Friday, October 8, 2021

Friday Oct 8 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Sunshine and clouds mixed. High 76F.
ערב שבת פרשת נח 
candle lighting 6:09 pm Shkiah/sunset 6:27 pm

- China: The U.S. must withdraw troops from Taiwan.

- US oil price tops $80 a barrel today

- A Mezzuzzah shortage, is preventing people from moving into their new homes is there is  a very limited supply of quality mezzuzos on the market. Some factors are that sofrim are opting to write sifrei Torah which is in very high demand and more profitable for them. Covid, Inflation and stimulus checks are also a factor for not having people starting to go into safrus. Those that started out recently are writing tefilin parshiyos which cost more, leaving the mezzuza industry with a shortage.

- Plans for the first authorized shul in Jackson hit another snag Wednesday after zoning officials sent the project back to the drawing board. Bais Medrash of Jackson was instructed to come back to the zoning board with more details about its proposal to turn a single-family home on South New Prospect Road into Bais Medrash of Jackson.  (App)

- Jackson community gathered to discuss importance of viting in  upcoming general election with participation of Rabbonim and Rav Elya Brudny

-Jack Ciattarelli blames Lakewood school board for its $1M lawyer That’s excess compensation and that Board of Education needs to be held accountable,” (App)

- R' HH on Twitter: The powers that be in Lakewood spent over 250 thousand dollars to sue me for articles that were not written by me. And I did not endorse or support. Because they assume nobody else is bothered by corruption.


  1. What did the animals say when they left the Teiva?
    Shkoyach Reb Noiach

    What type of cake did they eat in the Taiva?
    Mahhbool cake.

    What type of lights did they have in the Taiva?
    Flood lights.

    1. What was Noach’s profession? He was an ARKeologist

    2. What phone did Noach take into the teiva? He took two kosher phones and seven non-kosher phones.

    3. Why couldn't noach milk the cows in teiva?
      Because they were rudderless

      Where did he get milk from?
      Lakewood schools gave a 40 day box

    4. You mean 2 not kosher phones and 7 kosher

  2. Ki Hashem Hu Eloakainu.....

  3. Apparently Jack doesn't know jack about Lakewood either, but you have to give the APP credit for creating a controversial story out of nothing, by pounding the pavement to get quotes of outrage and finger pointing from supposedly important people. He obviously doesn't know the contract for MI was pre-approved and endorsed by the State Monitors. By the way, Jack probably just lost a possible VAAD endorsement with that quote bashing the VAAD's handpicked BOE. If Jack doesn't take back that statement he spoon fed the APP, Murphy will have easy sailing around here.

    1. Who are you trying to fool? Don't try to make believe that the Vaad would endorse Jack for 1 second. He is catering to those of us that do care about taxes and spending

    2. The vaad, Igud and agudah NJ are all in for Murphy on all fours. The vaad who has been silent for 2 years and totally irrelevant will wake up and go all out to get Murphy the Lakewood vote. They will scream hakoras hatov for not acting like Cuomo bla bla bla.

    3. Jack will end the vax and mask mandates. Very helpful for all. He could yet earn the VAAD's endorsement. You never know....

    4. I wouldn't say he is making a big deal about nothing considering an attorney on a school board in a town of 100k is likely the highest paid school district employee in the country.

      Placing the blame on the BOE members is wrong as they were subjects of extortion

    5. Just look at CA if you want to know what happens when a Dem Govorner no longer has to answer to voters. Mandated vaccines for all school children K-12

  4. I hope the vaad realizes that less stringent vax approach and covid control issues are most important now for our religious freedom. Murphy will come back like a tyrant, he's just waiting for elections to be over. Hopefully the vaad will make the right decision and endorse Jack, and if they don't bec they can't for political reasons- be smart for your own vote and see through it! On the other hand is Murphy a guarantee due to mail votes et al?

    1. Three important points:
      1) Murphy will mandate vaccines for all children and adults.
      2) Murphy will close down mosdos after reelection.
      3) Jack will pardon Reb O. E.
      As you see, WE NEED JACK NOW!
      I hope the VAAD people that carefully monitor HV understand how important this is. They don't want egg on their faces as what had happened with Corzine and Christie.

  5. The funding formula for Lakewood public School is only issue that is unique to Lakewood and that actually matters the Lakewood voters

  6. The worst thing that can happen is Murphy winning and Lakewood voting for Jack since we'll be spitting in Murphy's face after all that he's done to help Lakewood. Since Murphy is most likely the winner, hopefully people in Lakewood will realize that and either vote for him or just stay home.

    1. Since when does the vaad care about spitting in a politicians face. They shamefully attacked President Trump while he was in office they put klal yisrael in A sakana by doing that but could care less because the senior vaad members saw more gelt coming from their dem buddies.
      The Vaad spit in Christies face too.
      Dont lecture the community about spitting in politicians faces when the vaad has done so many a times.

    2. That is one of the most ridiculous statements I've ever heard. Even Avi Schnall would agree that it's better to vote against the VAAD than to not vote at all. Come on, man!

  7. Remember he also didn’t let them build a shul in WG. How could we vote for him again?

  8. I am not going to comment at length about how Inzelbuch tried to get the judge recused after she hinted we would win by calling the loans a "Ponzi scheme" and tried to derail our chance of winning by writing in his brief that the state IS providing an adequate education in Lakewood, and therefore the courts should not order a fix to the formula.

    What I will say is that David Sciara, who has been an ally for a decade, with whom the BOE joined in 2014 to pursue Bacon, it was dismissed with prejudice (while I told the BOE not to do, since the ALJ record in Bacon was dismal concerning Lakewood), Sciara is at the forefront of educational funding litigation. I still ask him advice about procedure.

    Professor Tractenberg is my teacher and co-counsel. We are going to win in the Supreme COurt and fix this matter once and for all. Prof. T. discovered the claim of action for educational funding in our state constitution and 37 other states followed.

    As for Lakewood politicians, there are nobodies. Second-string bench-warmers. Not even that. They are feeble cowards who cannot stand up to an ineffectual bully. I have written them time after time about how this person is working against us. Other than Meir Lichtenstein, they rest of them are too scared to even reply.

    I am laying low for the next year and will not likely be in the newspapers; even a prize fighter does not like wasting his time and strength on a light-weight, as fun as it is to beat up the bully.

    Aaron Lang

    1. It would be interesting to know if he gor paid by the school district for the time he spent trying to undermine your case.

    2. No. He gave me his word when I did an OPRA request which, like usual, took them longer than the the statutory time to answer.
