Sunday, October 31, 2021

“Murphy’s Law” – If Anything can go Wrong, it Will

 By: The Vaad of Central New Jersey

“Murphy’s Law” – If Anything can go Wrong, it Will 

Never mind Halloween’s mishegas. Someone else is gonna haunt us for four more years – he’s got skeletons in the closet.

History plays tricks on the dead – witness the elderly nursing home people no longer with us; victims of Covid 19 rehab policy.

What of the video of his campaign staff revealing that Murphy will implement broad vaccine mandates soon after the election?

Your quality of life will be gone, with police and firemen manpower shortages, as people opt to stay out of work, rather than submit to forfeiting their right of choice.

The governor signed a law, making New Jersey the first state to require students to learn the historical contributions of LGBTQ figures as of the 2020-2021 school year. “Building a stronger and fairer New Jersey starts with ensuring that every individual is given the right to live their truth, openly and freely.” 

Insanity means doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. These people are social outcasts, no matter how many times they repeat their “truths”.

This man signed S864 which prohibits the use of single use plastic and paper bags in all stores. Does that mean I’ll have to bring a suitcase to Gelbstein’s to buy Challos for Shabbos?!

It’s time for normalcy instead of cancel culture – let’s vote for and daven that, in the spirit of the Atlanta Braves, New Jersey will deliver a Tomahawk chop in Jack Ciattarelli’s favor, בעזרת ה'!


  1. it seems prettty simple to me. the mosdos and people with low income prefer murphy because he will be way more generous with funding everything.

    and BUSINESS OWNERS who got hurt from Murphys covid guidelines want jack, and they are not concerned with decreases in the state funding.

    Remember when Christie who is republican got in, all of a sudden there was no more free bussing, and the school budget became impossible. there were no funding problems before Christie.

    1. Maybe don't dishonestly use the name of another organization and you might be taken a kittle seriously.

    2. Even many who our on programs pay property taxes, it effects everyone. NJ has 128.3 billion in unfunded liabilities, and unlike the Fed, they can't print money.

      Murphy's and NJ policies scare away the business tax base, that means most of that tax burden is going to fall on individuals in the form of increased property taxes, sales tax, gas tax, utility taxes.

      If you think what you posted is accurate, you need to wake up and smell the coffee. Where are the Dems sending the money to, towns like Trenton, Camden, Newark, Patterson. Look at how their school districts are funded relative to Lakewood.

      The state is in no position to look to provide additional aid, we are very far down on the totem pole. Murphy's priorities are the groups with larger voting blocks and illegal aliens, yeah he wants free community college and in state funding for illegal aliens.

      He hasn't even proposed anything to fix the lopsided school funding formula. The $150 million in loans given to Lakewood from the state is the equivalent of 2 full years of the school aid portion of property taxes for every single resident of Lakewood, and that is going to increase exponentially.

      You think he has a hard time politically forgiving the loan now, what do you think will happen when it reaches $1 billion, it will be political suicide for any politician to forgive it at that point and the bill will come due

  2. Challos taste better when put in a paper bag plastic keeps it soggy

  3. R Uren Reich does not have the negius of all the connected people. I’m a republican but will likely vote for Murphy. Basic Hakaras Hatov (look over the Hudson) and common sense, ודי למבין. Don’t let your rightful frustrations of the Vaad blind your Seichel Hayashar. We all know who will win, at least sent עשו a proper דורן.

    1. Anyone who owns a Mossad has nevius, anyone that is related to someone who owns a business with government funding has negius, anyone that gets donations from someone that is funded by the above has negius.

    2. So basically you are accusing Talmidei Chachamim of negius. Have you seen what the Chazon Ish writes about that opinion?

    3. The torah says that Moshe and Aaron are pasul for eidus. Do you think they would say false testimony chas veshalom so why are they pasul the answer is because if the very fact that someone may think that way and make such an accusation for that reason alone they are pasul
      so yes if there is a chashash that someone will bring up the taaneh of negois one should take that in mind and do something that his negius will be questioned.

    4. Anon 7:11pm the gemara specifically lists cases of Amoraim who could not judge cases because of their negius.

    5. When I was a young bochur, I was advised to learn חזון איש אמונה ובטחון. Now I know why.
      The Chazon Ish has pages and pages about the mechutzafim who accuse Talmidei Chachamim of negi'us. He shows how the Gemara in Kesubos has nothing to do with this, it is only regarding Beis Din.

