshus haTorah.
      Some might be gentler and term you modern/centrist Orthodox

  7. What has Murphy done financially for Lakewood taxpayers. Askanim said Murphy gave lakewood school district 59 Million dollars that is a big Lie.
    The state gives funding for schools regardless the transportation money for LSTA is mandated by the state. The legislator are the ones who set up the LSTA Funding.
    Lakewood school district owes the state over 150 million in loans
    What has Murphy done?????

    1. Murphy made promises to us but has never fought the legislature on our behalf when they've pushed back against things that would benefit Lakewood. He's all talk and no backbone. Talk is cheap. My vote doesn't go for a blowhard full of hot air. We will not be blackmailed by Murphy any longer. If he wants to help us he can pardon ROBCF now. Why is all the goodies only AFTER the election? Because by then it's too late if it doesn't pan out as expected since he's already got his 4 year extension locked in. By the way, he won't be trying to get reelected after this due to term limits, so he'll have nothing to lose by not fulfilling promises made.

  8. Dec. 21, '20
    איך אעלה אל אבי והנער איננו איתי...

    Reb ...,
    This is to alert you about the latest on two very dangerous bills that could potentially come up today in NJ.

    1) A dangerous nursing home bill, Senate bill number S2545 (https://www.njleg.state.nj.us/2020/Bills/S3000/2545_I1.HTM ) is threatening to pass the NJ Assembly as early as Monday. It could potentially come up in the Assembly session scheduled to start 11AM. (Alternatively, it could also be delayed.)

    This bill is probably too horrific to be properly described. Just read pages 3-6. (Some of those who voted for it apparently didn't do that.).The bill would enable sexual assault in healthcare facilities. It would enabling deviant transgender males pretending to be females to demand female roommates, and access to female bathrooms. It would provide state protection for promiscuity in cases in which there would be no medical reason to object. Passage would render NJ long term healthcare facilities impossible for Orthodox Jews to utilize (much less to own and operate).
    2) Secondly, another terrible LGBT bill that just passed the NJ Senate last Thursday, that is similarly expected to come up for an Assembly vote as early as tommorow, is S2781/ A4454: ((2R) https://www.njleg.state.nj.us/2020/Bills/A4500/4454_R2.HTM (Kindergarten version) ). It would intensify LGBT indoctrination in NJ public schools from Kindergarten - yes, Kindergarten - to 12th grade. This of course would R"L impact all the Jewish and Orthodox children throughout the P.S. system in NJ, thereafter. Furthermore, it would serve as a springboard to advance the encroachment on Yeshivos and Bais Yaakov's, not much different than as in the UK.

    Let's not rerun the N.Y. Chinuch disaster


  9. The fact that LGBT has already made encroachment into NJ schools should serve as more of a mechayev to vigorously oppose this metastasis, rather than to allow regression. The more they encroach, the more we're on defense.
    First they target the public schools. Then they solidify their influence within public education. Then they will come for our own institutions. However, then - who will save us?

  10. "The Va'ad is not obligated to care about Murphy (and Citarelli)'s abortion policies"

    Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky disagreed

    He considered Family Values so Paramount
    that is a choice between someone who helps a community and one who's even anti-semitic but support for family values

    vote for the anti-semite:Is what he declared

    Come on you're silently saying who really cares about him anymore?

    1. Always with the dead Gedolim. Because they can't provide denials or nuance.
      Why have the ones that are living with us never told us that? Why did Reb Chaim clearly say to ignore this issue?

    2. Regarding attempts to pass “Death with Dignity” legislation:
      The chiyuv (Torah injunction) of “Lo sa’amod al dam re’echa”, obligates everyone to do what he
      or she can, to help prevent assisted suicide and/or euthanasia.

      Allowing the legalization of “assisted suicide”, even if this particular law in practice would only
      result in assisting a suicide and not euthanasia, is to allow shefichas-domim (bloodshed).
      Furthermore even rendering such actions not being subject to prosecution, is allowing shefichas-
      domim (bloodshed), al achas kama vekama (how much more so), in cases of assisted suicide
      leading to euthanasia.
      This obligation would include:
      1) Voting on the basis of this issue. Thus, when voting for any public official, this issue must
      be considered as top priority, certainly overriding financial considerations, government
      programs, etc. By voting for people who support these laws, we become accountable for
      their actions. This ruling would still apply even if these laws were to be passed, we would
      still be forbidden to vote for legislators who voted for these laws. This is the most
      important way to fulfill our obligation.
      2) Urging one’s legislators to vote against these bills, if and when they arise[1] and to urge
      the governor to veto such bill, were it to pass the legislature.
      3) Helping in efforts to repeal such laws, in areas[2] where such legislation was already

      May the Creator of all life grace us with the merit to save innocent lives, fulfilling our role as an or
      legoyim . In that merit, may we help usher in the Final Redemption by
      Moshiach Tzidkeinu.

      Rabbonim are listed alphabetically

      Eliyahu Ben-Haim Boruch Hirschfeld Dovid Ribiat
      Haim Benoliel Yosef Meir Kantor Yosef Yitzchok Rosenfeld
      Gad Bouskila Yeshaye Gedalye Kaufman Chaim Schabes
      Yitzchok M. Braun Amram Klein Moshe Silberberg
      Shlomo Breslauer Shloime Ben Zion Kokis Moshe Soloveitchik
      Eliyahu Brog Grainom Lazewnik Yitzchok Sorotzkin
      Yitzchok Cohen Tzvi Steinberg
      Menachem Fisher Avrohom Yaakov Nelkenbaum Shlomo Stern
      Noson Yermia Goldstein Yechiel Perr Boruch Hersh Waldman
      Shmuel Gorelick Avrohom Reich Moshe Weissman
      Moshe Green Gavriel Zinner

    3. In the Northeast there’s virtually no difference between Dems and Republicans when it comes to social issues like LGBT and abortion.

  11. Why did Murphy choose a Lakewood journalist to put out the statement.

  12. School security funding did nothing to lower tuitions or raise rebbeim's salaries and schools dont know what to do with it besides to pit up more and more cameras and have guys with guns walking around.

  13. The bottom line is that every Democrat governor (at least in 5 states that I can think of) that were responsible for the deaths of untold thousands of seniors during the height of Covid by sending them back to the homes against medical advice and common sense should be punished severely. However, we all know that the Democrats and Liberals protect their own and nothing will ever happen to them. Just imagine if it was DeSantis who did that.. he would be serving multiple life sentences in solitary.. Anyways, the point is that the only way they can and will get punished for that is through us voting them out of power. I don't believe hakaras hatov should override murder.. but thats just my opinion.

    On another note, Project Veritas has never been proven wrong to my knowledge and they have won countless lawsuits and thus far, we have not heard a direct refutation from Murphy regarding these peoples testimonies..
