Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Video of Murphy Not Answering vax mandate question

Gov Murphy's office  issued a late night statement to The Lakewood Scoop website as more  Project Veritas videos drop showing staffers talking about vaccine mandates after Re-election. "the administration has never had plans, nor is it making plans, for a blanket Covid-19 vaccine mandate". Read the statement. 

Save Jersey reports-  Project Veritas dropped a third New Jersey video on Tuesday evening, that shows  Phil Murphy power-walking at high speed away from one of Veritas’s journalists. The journalist in question tried to ask him about a viral undercover video of top allies conceding a not-so-secret Murphy Administration plan to enact a vax mandate only AFTER reelection is in hand.


  1. Tonight from Murphy...
    New Jersey, are you ready to feel the Bern? Team Murphy is getting out the vote with Senator Bernie Sanders THIS Thursday. Join us at Rutgers - RSVP here: https://afy.ai/KPcZR
    Oy! The company he keeps! Shreklach!

  2. No, not blanket... only for the children! H' yaazor!
