Monday, October 25, 2021

Monday Oct 25 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Cloudy this morning followed by isolated thunderstorms this afternoon. Storms may contain strong gusty winds. High 78F

- Flash Flood warning for Ocean county from 8:00 pm tonight until Tuesday 5:00 pm 

- 71 new covid cases in Lakewood since Friday totals 16531/321
- 33 new covid cases in Jackson 7920/121
- 53 new cases in Toms River  13175/344

- Murphy to Mandate Vaccines? - Project Veritas undercover video Exposes Murphy campaign
Senior Advisor Reveals Gov Murphy
 to Impose State-Wide COVID Vax Mandate AFTER Re-Election “He [Murphy] is going to do it [COVID vaccine mandate], but he couldn’t do it before the elections.  He will mandate vaccines like California right after the election. He is holding off now in order to win he needs the undecided and the moderate vote.

- 6:45 pm Thousands outside of BMG welcoming Rav Dov Landau to the yeshiva heavy police security on hand. Fathers brought children to see the Rosh Yeshiva. Do to the large crowds speakers with set up in the hallways and outside. The R"Y spoke for 40 minutes and was escorted out by the Lakewood Roshei yeshiva and the large crowds with singing. police formed a protective ring around as they walked back to the cars 

- Murphy: In preparation for the Nor’easter, I’m declaring a State of Emergency beginning at 8:00 PM tonight. Severe weather conditions will impact the state starting tonight through the next several days.

- Early voting is now open in New Jersey, In Lakewood, you can vote at the Lakewood Municipal Building, 231 3rd Street. Polls open 10:00 am - 8pm. In Jackson, at the Ocean County Library, 2 Jackson Drive. In Toms River, at the Ocean County Library, 101 Washington Street. If you are a resident of ocean county you can vote anywhere in the county  (SSchor)

- Update Rav Dov Landau shlita will deliver a shiur at BMG 6:35 pm today in the Beren hall on the sugya of אמירה בקידושין

- Kavod Hatorah: A school in Lakewood sent a text message that talmidim should wear white shirts for the visit of Rav Dov Landau, somehow the message went out to a database of thousands of people and parents with kids in other schools and cities sent their children with white shirts thinking it was their school. 

- Harav Dov Landau will be in Lakewood today visiting several chadorim. Boys were asked to wear white shirts for kavod Hatorah.

- Hamodia Prime magazine article in the rental apartment shortage in Lakewood. Masa Umatan has never had so few pages continuously. The shortage is causing prices to go sky high. Factors for shortage, less building, covid, high demand as couples not moving to EY,  high construction costs. Lakewood has room for only another 2000 units according to some in the industry. A recent survey of chadarim and Bais Yaakovs in Lakewood counted 40 eighth-grade classes each, which amounts to approximately 1,000 14-year-old pairs of chil dren. If we project ahead, this means that in eight years from now, when this class will be in shidduchim, there  should be 1,000 couples getting married and looking for their first apartments. Adding 1,000 apartments to Lakewood per year is really unsustainable. Suggestions are to keep moving to lower exits on the GSP.

-  First Lady Jill Biden spoke at the Yeshivah Beth Yehudah Detroit Dinner  “And that’s especially true as we come out of this pandemic - Our students are back in their classrooms, teenagers can be vaccinated, and soon young children will be able to get those shots as well…” (Belaaz)

-For the first time the Israeli Govt allocates 40 million shekel to the reform judaism and conservative movements sponsoring the ongoing provocations at the Kosel.

- Biden to visit NJ today at Kearny and campaign with Murphy

- Yeahiva Bais Meir corner Miller and Hope Chapel held a groundbreaking hanochas even hapina event yesterday.

- Today 19 Cheshvan is 5th yartzheit of Ren Bentzion Shenker Z"L, 1st yartzheitnof Barav Dovid Feinstein zatzal

News photos

Belz Dinner at Bell works last night

Kapishnitz rebbe at a hachnosas sefer Torah in Staten Island
Shachris by Rav Dov Landau


  1. As a easy solution to the housing crisis: anyone interested in an established out of town community an Hr from Lakewood w/ a kollel, school, kosher food etc... Plz txt 215-688-3928. Jobs, kollel spots and down payments available. Why go 4-8 hrs away from family when you can get all the advantages of oot while being just an Hr away?

  2. Why not move north of Lakewood to Manalapan and Marlboro who already have a frum community? And hopefully the community in Howell will grow. Irs close and offers a quality of life.

