Thursday, October 7, 2021

Thursday Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Oct 7 News Updates

 Weather: Some sun this morning with increasing clouds this afternoon. High 74F

- 68 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 15666/321
- 14 new cases in Jackson  7685/118
- 17 new cases in Toms River 12868/337

- Biden says the Labor Dept. will soon issue his rule to require all companies with more than 100 employees to ensure their employees are vaccinated or submit to weekly testing 

- Video footage released today shows police barrier in Miron at the steps and walkway 30 minutes before the tragedy took place. No evidence if it was still there when the human crush unfolded R"L 

- More Americans have died from COVID-19 this year under Biden with vaccines available than from the virus in all of 2020, according to newly updated data from Johns Hopkins University.

- LPD on bus crash: The driver, a 58-year-old Eatontown man, "may have had a medical episode that contributed or may have caused the incident," Staffordsmith said.

- Winter zman begins today at BMG with chavrusa tumul a record number of new talmidim will be joining the yeshiva

- Yeshiva in Brick, NJ has agreed to remain closed and will not start the zman until the site meets building, fire and safety code standards.Brick officials insist the congregation needs municipal Planning Board approval to change the building’s use from a house of worship to a private school. (App)

- Provocation at the kosel as Reform MK Gilad Kariv Thursday morning  using his immunity as an MK smuggled a sefer Torah into the ezras nashim  of the Kosel plaza, where the women of the wall hold their monthly rosh chodesh provocation.

- News media reports on Lakewood school nus accident driver has been released by bus company

- The Lakewood-Manhattan minyan kollel bus has resumed its daily route to the city since it stopped last last year due to covid.

- Khal Vayoel moshe of Lakewood "Eizikovitz" shul on 7th street next door to BMG received approval from the zoning board to construct a new shul building that will have minyanim and accomadate chasidishe bochurim learning in BMG.

- Lakewood BOE attorney billed $170,000 from Lakewood taxpayers over the summer, according to records reviewed this week that showed he received more than $100,000 in August alone. (APP)


  1. You think MI billed improperly? Every payment to him is reviewed with a fine tooth comb by the state monitors! Don't fall for the APP hogwash!

    1. Who said he didn't bill properly. Doesn't mean that "pay me what I want or I'll sue" is ethical

  2. Of course everyone would like to earn this type of $$. Hashem is the one who gives us $$$. The APP looks at Yiden in a bad way as we always see. There are people who looks at the billing MI submits.
    Stop the hock, it does not become us.

  3. He may have billed properly but is he helping the taxpayer who is paying the bill or not that may be the question

    1. The other option is for him to sue the district and get even more money from the district and taxpayers, as he was prior to mid 2017! We save much more money and get more bang for the buck by having him as our attorney. No one doubts he is the best school board attorney in the state of New Jersey.

    2. Those are the only options?? How about no suing??

    3. If the district had a competent lawyer without MI there'd be no need to be afraid of him suing, but that's not what had happened.

  4. I'm sure he billed properly, but if the district can't afford his services, they need to cut back or find someone cheaper.

    1. It was tried and it failed miserably. Perhaps you want to apply to the state to become a monitor for Lakewood, because you obviously know and understand much more than the current ones do.

  5. Who need $1.5m firetrucks? X3
    .5 m garbage trucks? X 20
    .25m police cruisers? X 40
    .52m school buses? X 100
    Etc etc
    This town pends more on vehicles than any town in NJ, look at Howell, Rick,Jackson, TR, do they have even 1 of the latest model trucks/buses paid for by Lakewood taxpayers?
    Then "hock" about the attorney and all the other salaries,

  6. I'm curious if he bills every time he stands in front of the POOP (TLS) and comments on things completely out of his jurisdiction...

    1. I am curious if he billed for the "court appearances" where he opposed the attorney who was actually trying to help the school district?

    2. To each their own. Each side believes they're right. Who are we to pick sides? Let the judge do his/her job!

  7. You're all missing the boat here.
    We're not discussing whether he billed properly.
    We're not discussing whether the taxpayers are better off having him as the board attorney or having him sue us like he used to do.
    What we're discussing is whether what he is doing is fair. If we should accept the situation of having one person make a million dollars a year off us, the struggling taxpayer.
    This is a great topic to discuss: Should such a person be accepted in our community, or should he be ashamed of himself.
    And there is nothing wrong for the governor discussing this. Politically Michael is a legitimate target. He's a public figure who ruffled many feathers, including the teachers and the taxpayers of Lakewood, and he is making $1,000,000 off us every year, and who threatens to sue us if we don't play his game. Why isn't that a legitimate discussion? Why can't we say that we don't like this?

    1. You can say what you want, but with lack of a better option, this is our reality. As far as shame, MI asked R' Shmuel K. about asking for a large salary with benefits, and he got a brocha to do so, saying there's nothing wrong with getting paid for a service provided. There's nothing underhanded here. His fees and charges are all in his state approved contract.

    2. Lack of a better option because he put us in this situation of threatening to sue us. Does that mean we're supposed to like him? No, I don't like him. He's ripping off us, the struggling taxpayers. True, we don't have a choice. So what? I don't like him! And there's nothing wrong with saying this publicly. And thank you Governor Murphy for expressing our feelings. (Full disclosure: I won't vote for Murphy)

    3. And by the way, lets not get into all the things MI supposedly asked Rav Shmuel K over the years... with Catapult ahem ahem ahem....
      I respect Rav Shmuel K so much that I don't believe MI ever asked him anything.


      זה ענין של למה תתראו
      he does deserve compensation. He brings results. אבל יש פה ענין של חילול ה

    5. The article said that the billing of $475 an hour was for "tasks that are typically not handled by district lawyers"
      Does that mean clerical work that can be done any anyone or does it mean that it needs a specialized attorney

    6. Considering he found plenty of billable hours outside of the requirements of his job, apparently he is being paid $600k plus benefits for a part time job.

      Is there a school board attorney in this entire country that makes this much?


  9. Thank you for writing Tumul and not tumult

  10. At any given time of the day or night there's about 20 police cars sitting on the lot by the police station and another dozen on the lot on 8th Street perhaps it's time for a better utilization of the squad cars that we already have already.

