Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Wednesday Rosh Chodesh Marcheshvan Oct 6 News Updates Lakewood

חדש עלינו את החודש הזה לטובה ולברכה לששון ולשמחה לישועה ונחמה לפרנסה ולכלכלה לחיים טובים ולשלום

 Weather: Considerable cloudiness. High 72F

- 61 new covid cases + 1 death in Lakewood totals 15598/323
- 18 new cases in Jackson 7671/118
- 39 new cases in Toms River  12851/338 

- A Pfizer Whistleblower says the company tried to hide the fact aborted fetal tissue was used in development

- Jack Ciatarrelli NJ republican candidate for gov holds a town hall meeting in Jackson

- New Jersey will now require all schools in the state to report all COVID-19 testing and vaccination data among students and staff members to the state health department on a weekly basis regardless of where infections occurred, Gov. Phil Murphy announced Wednesday. 
(Several Rabbonim have noted it would be mesira for an employer to submit lists of employees if they are vaccinated or unvaccinated). 

- Early this morning at 9:15 a school bus lost control after the driver suffered a medical episode and crashed into some parked cars at the corner of New Central and Glen in Lakewood. Hatzolah was on hand but B"H there were no injuries. 

- Sweden halts vaccinations against covid19 with Moderna for those born 1991 or later, citing side effects including heart muscle inflammation, according to public health authorities 

-APP: Gov. Phil Murphy called Lakewood Board of Education attorney $1 million annual school district salary pay "eye-popping" during a meeting with editors Tuesday but stopped short of calling for a state review of the payouts.

-Several girls were accepted into high schools this week.

- LFD will have a referendum ballot question by the general elections rhis November asking Lakewood taxpayers to approve the purchase of a new ladder truck for $1.6 Million. The annual budget for 2022 has not been presented yet but they can increase taxes up to 2% without public approval.

- CHEMED starts construction at their south Lakewood location near Route 9 and Chestnut st. The Property was leased from Lakewood township for $1.(LNN)

- Chanukas habayis today for Bais Medrash מכתב סופר at 1051 w county line rd Lakewood 6:15 pm

- Cjanukas Habayis for בית 


  1. Stop talking and whining about COVID, vacines and anti bodies and spend some time Davening
    (yes i did )

    1. Or even better, Cut out the "shev val taseh" stuff

  2. The state already reviews the board attorney salary. We have two monitors, which we taxpayers pay for, on behalf of the state already monitoring that approve his contract. There really is nothing more to question and it is silly of Murphy to state that there is any question about it. All he is doing is trying to get the anti-semitic vote.

  3. The boe attorney has praised Murphy calling him the little G after the Big G G- D now murphy acts surprised about the salary this is a dog and pony show while the tax payers lose out.

  4. His salary is 600k. Above that is court time pay, not salary. Murphy was hoodwinked, or actually eye-popped.

    1. He gets $600k plus benefits for a part time job

    2. If you think taking care of the Lakewood school district is a part time job, you truly have no clue. Second, when Gustavo wrote a disgusting caption about a picture of a frum lady at Chemed, the BOE stopped advertising with his (former) paper, the APP. As they are losing so much money anyway because people stopped reading print media, this really hurt their bottom line. Thry swore revenge on MI, and this is how they're doing it, by trying to make him look like a greedy hooknosed Jew, straight out of Shakespeare's 'The Merchant of Venice' or as they call it, The Lakewood BOE Attorney'. Don't fall for their antisemitism. Lakewood has two state monitors who are paid to oversee every single expenditure, on behalf of the State! They have complete veto power on practicly everything the board does. Murphy must be a knucklehead if he can't recall that his own representatives approved MI's contract. Either that or he is jealous of MI and wishes he had the job for that pay. This is nothing new, by the way. When Sweeney was thinking of running for Governor, he made a similar statement feigning outrage. Guess who got the quote then as well? Yes! The hard working reporters at the APP. It's all a bunch of click-bait. Don't let yourself get hooked by sonim. Jealousy and hatred are ugly stains on a person. Stay far from these traits! Don't be like them!

    3. The app had been reporting in the boe salary before gustavo. The Gustavo episode was blown out of proportion to retaliate against the app. The issue now is if they billed attorney prices for clerical work. The state monitors are clueless stop giving them more credit than they deserve

    4. Then why are we, the taxpayers, paying the salary of TWO monitors? If they're so incompetent, and you are so right, why don't YOU take over?

  5. I don't know the names of these anonymous Rabbonim, but I hardly think this should be Messira. The employees have an obligation to the public to do the maximum possible to ensure their safety and the vaccine is available. Hundreds of millions of people have taken it without incident, and that is enough to allow a person to take it halachically, even if the scare stories of the street papers were true.
    So just get vaccinated and finished. Don't blame the employers for keeping the law.

  6. There is a scary atmosphere of anarchy sweeping through our streets, and it is not healthy. People have decided that the government is worthless, and we are somehow obligated to oppose them whenever possible. This is against the Torah, and if this is the Republican position, anyone who supports or votes Republican, is voting against the Torah.
    הוי מתפלל בשלומה של מלכות שאלמלא מוראה איש את רעהו חיים בלעו
    ודרשו את שלום העיר אשר הגליתי אתכם שמה כי בטובתה יהיה לכם טוב
    When stopping government 'overreach' is the goal, we have reached anarchy, and us Yidden are usually the first to suffer.

