Sunday, October 10, 2021

Sunday Oct 10 News Updates Lakewood

Weather: Showers this morning, becoming a steady rain during the afternoon hours. High 68F. Winds ENE at 10 to 20 mph. Chance of rain 70%. Coastal flood warning issued for Ocean county until 5:00 pm 

Report: Southwest Airlines Cancels 1000s of Flights Due To Air Traffic Control Walkouts Over Vaccine Mandate

-3:30 pm traffic Faraday off whitesville not allowing cars

Bde: 16 year old yeshiva bachur from Givat Shaul neighborhood in Yerushalahym tragically killed after he was hit by a bus returning to his yeshiva Ner Zorach in the town of Otzam. He was on his way back from taking a test for Dirshu

- First time ever agudah will feature Neshei HaDaf Women's Program for the wives of the lomdei daf yomi for siyum on Beitzah. The women’s-only broadcast will be hosted by Mrs Charlene Aminoff with a exclusive video on the topic of ‘Nashim Bmai Zachyan’, featuring Rav Aharon Feldman, Rav Yisroel Reisman, Rav Nissan Kaplan, Rav Yitzchak Berkovits, and many others.

- Anti vaxx event today in 5 towns and Brooklyn  watch live 4 pm here with Del Bigtree more 

- Positive covid cases continue to rise in the Lakewood area mostly mild cases doctors say that people are getting the monoclonal antibody therapy right away which is helping keep hospitalizations low.

- Chavrusa Tumul continues today at BMG for the 6 months winter zman. Seating and assignments of chaburos will take place tomorrow. 

- BDE: petirah of Rebbetzin Esther Rivka Zacks, a”h, the almana of Hagaon Harav Amram Yitzchak Zacks, zt”l, Rosh Yeshivas Slabodka, at the age of 88. The Rebbetzin was born in Lithuania, the daughter of the Rosh Yeshivah of Slabodka, Hagaon Harav Mordechai Shulman, zt”l, and her mother, Rebbetzin Chayah Miriam, a”h, the daughter of the Rosh Yeshivah, Hagaon Harav Isaac Sher, zt”l. Harav Sher was the son-in-law of Hagaon Harav Nosson Zvi Finkel, zt”l, the Alter of Slabodka. (Hamodia)

- Netz/ sunrise today was 7:03 it will continue to Nov 6/3 Kislev at 7:32 am when the clock is changed back an hour.

- Trump at the Iowa rally: Here’s the difference, Hillary conceded. I never conceded — Crowd: cheers.

- Gas in Lakewood at $3.37 a gallon

- Egg throwing incidents  reported over shabbos around Lakewood near coventry and other areas LNN reports.

- Registration for boys elementary schools is in full swing with parents called down for interviews as chadorim looking to speed up the process. If you do not hear back after sending an application it is important to call the school and follow up to show you are interested.

- Bais Yaakov D'rav Meir opening a new elementary girls school  in Lakewood this coming year with kindergarten and primary under the leadership of Rabbi Michoel Levi.

-The Bespokery costum clothiers open today in Lakewood at 130 first street

- Lawsuit dismissed against Lakewood residents Jnews

- The Bahush Rebbe from EY will be visiting Lakewood parshas Chaya Sara
- The Sadigura rebbe of Bnei Brak will be coming Lakewood next month and visit the new Sadigur Bais Medrash in Lakewood


  1. - Lawsuit dismissed against Lakewood residents Jnews -
    “All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing.”

  2. The establishment got egg all over their face. Wait for more stuff to come out now.

  3. On Whitesville from farraday closed to cars

  4. The story about the establishment lawsuit was hacked. They don't want the public to know.

  5. What a shanda that the establishment blocked a shul from being built leaving kids without seats in shul and waiting by the window for their father to come home from shul. In the ihr hatorah mamash!

    1. That lawyer must have been paid really handsomely. The people who hired him must have worked super hard! I’m sure they’re beyond proud of theirs accomplishments.

  6. Hey it worked so the goal was Bh accomplished. It’s understood some are not happy about that but losers are never happy. I am not aware who hired the lawyer but I commend them for their work as it probably would have been approved if not even though it’s illegal to build there.

    1. A fool talks just to hear his own voice! If you don’t know what you’re talking about be smart and keep quiet. At least you won’t embarrass yourself by making dumb comments on a public forum.

  7. Oh boy did I strike a raw nerve?

    1. All fools strike raw nerves - that’s what makes them fools...

    2. You didn’t strike a raw nerve. Apparently the person who commented about the lawyer being paid well struck a raw nerve with you. Either you feel very guilty or you feel like an absolute thumping idiot. Otherwise why would you respond? Just saying.

  8. As always you can’t argue substance so you resort to name calling and personal attacks.

    1. As always you can’t get away from your guilt feelings so you resort to pulling the “illegal” card.

  9. Guilt? I was not involved. Besides nobody should feel guilt as they did nothing wrong.

  10. Why should anyone feel guilt for stopping a shul from being built in a way that it was going to adversely affect so many and their concerns were not taken seriously. That’s Besides halachos and Dina dmalchusa being violated. I doubt anyone that was involved feels any guilt nor should they.

    1. Uh huh! That’s why they turn puce and fire up in defense every time the word lawyer is mentioned

  11. I don’t believe that’s accurate. From what I’ve heard they are proud that they hired a lawyer and they should be.

  12. By the way I don’t feel like an absolute thumping idiot either. Any other attacks you have?

    1. B”H they collected tzedaka money for the lawyer. I’m glad that this is the biggest tzoirech in westgate and their Ruv stands behind them. Takeh a tzidkus!

  13. The bottom line is losers will always be bitter.

    1. The real bottom line is ולמלשינים אל תהי תקוה

    2. Most of the building in Lakewood is “illegal” but it depends how well connected you are. As the famous saying goes, “it’s not WHAT you know, it’s WHO you know.”!

  14. True but that’s totally irrelevant here

  15. וכל הרשעה כרגע תאבד
    Mesirah in the worst form
    ignoring a psak din
    creating machlokes and sinas chinom
    preventing a entire kehila from davening under normal circumstances responsible for children not being able to daven with their fathers
    a ongoing chilul hashem and merida in kavod shamayim

    How those people responsible for this sleep at night is beyond comprehension knowing the long list that awaits them in the olam haemes
    And if the argument is about legality you may as well shut down half the shuls in lkwd who got approvals pushed through because of who you know.

  16. Lies lies lies and more lies. There was no mesira whatsoever. You have the nerve to say “they” created machlokes?? You are the one that created machlokes and continue to fan the flames.

  17. To both sides of this - stop fighting about this old stupid fight! Nobody really cares!
