Friday, October 22, 2021

Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva Protest Bizayon Hatorah Of Poltical Campaining in Yeshiva without Reshus

 The roshei yeshiva of Beth Medrash Govoha have penned a letter strongly protesting those who recently brought politicians to the yeshiva. Yesterday republican Candidate for Governor Jack Ciattarelli  was in Lakewood and was brought inside yeshiva to interact and meet the talmidim and youngeleit, a practice that has been done  prior with other politicians throughout the years.

 Apparently it was done without permission of the hanhala. Governor Murphy was in Lakewood earlier in the week and met with the roshei yeshiva at a private event.

Translation from

“We hereby protest, with all our strength, the chillul Hashem and disgrace to the honor of Torah and the honor of those who learn is, as several people, without the consent of the hanhalah of the yeshiva, brought politicians to the holy yeshivah,” utilizing the yeshiva, a makom Torah, as a place for these people to campaign for their political interests.


  1. They brought politicians to Yeshiva, but not to the Beis Hamedrash during learning. Only at the end of Seder.

    1. This is still Lakewood. We believe in the leadership of Gedolim. The Roshei Yeshiva say something, publicly, on their own, and people are dismissive of it? That's classic letzonus, like the people who sought to diminish the standing of Pinchos after he killed Zimri.

  2. really now!

    1. No Roshei Yeshiva were there. That was Dr Roberts' doing what he wanted to do.

    2. Lmai nafka mina WHO brings the person in? If it's b'li reshus it's asur!

    3. TLS deleted the first webpage per his instructions, but there’s another page about the story he forgot to delete (at least for now).

    4. Arlen was a Yid.

    5. Touring is very different than campaigning

  3. Hypocrisy!! They allow every random Joe into the yeshiva for a tour. It's amazing how they are using the cloak of daas torah for political interests that are clearly only beneficial to them.

    1. No hypocrisy you cant randomly bring anyone inside without approval or permission. Case closed

    2. What azuz you have to call Roshei yeshiva hypocrites. Yeshiva is not a political campaigning place. He wasn’t there for a tour, he was there to campaign. And it’s a chutzpah to come in without any reshus.

    3. Chas veshalom was talking about the hypocrisy of askanim and vaad who use the roshei yeshiva and daas torah when it suits them.

  4. Everyone calm down this is a heated political season and someone was not happy with the photo- ops of Ciaterelli in bmg


  6. Think of it this way Murphy probably wanted to come to BMG but the askanim were scared of the olam who will call him out on his liberal lgbt abortion agenda so they farkoift him a maaaseh why he shouldnt come. Them 2 days later ciatarelli comes to lakewood and goes into the bais medrash with pictures all over the web

  7. the fact that one rosh yeshiva did not sign (although he undoubtedly was pressured to) is the same thing as if they put out a letter from him saying that he endorses the visit. so, we have some bmg roshei yeshiva saying it was bad and some saying it was good.

    1. Daas yochid, well R' Mattisyahu's stamp wasn't placed on here either, so hmmmm....

  8. Unfortunately BMG is a college and get government funding as such anyone is permitted to tour the facility no permission is needed it’s a public domain,

    1. First of all its a private college and not a public domain.

      Even in a public school Study halls can be restricted to students only.

    2. That’s not true. You can’t walk in and do what you want without permission. Who cares that they get government funding??!?

  9. These spurious proclamations are the way to bring the newcomers to Lakewood on the
    propaganda hayride- without going to the merits of whether it's correct.
    Quite a few years ago they brought Governor Whitman- a woman -into the old Lobby without anyone having such a problem. !


  10. "methinks she doth protest too much "

    If they previously upheld this impartially across-the-board they would be correct
    in theory

    When the speech is going to be weak, bang for emphasis

  11. A thread full of bizuy talmidei chochomim, attributing all kinds of motivations to men who are som laylos kyamim blimud hatorah, because some shmoger can't fathom the chiluk between this situation and some previous story. And that's forgetting about the chiyuv min hatorah of btzedek tishpot, an absolute obligation to be dan a Talmud chochom lkav zechus even if it seems like a stretch. Acting as if there is no din and no dayan. Rachmana ltzlan. What a shameful thread.

    1. No one is being disrespectful the olam is asking ילמדנו רבינו
      And notice Reb Yeruchom did not sign the letter

    2. Thank you. Agreed

    3. Reb Yeruchem never signs about anything any more. It has nothing to do with any disagreement.
      And the disingenuous 'no one is being disrespectful', when this entire thread is one big chutzpah, is simple gaslighting.
      Don't pretend to respect the Roshei Yeshiva and then 'I'm just asking'. leave lies like that for L'Hovin

  12. Isn't Catierielli Pro School Vouchers?

  13. It is illegal for a 501C non-profit, to allow any political canvassing onsite. Even though The VP of USA made videos to be played in 300 black Churches in WV, illegally. The yeshiva can't afford to mess with their IRS status, & had to say what they said.
    The Roshei Yeshiva who met Murphy did so outside the yeshiva, & didn't use yeshiva letterheads to make an endorsement, or for that matter never even endorsed him. I guess they need pardon , or another thing only a governor could do from him.
    The protest letter had to be signed by them, because that side would be busy with their 501c status, as we know there are 2 sets of laws at the IRS & DOJ, if you are sided with the left not only they will let you break the law, they will help you. If you are sided with the right even if you didn't break the law, they will frame you.
    It is obvious that the yeshiva couldn't allow politics in their buildings.
    On the other hand it was written in Hebrew so as not offend the candidate. However he himself like Kamala Harris should have known better. BTW that doesn't mean I won't or will vote for him. Every politician is sitting on a can of worms.

  14. You don’t need permission to bring anyone to BMG. The RY may not like it because they like the other guy but who cares? Unlike Murphy he came to meet the people (not some rich askanim) and that’s exactly what he did. It’s actually shameful that the “askanim” completely ignored his visit. Hopefully he wins and it comes back to haunt them.

  15. Ki baysi beus tefila yekarei lchol hamim. Whats wrong with it?

  16. Its pashut the askanim the Agudah of NJ the BOE who calls murphy Little G next to the Big G Hashem, are all in for Murphy. But they know that naturally most Lakewood residents and bnei yeshiva will not vote for him so they go to the vaad to get the endorsement but kept murphy away from the crowds during his campaign visit in Lakewood. They probably got a nasty phone call from the murphy team today about ciatarelli warm welcome in BMG and the askanim went into full damage control with a hast letter publicized all over the internet to make sure that the message gets passed on that they are fully in with Murphy.

  17. This letter is coming from askanim and the vaad everyone with a trop seichel sees right through it. Have we forgotten of all the coerced letters about Aiva and porch minyanim during covid?