    6. THe medrish rabbah in this weeks parsha clearly says that anyone who takes shochad even if it is a mitzvah to give it will be blinded

    7. To call this shochad is like calling every store that takes money for its product לוקחי שחד.
      It is total nonsense.

    8. the medrish calls the food that esav gave yitzchok to mikayim kibbud av shochad

  4. Ciatarrelli said clearly that he will not change Murphy's positions about LGBT or abortion. If those are your issues, either sit out the election or write in your own name.
    As far as 'morality' goes, neither candidate is viable.

    As far as taking care of our town, I don't trust one word from Ciatarelli's mouth. There is no way he will keep his promises. And most of them will be impossible for him to keep, because of the legislator.

    But if you want to fight the Va'ad, vote out Bob Singer! Get rid of that shmutzyan, and do us all a favor.

    1. The "Vaad" has a track record, and it is not good.

      They would have some more credibility if they actually did something aside for tell people who to vote for.

      This is not the same Vaad that works on getting children into skills. This Vaad lives for one purpose only, to try to steer votes in a direction that benefits members of the Vaad

  5. Do the "igud hamosdo" follow the Roh Yeshiva or "vaad" recommendation on acceptance issues? when they do, and every child is in a suitable school of choice, we might consider their endorsement.

  6. If the reason to vote is all about gelt Murphy did nothing financially to help lakewood the school district is in debt with loans almost 200 million dollars. Property taxes are through the roof and transportation only helped a few big mosdos, the smaller schools are fending for themselves with lousy service buses not showing up and kids sitting for hours on the bus. The town spent millions of tax payer money to pay for public school students non mandated bussing while yeshiva kids non mandated are paying 180 per child
    Ciattereli is talking school vouchers and fixing the funding formula and property taxes yes talk is cheap and he proves nothing but at least hes talking and has a chance to change things.
    Murphy had 4 years go flow money to lakewood residents and instead sent more childcare money to daycare owners that raises the prices. The legislature fought and stopped 15 million from coming to lakewood. Why should anything change with him now

    1. Seems like your getting the point. The Vaads concerns are about their own gelt, no one elses.

  7. Does jack stand a chance? The polls don’t look good at all! Should I even bother voting?

    1. Yes. By not voting you make the polls come true. Do the right thing. Vote.

  8. All the disregard and flat out mocking of the opinions of the roshei yeshiva is much worse for your children’s future than lgbt studies and mixed bathrooms in public schools.
    Even if you are questioning the reasoning of the gedolim of our town, swallow hard and vote as they say. Decide that you’d rather your child wears a mask in school but has the highest regard for a rosh yeshiva, than vise versa. Because that’s the choice here and you know it.

    1. Ah, but what if your Rosh Yeshiva holds otherwise?

    2. Actually, taking responsibility to follow Rotzon Hashem - regardless of what others say is what's important. Where did Hashem command you - or anyone - to desecrate His great Name just because someone else thinks this is right? What was the story with Yerovom Ben Nevot? See Sanhedrin very beginning of 102A

    3. I don't see a whole lot of mocking anyone. I swallowed hard and voted as i was told for over 10 years, and the results are a disaster. Taxes more than doubled, traffic is insane, with at least 2 accidents a day.

      The facts are the facts, you have a kasha, yesh l'taretz

    4. עיין מכתב ר דב לנדוי המפורסם, ליישב כל הקושיית בעניני פוליטיקא תחת גושפנקא דרבנן

    5. Anon 6:33pm
      The only one mocking is you, you try to paint anyone who does mot agree with you as being mevazeh talmidei chachomim. By not respecting other opinions you are guilty of what you blame others for. First of all Reb Yeruchom did not sign to support Murphy, people have their own hadracha and hashkafos when it comes to voting and to do whatvis best for them.
      Do you follow everything the Roshei yeshiva do and say or only when it shtims with your agenda. Be honest

    6. Not one Talmid Chacham has disagreed with the Roshei Yeshiva so far.
      Reb Yeruchem did not offer an opinion at all.

    7. Anon 7:14
      Don’t bring proof from someone not signing. There is not one letter from a rosh yeshiva or rav to vote for Murphy.
      He was saying a point about the Chinuch of our children. It is scary if they see a town disregard the will of the roshei yeshiva. And he has a point.

  9. A vote for either Ciattarelli or Murphy Yemach shemam who both passed into law assisted suicide means you are violating lo sirtzach

  10. the Chazon Ish stated

    There are
    Talmidei Chachamim who -re:Klal are lesser menschen, though still deserving of respect