    1. Hey lefty did you say the same thing when Trump was president and BLM was burning down cities across the US funny how all of a sudden you worry about anarchy when the Dems are in power

    2. BLM was not a Jewish organization. I don't know any Jewish people who claimed that their Jewish beliefs told them to support anarchy and uprising against the government. They had nothing to do with us, and I did not care about things outside of our community.

      Here we have Jewish people, claiming to be based on the Torah, supporting any and all pushback against the government. This is extremely dangerous. Not just because of our standing in this country, but for the middos of the people involved. Rebellion is not our way and it goes hand in hand with rebellion against Kehillos, Rabbonim, and eventually the Torah. ירא את ה' בני ומלך.

      I see signs all around town promoting speeches that will show how the government wants us to suffer, and that is why we should resist any urge to get vaccinated. That is terrible! If they were just promoting loony theories about vaccines, it would be bad enough. But when the idea is 'government = bad', we are in bad shape.

    3. You didnt seem to care when people from the heimishe olam went after Trump because your twisted logic justified it.

    4. Anon 2:24 You would have loved Stalin and Mao, there were no restrictions on their overreach and between the 2 of them, they killed 80 million people.

    5. Anon 5:20 - you don't know what I cared about or not.
      But 'going after Trump' has nothing to do with this. If people disagree with certain policies, or even with the the whole mahalach of Trump, that is one thing.
      Here the basic idea is 'the government cannot tell us what to do'. That is a dangerous belief, based on perikas ol. The wisest of all men told us ירא את ה' בני ומלך, that we should not have the chutzpah to tell the authorities that they cannot tell us what to do.
      In this case, we have people who think that the vaccine is a good thing, but if the government mandates it, it should be fought. That is totally insane, but it shows my point. We have allowed the Goyishe 'freedom' culture to infiltrate our camp, and we are becoming like them רח"ל.

  7. What about when people don’t let a shul get built making kids wait by the windows for their fathers to come home from shul, is that mesira?

    1. Why don't they bring it back to the board? There are new people there. It should be able to pass this time around, even though there are wetlands nearby.

  8. As someone who vaccinates my children and am nowhere near an anti vaxxer I don’t think you can say anyone against the Covid vaccine is promoting loony theories. While I would not tell anyone high risk or who didn’t have it not to get the vaccine there are valid reasons for many of us not to get it especially people who had it and women etc. this vaccine was rushed through without going through the regular process and there are fair questions to be asked about the effectiveness of the vaccine and possible risks involved with taking it. Being anti Covid vaccine is NOT anti vaxxer.

    1. The Covid vaccine is unlike any vaccines we've ever had before. There is good reason to be concerned.

    2. Are you open to being shown how your facts are skewed? Is your mind still ready to hear exactly how this 'rushing' took place? The regular process was followed here too. The speed was due to other factors. The speed with which Covid spreads allows them to check the results in a way that virtually no other vaccine or drug can be tested.

      The basic idea behind the anti-vaxxers is that a Google search is the equivalent of years of study. And that is why they are loonies. Because credible information isn't available on Google searches. And it is the same underlying shita (מלשון שטות) that is behind the anti-Covid vaccine. People with little to no background knowledge are pontificating about things way beyond their pay grade. Sorry, but anti Covid vaccine is exactly the same as anti-vaxxer. Both are the inability to see personal limitations.

    3. The COVID vaccine is not like an mmr vaccine at all! It shouldn't even be called a vaccine. It is an MRNA manipulator!

    4. You can't speed up the procces of testing for adverse effects.

      The "vaccine" does not prevent tramsmission.

      They were clearly wrong about the vaccine not waning which it does in as little as 4 months.

  9. B"H the Superior Court Judge threw out Chatz Schwab's ridiculous lawsuit against Hershel Herskowitz and Shloime Klein.......

    1. Took long enough!

    2. The Lakewood establishment is now walking around with egg on their face. They lost big time. Their plans to intimidate their critics did not work.

    3. וכל־קרני רשעים אגדע תרוממנה קרנות צדיק

  10. So since you are so smart and see personal limitations do you understand the concept of natural immunity and that most of our community has better immunity than any vaccine? Are you also suspicious of the fact that after hearing how amazingly effective the vaccine is we’re being told that we’ll need a third booster and possibly even a fourth? It’s pretty clear that they know very little about this vaccine at this point so I’m sorry to burst your bubble but anti Covid vaccine is NOT anti vaxxer.

    1. No, I am too smart to think that I can process medical information without a background in medical research. I have no idea how natural immunity works, or why boosters may or may not be necessary. Because I did not go to medical school nor did I spend years researching these things.
      And those who think that the tiny amount of information they possess is sufficient to build an opinion, are no different to the anti-vaxxers. They are both living the same m istake.

    2. Booster is a misnomer. It's a third dose of the original, ie. it will go on and on indefinitely.

    3. You don't need to go to medical school to know how immunity or vaccines work. Frankly, if you don't know, you shouldn't comment on the issue.

  11. So you’re just naive and buy everything you’re sold because you didn’t go to medical school even though it’s clear that the government and CDC lied to us and nothing make any sense but now I should listen to them and get the vaccine when I have natural immunity.

    1. How is it 'clear' when you don't even know how to read the evidence? You would have no idea what the statistics say or mean, how can you have such a sure opinion?