    1. Not as affordable as moving south הרוצה שיחכים ידרים

  3. Is R' Dov giving shiur in BMG today? What time?

  4. somehow the message went out to a database of thousands of people and parents with kids in other schools and cities sent their children with white shirts thinking it was their school.

    If Rev Dov is in town there is a chiyus on the whole town to give the proper respect
    Thus the WHOLE town should where white shirts.

    1. Doesn't the whole town already wear white shirts?

  5. How do you where white shirts? Just saying

  6. Manalapan has a frum community? What are you talking about? Because there is a Chabbad house?

    1. And the Chinese restaurant

    2. There is a very nice small frum community including a shul and a Chofetz Chaim branch Yeshiva.

    3. There is a shul and a branch of Chofetz Chaim from Queens.
      Nice small OOT style crowd.

  7. Before you move anywhere make sure they allow building shuls. Even in Lakewood that’s a problem!

  8. Vineland ,1 hour South alot of land very affordable housing,kosher slaughter house(veal) and a young Jewish Farmers group at the Alliance Shul,former State school campus Huge sitting empty

    1. If people are willing to move an hour, they should look to PA. Any future community in NJ will have the same problems with Skyrocketing Property tax

  9. The only reason Lakewood had cheap apartments due to the vast amount of basement rentals - which don't exist in any of the homes outside of Lakewood. Moving out of Lakewood your still not going to find 3 bedroom apartments for under $1k even if you were to find as soon as the demand picks up it'll run out quickly. We need Apartment buildings or start building in nearby towns with basement type of rentals. Didn't Mir want to start something in the US? Whoever stopped them can definitely take some credit for this crisis

  10. I know a couple of boys who signed up for the Torah B'tahara incentive initiative, where boys are entering shidduchim at eighteen or nineteen and will be paid $10,000 if they get married before twenty. Do you know who is funding it? I'm assuming Rechnitz . . .

    1. Better to offer incentives if they stay married...

    2. Chassidim have a lower divorce rate.

    3. That’s bologna. If there’s any truth to it it’s because they don’t talk to each other so it’s hard to fight if you don’t talk.

    4. The only study of the prevalence of divorce rates among the Orthodox stated that Chassidim have the lowest divorce rate among Frum Jews. What study are you basing your info on? My assumption is that you are basing your assumptions on ethnocentrism. I suspect that the reason their divorce rate is lower is because when a bochur delays starting shidduchim until 24, and he marries a 19 year old, the gap between the couple makes them inherently somewhat incompatible. When a 19 year old marries a 19 year old, they have much more in common.

    5. Sign says call Osher the phone is answered by someone who admits the Roshei of the Yeshiva listed do not know about it.
      Looks like another Asher Yotzar.

    6. Oh and that's not bologna? Why don't you first get to know a true chassid first hand before u spew hatred and lies? Maybe they focus on love and happiness and therefore stay married longer than you!

    7. The Rosh yeshivos on that letter wont allow their talmidim to get married in the yeshivos and the talmidim are not starting shidduchim either the issue is moot.

    8. The Chassidishe divorce rate is no different to that of the Litvishe. The grass is always greener on the other side.
      I don't know of any Rosh Yeshiva who doesn't allow bochurim to get engaged. It is not really done too often, but if they want to get engaged, why not?

    9. The sign doesn't claim that the Roshei Yeshiva are for the program. It just says that bochurim from these Yeshivos will get paid if they get married before twenty. I don't see any problem with that. It is a clear halacha in Shulchan Aruch. And Rav Chaim Kanievsky told many of my friends that they have to keep this halacha. If your Rosh Yeshiva tells you to violate shabbos, would you do it, or would you follow the Shulchan Aruch? Might be time to find yourself a new Rosh Yeshiva.

  11. Home prices in Marlboro and Manalapan went up significantly recently
    Not a whole lot cheaper than Lakewood

  12. Lancaster Pennsylvania Housing under $200K

  13. Billings Montana even cheaper than Lancaster

  14. BREAKING: Campaign Senior Advisor Reveals


    to Impose State-Wide COVID Vax Mandate AFTER Re-Election “He [Murphy] is going to do it [COVID vaccine mandate], but he couldn’t do it before the elections."

  15. The biggest issue that is trying to be brought out by this article is the fact that the kcl in their letter LIED by the fact that they wrote it may have been served when they know good and well that it was 100% served rachmana letzlon and nebach alot of the children ate this 100% for sure traifa food. As well the kcl didn't write we were giveing the hashgocha and it happened under our supervision. This news should shake the world like what happened in the other story with the meat. But no it was just tucked under the rug. And this letter was put out in a small 1/2 page article a few weeks after the story happened. AND NO THE KCL NEVER OWNED UP TO IT AND LET LAKEWOOD KNOW WHAT HAPPENED AND NEVER TOLD THE PARENTS. AND THE WORST THING IS THAT THEY REMOVED THE HECHSHER BUT NEVER TOLD ANYONE THAT THE HECHSHER WAS REMOVED. WHY WHY WHY????? WHY WASNT A LETTER AT LEAST SENT OUT TO THE PARENTS OF THE MOSDOS THAT THIS HAPPENED AND WE REMOVED OUR HECHSHER IMMEDIATELY ???? LET'S DO A CALL IN AND DEMAND ANSWERS

    1. The KCL is the same wimp as you. Why don't YOU tell everyone which school it is? Because you're a wimp. You're a hypocrite. You're probably also a liar. No different than the KCL.
      Go away you little attention seeking wimp. You need help.


    3. Didn't see the ad. What was the issue?

    4. You are just a wimp following blindly anyone and anything why don't you call the kcl and see what they say themselves maybe you will hear the truth is that what you ate afraid of

  16. Wow! Murphy declares a State of Emergency BEFORE the storm hits! Must be ELECTION SEASON!

  17. Murphy to enact Statewide Vax Mandates AFTER THE ELECTION, because he knows he will lose the election if enacted prior.

    Those are not the actions of a Democratic Leader, those are the actions of an authoritarian, who is trying to deceive the public in order to gain power.

  18. I will move to Florida if Murphy makes a vaccine mandate statewide. Period. We're running out of safe havens.

  19. Bensalem PA is only 45-50 minutes from Lakewood. There are many frum families already settled there. Frum shul, Mikva, kosher food, very close to Philly and of course affordable housing!

    1. I've been to Bensalem and it's really a nice place. Oot advantages while being close to intown

    2. Especially the casino

  20. Did I strike a raw nerve with the chassidim? I’m sorry

  21. Murphy reminds me of Obama: Tell Vladimir that I'll have more flexibility after the election. You can bet your bottom dollar that Murphy is itching to mandate vaccines for everyone; man, woman, and child- all on the same day. The day AFTER the elections. B'chol lashon shel bakasha... Please, vote Ciatterelli, or STAY HOME.

    1. Why do you think that Ciattarelli doesn't have some nefarious plans up his sleeve? Why do you think he will honor his pre-election promises?
      He suddenly became a supporter of vouchers (a terrible thing for our schools, in my opinion), when campaigning in Lakewood, after no record of supporting private schools. He is a lying snake, we should keep away from him and his ilk, if we don't want another Christie debacle.

    2. Ciatterelli wants to follow the Ohio model for vouchers. I know plenty of frum yidden who moved to Cleveland from Lakewood to reap the benefits of their voucher program. It will only help our community, b'ezras H'. No jokes.

  22. Does anyone know what 'State of Emergency' means? Are we legally obligated to stay off the roads? Or is the Governor giving us helpful advice? What are the practical ramifications of this 'State'?
    New Jersey's website is useless, as is to be expected.

  23. I went to vote Monday afternoon the place was empty beside for the roughly 30 election workers. We need to show up in huge numbers to retire Phil Murphy.

    1. Christie , wasn't nearly as bad as some pretending now.
      he added a measure of stability.
      So he didn't cater to your self-interest?

    2. Reference before of
      SloatsVille, New York was well warranted.
      whatever basis that it was defeated unfortunately

      Had it to come to pass the whole North America today will be in a lot better shape and more specifically This

    3. What's wrong with voting self-interest? We choose a brand of breakfast cereal according to self-interest, why is it wrong?

      But it wasn't just self-interest. He attacked our community and cruelly arrested innocent people, making countless families suffer. Is that also a shita of Reb Avigdor Miller?

    4. Rav
      as well as countless other distinguished . Of course if it is easier for you attempt to marginalize it to 1 distinguished individual however

  24. Rather than the sign of a great marriage this is the sign of default marriages

    some communities have lower divorce rates simply because what they expect to get out of marriage is lower and their expectations are lower
